Friends第一季第三集词组与常用句型1. not so good不是很好2. Since when? 什么时候这样子的?3. Since always一直都是这样4. dating language约会用语5. complaining about them to you 向你抱怨6. Cushions the blow这是善意的谎言7. live with the knowledge承受8. Lets keep going咱们继续吧9. Smoke away我想这就是迪默10. Relax your hand! 手放轻松,手腕自然点11. taking a puff吐口烟12. Dont think of it as a cigarette别把它当成是支烟13. Think of it as the thing thats been missing from your hand把它当成是你想念多时的东西14. the same as和。一样15. the tip of a thumb拇指尖16. Thats