元音分类1:前元音、中元音和后元音根据元音发音过程中舌头在口腔中抬起的部位不同,我们可以把元音分为前元音、中元音和后元音。(1) Front(前元音)4The front vowels in English are the vowels that are articulated near the front of the oral cavity, such as:发前元音时,发音部位靠近口腔前部。例如:1./i:/ 前、高、不圆唇、长元音; 2. /i/ 前、半高、不圆唇、短元音;3./e/ 前、半高、不圆唇、短元音; 4. / 前、低、不圆唇、短元音.(2) Central(中元音)2The central vowels in English are the vowels that are articulated near the center of the vocal cavity, such as:发央元音时,发音部位靠近口腔中部。例如:1./ 中、半高、不圆唇、长元音; 2. /:/ 中、半低、不圆唇、短元音.(3