岳阳花鼓戏的发展现状摘要:作为一种具有湖南文化特色的地方剧种,花鼓戏极大的丰富了湖南本地居民的精神生活,传承了当地的民族文化,对湖南人民的凝聚有突出的贡献,并对包括湖南戏曲在内的全国戏曲的研究有着十分深远的意义。本文以岳阳花鼓戏的发展现状为目标,对岳阳花鼓戏的发展历程和现状进行了研究,并在其未来方向的发展上提出了一些建议。关键词:花鼓戏;民间艺术;发展现状 Abstract:The Huagu Opera as a local opera with characteristics of Hunan culture, it greatly enriched the spiritual life of local citizens in Hunan, and it inherited the local ethnic culture. It made a prominent contribution for the cohesion of people in Hunan, and it made a great sense of the study of oper