1、大连化物所留学生管理办法Rules for the International Students of DICP按照涉外活动保密管理规定要求,为做好所内留学生的管理工作,特制定留学生管理办法。In accordance with the requirements of the regulations on the management of foreign activities, the International students should follow the rules as mentioned.一、留学生类别Kinds of International Students1、与研究所
2、签订合作协议的留学生;Students who has signed a cooperative agreement with DICP2、来我所攻读学位的留学生。Students who has come to pursuit degree二、留学生管理Management of International Students1、留学生须经相关部门审核批准,与我所签订协议后来所工作;International students must be approved by the relevant departments and then come to DICP.2、来我所攻读学位的留学生,需经国
3、科大留学生办公室审核批准后,来所工作;International students who pursuit degree must be approved by UCAS and then come to DICP.3、重要部门接收外籍人员还应进行背景调查,必要时可委托安全部门进行审查。Important departments should also carry out a background investigation before they accept international students, and may entrust the security department to
4、 conduct a review when necessary.4、涉密岗位不得招收留学生。Secret posts are not allowed recruit international students. 三、在所期间安全保密管理Safety and secrecy management during study at DICP1、留学生来所后由接收部门制定安全保密管理工作方案,对其进行安全保密教育后填写接收外籍人员保密教育登记表,签署境外人员保密告知书;After receiving the international students, a security and confid
5、entiality management plan is established by the receiving department. After the safety and privacy education is completed, the foreign students confidentiality education registration form is signed, and the overseas confidential notification book is signed.2、在所期间按所安全保密规定办理出入门卡,综合管理处设置相应门禁权限,限定外籍人员的活
6、动区域范围,学业结束后应及时收回门卡;In the period of confidentiality according to the safety regulations of the entry card, the corresponding access permissions management, limit the scope of activities in the region of foreign personnel, should be timely recovery card after the end of their studies.3、接收部门应指定专人负责外籍人
7、员的管理,发现问题及时向研究生部和保密处汇报,研究生部定期进行监督检查,填写接收外籍人员部门安全保密检查记录;In the period of confidentiality according to the safety regulations of the entry card, the corresponding access permissions management, limit the scope of activities in the region of foreign personnel, should be timely recovery card after the e
8、nd of their studies.4、留学生在所工作交流期间应严格遵守我国相关法律规定,遵守我所各项保密规章制度,不看、不听、不接触所内涉密信息;During study at DICP, international students should strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations of our country, abide by all confidentiality rules and regulations of our country, do not see, listen or contact secret
9、information.5、学习结束后由所在部门提交相关总结报告。After the end of the study, the related summary report must be submitted by the group student studied in.附件(attachments):1.留学生入所通知1.Entry Notice for International Students2.大连化物所留学生保密管理规定(中英文)2.Security and Confidentiality Regulations for International Students3.招收留学
10、生审批表(涉密人员)3.Approval form for confidential personnel accept International Students4.接收留学生保密教育登记表Registration form of secrecy education for International Students5.接收留学生安全保密管理工作方案Safety and secrecy management programme for receiving International Students6.留学生保密告知书(英文)Notice for International Student
11、s7.接收外籍人员部门安全保密检查记录Receiving the records of the security and secrecy inspection of the foreign personnel department8.接收外籍人员工作结束总结表Summary table for the end of the work of foreign personnel外籍人员入所通知存根Notifications of foreigner(部门 Department):您组外籍人员(类别:职工、 博士后、访问人员、留学生)已办完相关审批手续,于年月日到您部门学习/访问,请按要求完成相关管
12、理工作。年 月 日-外籍人员入所通知(部门):您组外籍人员(类别:职工、 博士后、访问人员、 留学生)已办完相关审批手续,于年月日到您部门学习/访问,请按要求到综合管理处办理人员门禁卡,本部门要组织对其进行保密教育,填写“外籍人员保密教育登记表” ,签订“境外人员保密告知书” ,制定“接收外籍人员管理工作方案” ,指定专人(联络员)负责,发现问题及时反馈给研究生部。研究生部(签章)年 月 日-回执研究生部:已收到外籍人员入所通知,将按照要求办理门禁卡,组织保密教育,制定管理方案,发现问题及时反馈给研究生部。指定部门联络员为:部门负责人签字: 年 月 日大连化物所外籍研究生保密管理规定Secur
13、ity and Confidentiality Regulations for International Students第一条 为指导并规范我所外籍研究生保密管理,特制定本规定。Article 1 These rules have been formulated in order to improve the regulations on security and confidentiality regulations of international students.第二条 管理。研究生部归口管理研究生,研究生导师牵头负责外籍研究生的日常管理、安全保密教育和提醒。本制度所称外籍是指在我
14、所学习的外籍研究生。 Article 2 Management. Graduate education department is responsible for management, instruction and reminding international student security and confidentiality regulations.第三条 招生。从事涉密课题研究的研究生导师,原则上不招收外籍研究生;确因为科研需要,招收外籍研究生的,应向研究生部提出申请,研究生部会同重大项目与质量处和保密处审核,经同意后,方可招收。Article 3 Admission. Men
15、tors whom engaged in classified research are not allowed to enroll international students in principle unless special needs for scientific research and the mentor need to apply for enrollment of international students and the application should be approved by graduate education department, major pro
16、jects and quality department, secret department.第四条 外籍研究生日常管理。Article 4 The daily management of international students.1 导师牵头负责日常管理、教育和保密提醒。1 Mentor is responsible for the daily management, education and reminding of international students.2 接收外籍研究生的研究组,应告知研究生签订“境外人员保密告知书” ,采取保密措施,并保证不接触秘密事项。2 The r
17、esearch group that receives international students should inform the students to sign the NOTICE for overseas personnel, and adopt confidentiality measures and ensure that they do not touch confidential matters.3 在所内工作学习的外籍研究生不能参加涉及国家秘密的会议、学术报告、各种展览等活动。如果确需参加,应按照国家有关规定请示上级主管部门或国家安全保密主管部门同意后方可参加;研究生导
18、师负责外籍研究生参加涉密会议的管理,会议主办部门应提前做好预案,通知相关部门责任人。3 International students are prohibited from participating in conferences, academic reports, exhibitions and other activities involving state secrets. If it is necessary to participate, the attendance request should be submitted to the competent authorities
19、or the state security and confidentiality department for approval. The mentor is responsible for the management of international students attending secret meeting. The organizer of the conference should make a plan ahead of time and notify the responsible person of the relevant department.4 在所学习的外籍研
20、究生原则上不能进入涉密场所。确有需要进入的,应提请审批,经批准后,所在研究组要制定保密工作方案,做好书面登记。4 International students are not allowed to enter secret places in principle. If it is needed, it should be submitted for approval. After approval, the research group shall formulate a confidential work plan, make a written registration and sign
21、 a confidentiality undertaking with the international students.5 外籍研究生不能使用涉密计算机和涉密网络终端。5 International students can not use classified computers and classified network terminals.6 外籍研究生入学后申请使用我所邮箱,应经网络中心审批后方可入网。6 The use of mailbox for international students should be approved before the network cen
22、ter approval.第五条 罚则。违反上述规定者,将按相关条款对研究生导师和研究生予以处罚。Article 5 Penalties. Violation of the above provisions will be punished according to the relevant provisions of mentors and international students.第六条 本规定由研究生部负责解释,自印发之日起施行。Article 6 This regulation is explained by the graduate education department an
23、d will come into force on the date of issuance.大连化物所招收外籍研究生审批表(涉密人员)部门 导师学生姓名研究组招生理由部门意见 签字: 日期:重大项目与质量处意见 签字: 日期:保密处意见 签字: 日期:研究生部备案签字: 日期:注:(1)本表用于涉密人员招收国际学生时的审批;(2)本表由研究生部备案。接收外籍人员保密教育登记表聘用部门 聘用类别 职工 博士后 访问人员 留学生姓 名 性别 护照号国 籍 来所时间 年 月 日至 年 月 日教育内容1. 国家保密法律法规及所内各项保密规章制度规定及要求;2. 严格遵照综合管理处设置的出入门卡活动区
24、域范围;3. 未经审批不得进入涉密场所;4. 不看、不听、不接触国家秘密信息;5. 不得擅自使用他人计算机和移动存储设备。6. 不得在所区涉密场所私自拍照、摄像和录音。7. 未经大连化物所审批,不擅自发表、发布涉及大连化物所未公开内容的文章、著述。受教育人员确认本人已知悉以上内容和相关保密规定要求,并承诺在大连化物所工作期间严格遵守,如有违反,愿承担相应的责任。签名: 年 月 日 保密教育人签字签名: 年 月 日注:此表连同护照复印件一同交由人事处/研究生部备案。接收外籍人员安全保密管理工作方案接收部门 人员姓名护 照 号 国 籍来所时间 年 月 日至 年 月 日来访类别 职工博士后访问人员留
25、 学生 办公地点部门联络员 联系电话来所参与工作安全保密工作方案:(根据部门情况自定,可修改增加内容)1. 入所管理办理门禁卡,综合管理处设置相应的门禁权限。签订境外人员保密告知书,明确保密要求。部门对接收外籍人员进行保密教育,填写外籍人员保密教育登记表 。指定专人(联络员)负责外籍人员的日常管理。2. 在所期间管理在所期间遵守国家保密法律法规和大连化物所保密规章制度。未经审批不得进入涉密场所。不得擅自使用他人计算机和移动存储设备。不看、不听、不接触国家秘密信息。不得在所区涉密场所私自拍照、摄像和录音。部门联络员要经常留意外籍人员的动态,如有情况及时报告人事处和保密处。3. 离所管理工作交流结束,离所时及时清退门卡。未经允许不得擅自带走工作交流时产生的相关资料。未经大连化物所审批,不擅自发表、发布涉及大连化物所未公开内容的文章、著述。方案制定人签字(负责人/安全员/联络员): 年 月 日人事处/研究生部负责人签字: 年 月 日注:本表连同部门培训记录、保密告知书、护照复印件一起交人事处/研究生部备案。