浅析城市化对城市发展的影响The analysis of the impact of urbanization on the city development闫晨 学号:3106495 专业:城市规划与设计 班级:硕城规10摘要: 城市是人类社会经济发展的产物,城市化是生产力提高和社会进步的必然结果,但城市化同样对城市发展带来诸多不利影响。需要通过对城市化影响的研究,寻找正确的城市化发展道路。关键词:城市化;内涵;城市化效益ABSTRACT: City is an outcome of economic development of human society and urbanization is an inevitable result of productivity promotion and society progress, but it also has lots of adverse effects on the development of the city. So we need to study