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1、农七师高级中学 2010-2011 学年(下)高二第一阶段考试英语试题(平行班)考试时间:120 分钟 试卷满分:150 分第 I 卷(选择题 共 115 分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 题(略)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节;满分 45 分)第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Jane got that her boyfriend had not answered her letter.A. cheered B. interrrupted C. interfered D. ann

2、oyed22. He is said from his position.Yes. Now he is travelling abroad.A. to resign B. resigns C. to have resigned D. resigning23. How is your son getting along with his work in England? Well. Hes himself very easily to the new environment.A. got B. belonged C. adapted D. turned24. He has been workin

3、g too hard. , he needs to have a rest.A. In a way B. In addition C. In other words D. In his turn25. Would you please do me the to phone my sister about the accident?With pleasure.A. patience B. favour C. reaction D. bond26. I am going to America.Do you have anything to your daughter?A. to take B. t

4、aken C. taking D. to be taken27. In order to travel around the world,he tried to some of his salary.A. leave out B. set aside C. build up D. figure out28. Children need a lot of things in the course of their growth. , they need love.A. Last of all B. Above all C. After all D. At all29. Many traffic

5、accidents happened at his turn of the road.A. sharp B. urgent C. immediate D. quick30. The tall building is in the lake,aroud which there are many trees.A. reflected B. laid C. kept D. stood31. He was quite of how dangerous the whole situation was,but he had no choice but to take a risk.A. accurate

6、B. ashamed C. accustomed D. aware32. With his mother him, he is getting along well with his work.A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps33. Why did he not in the basketball match held yesterday?It is said that he has his leg hurt.A. succeed B. result C. get D. participate34. Come quickly here, you wi

7、ll miss the chance to meet your idol.Coming.A. and B. but C. so D. otherwise35. He was about to get on the bus he saw his mother waving towards him.A. unless B. when C. before D. while第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A 、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 On October 7th, a small piece of

8、paper made me very embarrassed(尴尬).I went to a supermarket. After I paid the bill and was 36 the door, the alarm suddenly rang. It was loud enough to wake 37 .In no time a young security man (保安) 38 towards me, and ordered me to 39 him.I felt so upset and I was puzzled. I didnt move 40 the young sec

9、urity man had asked me several more times.He wanted me to go into a small room, 41 I was so scared that I stopped at the 42 . Finding me unwilling to enter the room, he 43 .I had to go into the room.They closed the door. I was so 44 that they were going to hurt me.Suddenly, a 45 voice said in my ear

10、:“Take out the things you have 46 !”“I stole nothing,” I said.“Do as I told you. 47 we find them, you will be in trouble.”“Theres nothing,” I answered, taking 48 out of my pockets and bag. Then they asked a 49 to examine me. Of course they found nothing. but, they still 50 let me go. After a while,

11、a salegirl asked me to raise my 51 . I did as she had told me. There was a lable(标签)on the bottom of my shoe. Thats the very thing that had brought me such great trouble.52 , they apologized to me in the small room. But they should have apologized 53 , shouldnt they? A lot of people had seen me, wha

12、t did they think of me?This incident showed that 54 should respect the customers. They shouldnt 55 suffering on their customers.36. A. getting into B. passing through C. coming across D. leaving for37. A. the babies B. the salegirls C. the manager D. the dead38. A. walked B. rushed C. ran D. moved39

13、. A. follow B. excuse C. pay D. beg40. A. until B. though C. when D. since41. A. and B. so C. but D. then42. A. desk B. door C. back D. window43. A. laughed B. smiled C. shouted D. left44. A. sad B. excited C. pleased D. afraid45. A. soft B. sharp C. low D. strange46. A. hidden B. bought C. carried

14、D. stolen47. A. Unless B. If C. Since D. Before48. A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing49. A. customer B. lady C. policeman D. salesgirl50. A. woundnt B. souldnt C. culdnt D. mustnt51. A. feet B. hands C. bags D. legs52. A. Above all B. Just then C. Even so D. After that53. A. in public

15、 B. At once C. for no reason D. at first54. A. bosses B. mangers C. shops D. factories55. A. put B. try C. bring D. turn第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AI was born in Mississippi in the 1960s. My disabilities were caused by lack of oxygen to m

16、y brain when I was a five-year-old boy. I grew up knowing I was different. The first time I felt hurt and left out was in Grade Five. The other fourth and fifth graders played together in gym class, while I was put in the second grade gym class. One day, a famous football player visited the fourth a

17、nd fifth grade P.E.class. All the kids got his autograph except me because I was with the second graders playing games. Mom called the school to tell them it wasnt fair, but the school scolded(训斥) me for complaining too much.In the 1980s, when my mom was giving birth to my sister, she had made a maj

18、or stroke(中风)and died. My dad became even more distant. I was very sad and began using alcohol to ease the pain.Dad got remarried in 1985. Everyone went to his wedding except me; he told me to stay at home and watch the house. When my high school ball came around, I wanted to go but wasnt allowed. W

19、hen I graduated, my dad and step-mom refused to hold a party for me. They put me in a group home after graduation.My life changed when I became a local leader of the National Self-advocacy(自我辩护)Group. At first, I thought the group wasnt for me, until I found out it was all about empowerment(授权)! My

20、goal is to be the voice for people who havent been heard and to empower them. Many families, like mine, dont believe their disabled families have a voice or mind of their own.Looking back over my 16 years of leadership experience, Im proud that Ive helped disabled people. They should be encouraged t

21、o never give up and to follow their own path.56. When the writer was in the fifth grade, he .A. was hurt by his classmates in school B. felt left out for the first time in his lifeC. studied with the second graders D. often complained about the school57. According to the passage, the writer .A. was

22、born disabled B. didnt study well at schoolC. was happy in his childhood D. didnt get along well with his father58. From the passage we can know that the National Self-advocacy Group is .A. an organization that gives disabled people helpB. a club organized completely by disabled peopleC. a hospital

23、which only treats people with disabilitiesD. a school that teaches parents how to deal with their disabled kidsBRound the world tickets (RTWs)These usually last a year and let you go to several destinations. These may be some restrictions(限制)on where you can go by air so its important to check out t

24、he terms and conditions of each deal and decide which one suits you best. A typical RTW for (usually) less than 1000 would be: LondonTorontoHonoluluFijiSydneyHong KongLondon. You can get a preset RTW or make one up to yourselfthis can be cheaper in some cases.Multi-stopover ticketsIf you dont want t

25、o go around the globe but want to see several different places, multi-stopover tickets can let you make several stopovers(中途停留). For instance, your route could be: LondonSingaporeSydneyBombayLondon. Or it could be a lot more complicated with lots of flights within Australia for instance.Open jaw tic

26、ketsIf you want to go to one destination by air and then travel overland and come back from another destination by air, you can buy an open jaw ticket. For instance, your route could be: LondonCairoNairobiLondon (Traveling between Cairo and Nairobi by land).Air passesIf you want to travel around wit

27、hin one country or even one area you can buy air passes to cover one of the followings: the USA, Africa, Australia, India, the Far East, the Caribbean, South America and the Pacific. In some cases you may have to buy the air pass before you get to the country or area you want to travel in.Short air

28、passes last a week. Longer ones can last up to 2 months. Costs vary but start 150. Ask your travel agent for details.Spur legsSpur legs let you go off on a detour(迂回路)on your way to your final destination. For example you might visit China on your way to Australia.59. Mr. Brown retired last month an

29、d wants to travel around the world; he most probably buys .A. Round the world tickets B. Multi-stopover ticketsC. Open jaw tickets D. Air passes60. Open jaw tickets suit those who want to .A. go to several destinations in different countriesB. visit several different places and make several stopover

30、sC. go to one place and then travel by land and then return by planeD. go off on a detour on their way to their final destinations61. What kind of ticket may you buy if you want to travel to Japan passing by Beijing?A. Open jaw tickets. B. Round the world tickets.C. Air passes. D. Spur legs.62. How

31、much will the air ticket be if you want to travel in one country for a short time?A. More than 1,000. B. No less than 150.C. Less than 150. D. About 1,000.CMs Lo could hardly bear her sorrow when she received the call that her husband had died in a car accident. Her pain quickly turned to shock- the

32、 car involved in the accident was driven by a friend. That friend, Henry Lee, had chosen to remain silent on the accident details in court. Her shock soon turned to extreme anger when Lee decided not to let out what had happened.Her husband, Mr. Guo, was 21 when he died after an accident outside Las

33、 Vegas KTV at Havelock Road. That night, he was discussing supper plans with a group of friends, which included Lee. Later, Mr. Guo was found unconscious on the ground, next to the car driven by Lee. Mr. Guo died in the hospital a few hours later. Due to drinking driving, Lee was fined $3,000 and ba

34、nned from driving for two years last month.Lee, Ms Lo and her husband were colleagues at Asia Pacific-Breweries(APB).She only heard of the accident and her husbands death the next morning after the accident as she had switched off her band-phone that night. She told The New Paper, “Receiving the cal

35、l, I thought it was a joke. I thought he had got his friend to call me to ask me out.” Ms Lo had moved out to live alone for three weeks because of a disagreement with her husband. “The next time I saw him was at the mortuary.(太平间)” She said that Lee went to visit her some days ago but didnt apologi

36、ze to her. “He looked sorry but he didnt speak to me. I wanted to forgive him, but now I have no chance to tell him.” she said.Ms Lo, who was a human resource manager in APB, left the company after the accident. She is now working in a photo studio.63. Why Ms Lo was made pretty angry?A. Her husband

37、was knocked down by his friendB. Henry Lee drove their car in the car accidentC. She was informed only after the accident occurredD. The person involved did not tell the truth in court64. Ms Lo hadnt seen her husband for three weeks because .A. they did not sign a contractB. she began working in a p

38、hoto studioC. there was a quarrel between them D. she was busy writing a paper65. Why did Ms Lo leave APB for another job?A. To escape the pain caused by the accident.B. To find out facts related to the accident.C. To force Henry Lee to let out the truth. D. To avoid meeting the dishonest man.DThe c

39、oncept of personal choice in relation to health behaviors is an important one. An estimated 90 percent of all illnesses may be preventable if individuals would make sound personal health choice and do not like to see it restricted when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. The stru

40、cture of American society allows us to make almost all our own personal decisions that may concern our health. If we so desire, we can smoke, drink excessively, refuse to wear seat belts, eat whatever foods we want, and live a completely sedentary life style without any exercise. The freedom to make

41、 such personal decisions is a fundamental aspect of our society, although the wisdom of these decisions can be questioned. Personal choices relative to health often cause a difficulty. As one example, a teenager may know the facts relative to smoking cigarettes and health but may be pressured by fri

42、ends into believing it is the socially accepted thing to do.A multitude(多数;大批) of factors, both inherited and environmental, influence the development of health related behaviors, and it is beyond the scope of this text to discuss all these factors as they may affect any given individual. However, t

43、he decision to adopt a particular health related behavior is usually one of personal choices. There are healthy choices and there are unhealthy choices. In discussing the morals of personal choice, Fries and Grapo drew a comparison. They suggest that to knowingly give oneself over to a behavior that

44、 has a statistical(统计数字的) probability of shortening life is similar to attempting suicide(自杀). Thus, for those individuals who are interested in preserving both the quality and quantity of life, personal health choices should reflect those behaviors that are associated with a statistical probability

45、 of increased vitality(活力;生命力) and longevity(长寿).66The concept of personal choice concerning health is important because _.Apersonal health choice help cure most illnessBit helps raise the level of our medical knowledgeCit is essential to personal freedom in American societyDwrong decisions could le

46、ad to poor health67To “live a completely sedentary life style”(L7, Para.1)in the passage means_.Ato “live an inactive life” Bto “live a proper life”Cto “live a life with complete freedom” Dto “live a life of evil”68Sound personal health choice is often difficult to make because _. Acurrent medical k

47、nowledge is still insufficientBthere are many factors influencing our decisionsCfew people are willing to trade the quality of life for the quantity of lifeDpeople are usually influenced by the behavior of their friends69To knowingly allow oneself to pursue unhealthy habits is compared by Fries and

48、Crapo to _.Aimproving the quality of ones life Blimiting ones personal health choiceCdeliberately ending ones life Dbreaking the rules of social behavior70According to Fries and Crapo sound health choices should be based on _.Apersonal decisions Bsocietys lawsCstatistical evidence Dfriends opinions第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。“You do not need to be a rocket scientist.” Americans hear these words often. People say them in schools,


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