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1、第 1 页 共 8 页Unit 3 Life in the future阅读理解组块专练练速度(限时:35 分钟).阅读理解A(2016潍坊市 4 月模拟)Venus, the Wildest Adventure in 3016!A trip to the moon, to Mars? You are out. Venus (金星) is your choice! Our spaceship carries you there at the speed of light!Amazing Venus FactsTemperature range: ALWAYS about 450 degrees

2、 Celsius. Great for barbecues!Seasons: No seasons. Always visit during best season!Gravity strength: 0.91 of Earths gravity. Makes you lighter and more alive than ever!Water: NONE. All boiled away.Day length: 1 day243 Earth days. Longest days in solar system, so fun never ends!Rate of turning: 0.002

3、 km/second. Turns in opposite direction of the earth, so able to see sun rise in the west and set in the east.Year length: 1 year224.7 Earth days or 0.62 of an Earth year.Rate of revolution: 35.03 km/second.Atmosphere:Very thick.96% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, and 0.1% water vapor.Cant support life

4、: Suffocating carbon dioxide, thick clouds of sulfuric acid, and gases create greenhouse effect so very hot and no water.*Your Accommodations*You will travel on a hightech rocket ship that will transport you from Earth to Venus in a mere 2.4 minutes by traveling at the speed of light. This trip will

5、 cost only $750,000.Our two hotels are very luxurious and are super strong, allowing you to lie on the ground without being crushed by the pressure of the atmosphere. They are called Venus Heaven and Rocket Palace, and the cost to stay is only $200 per night. Youll get your moneys worth at these two

6、 hotels, receiving free meals every day.To book a trip, call 1 800.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文,介 绍了 3016 年组织的一次到金星的冒 险旅行并介绍了金星的一些情况。1What would you see if you faced east on Venus?第 2 页 共 8 页AThe rising sun. BThe circling earth.CThe setting sun. DThe full moon.解析:选 C 细节理解题。根据 Amazing Venus Facts 部分第六段第二句可知,在金星上面向东

7、方可以看到日落。故 C 项符合题意。2During the trip to Venus, you would pay nothing for _.Aservice BfoodCthe spaceship Dthe hotel解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据 Your Accommodations 部分第二段最后一句可知,在去金星旅行期间,你的食物不需要付 费。故 B 项符合题意。3Which section of a magazine is the text from?AFashion circle. BNews report.CModern art. DFuture world.解析:选 D

8、文章出处题。根据文章的 题目 Venus, the Wildest Adventure in 3016!可知,这次旅行发生在一千年之后,由此可推知,这是未来的事情。故 D 项符合题意。BIt is a live celebration of the lasting power of letter writing!Letters Live, which started in December 2013, was held at the Freemasons Hall in London from March 10 to 15. The show invited various great per

9、formers who read remarkable letters that had been written around the world over the centuries.“Bringing letters alive through outstanding performances is one of the most powerful ways in which the joy and pain and humor and tragedy of being human can be shared, ” Jamie Byng, managing director of Can

10、ongate Books publishing firm, told the Nowness video channel.British actor Benedict Cumberbatch agreed. “Letters are windows into the love, beauty, pain and humor of their creators and receivers, ” he told The Guardian. “Letters Live makes us stop and imagine the lives behind the letters read and wh

11、ere they came from. Its a privilege to read this most ancient of communications live to an audience.” This year, the movie Sherlock star treated the audience by playing the part of a 17year Tom Hanks. He put on the young actors voice when he read his letter to the Hollywood director George Roy Hill,

12、 a letter that urged Hill to “discover” him. The letter revealed that twotime Oscar winner Hanks teenage dream was not to “be a bigtime Hollywood superstar” but to one day own a Porsche car and call his favorite US actor Robert Redford his nickname “Bob”Other famous faces at the event included Carey

13、 Mulligan, who played a fictional laundry worker, a female activist fighting for womens rights in the 2015 movie Suffragette. The British 第 3 页 共 8 页actress once again played the role of a suffragette, when she read a very enthusiastic letter demanding the vote for women. The suffragette sent a prec

14、ious 1913 note to The Daily Telegraph newspaper.“Everyone seems to agree upon the necessity of putting a stop to Suffragist anger, but no one seems certain how to do so, ” Mulligan read out. “There are two, and only two, ways in which this can be done. Both will be effectual. One, kill every woman i

15、n the UK. Two, give women the vote.”语篇解读:本文是一篇新闻报道。随着通 讯科技的发展,写信这种联系方式已经在人们的生活中逐渐淡去,但是信件包涵 强大的寓意和情感。作者希望通过这次庆祝活动来激活人们对写信的认识。4What was Cumberbatchs attitude towards Jamie Byngs opinion?ADoubtful. BPositive.COptimistic. DCautious.解析:选 B 推理判断题。根据第四段第一、二句及第四段内容可推知,Benedict Cumberbatch 对 Jamie Byng 的观点持支

16、持态度。 B 项意为 “积极的” ,符合题意。5Which of the following was a dream of Tom Hanks as a child?ATo become an actor. BTo call himself “Bob”CTo win Oscar Awards. DTo have a famous car.解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句可知,Tom Hanks 年少时的梦想之一是拥有一辆名车。故 D 项符合题意。6A “suffragette” is a woman who _.Asends a valuable note to newspaper

17、Breads out a letter to the audienceCadvocates womens right to voteDplays a famous role in a movie解析:选 C 推理判断题。根据第六段第一句可推知, “suffragette”是指提倡妇女参政论的人,故 C 项符合 题意。7What can be a suitable title for the text?AFamous People GatheringBLetters of Great PerformersCLetters Brought to LifeDRights Given to Women

18、解析:选 C 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文讲述作者支持“写信”这种联系方式,并介绍在这次庆祝活动中很多名人都把以前的信件念给听众听。C 项“把信件带到生活中”第 4 页 共 8 页适合做本文标题。故 C 项符合题意。CWe talk about people being “colourblind” but very few of us are.Even those who describe themselves as colourblind are normally just colour lack.A strongly colourblind person will still be ab

19、le to tell 20 different colours, compared to the 100 or so that normalsighted people see.Pingelap, a tiny island in the Pacific, is a beautiful spot but one that has a genetic trouble. It is known as Colourblind Island because so many people who live on this remote island can only see in black and w

20、hite.Not being able to see in colour is bad enough. But one islander, Herrol, whos a fisherman, also struggles in full sunlight because all he sees is a painful burntout image. “I find it difficult to go outside in the sun, ” he says, “because when its sunny I cannot see to do my work.”But if being

21、truly colourblind is rare, why is it that around 10% of the population of Pingelap live in a totally black and white world?Well, we know that in 1780 the population of Pingelap was all but wiped out by a tsunami (海啸). As few as 20 people survived, one of whom was the king. Its believed he had a gene

22、tic fault that causes colourblindness and he passed this fault on to his many generations.There is one advantage. Herrol can see well, really well, in the dark. So when it gets dark, Herrol and his friends get in their boats and hunt flying fish. They hang up flaming torches and the fish are attract

23、ed to the flames. “This type of fishing is fun, ” Herrol says, “especially if we catch plenty. So even though its hard work we enjoy it.”语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。 Pingelap 岛因很多居民是色盲而 闻名。由于 统治该岛的国王是色盲,他将这一基因遗传给 了后代。8What is Pingelap famous as?AA tiny island.BA beautiful island.CA mentally troubled island.DA col

24、ourblind island.解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句 “It is known as Colourblind Island .black and white.”可知,Pingelap 因 为岛上很多居民是色盲而出名,故 D 项正确。9What can we infer about Herrol?AHe may stay at home when its sunny.BHe is interested in burntout images.CHe likes taking photos very much.DHe doesn t live in Pingelap any m

25、ore.解析:选 A 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句 Herrol 所说的话可知,Herrol 发现在阳第 5 页 共 8 页光下他无法看清东西,所以无法工作;据此可以判断,阳光充足时他可能会待在家里,故 A项正确。10.Why are about onetenth of people in Pingelap seriously colourblind?ABecause Pingelap often suffers from tsunamis.BBecause the king had an unlucky marriage.CBecause the kings genetic fault p

26、layed a role.DBecause the king made a serious mistake.解析:选 C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的最后一句可知,该岛的国王是色盲,他将这一基因遗传给了后代,故岛 上很多人是色盲,故 C 项正确。11What would be the best title for the text?AThe island of colourblindnessBThe disadvantage of HerrolCThe history of PingelapDThe advantage of colourblindness解析:选 A 标题归纳题。通 读全文尤

27、其是第二段的第二句可知,本文主要介绍了色盲岛Pingelap ,故 A 项最适合做本文标题。DIn 1885, the Republic of France, important friend during the American Revolution, donated the largest statue in the world, Liberty Enlightening the World, to the United States of America. The statue would celebrate its century of independence. To ship i

28、t, the statue was broken down into 350 pieces. And now, spread across Bedloes Island in New York Harbour, it sat in 214 wooden packing boxes. The problem was that New York had no money to reassemble it. Six other cities, less affected by the recent economic decline, had the money and bid to build it

29、.But a Hungarian immigrant, Joseph Pulitzer, the owner of Americas biggest newspaper called the World, wouldnt let “Liberty” go. When he heard that the Statue of Liberty was about to die from lack of funds, he saw his chance.Pulitzer set the fundraising goal of the World at $100,000. In its pages he

30、 laughed at the rich, thus increasing the papers appeal among workingclass people, and firmly planted the idea that the statue was a monument not just for New York City but, indeed, for all of America.Perhaps Pulitzers cleverest trick was the promise to publish the name of every single contributor i

31、n the pages of the World, no matter how small the contribution. The editorial that opened the fundraising campaign set its tone. He wrote: “The World is the peoples paper and it now appeals to the people to come forward and raise the money for the statues base.” The statue, he said, was paid for by

32、“the masses of the French people. Let us respond in like manner.” The 第 6 页 共 8 页circulation of the World increased by almost 50,000 copies.African American newspapers joined in the effort, encouraging their readers to contribute to a monument that would, in part, celebrate the end of slavery. So th

33、e money poured in, as singledollar donations from grandmothers and pennies from the piggybanks of schoolchildren.On August 11, 1885, the front page of the World announced, “ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!” The goal had been reached, even slightly beyond, thanks to more than 120,000 contributions.语篇解读:

34、本文是一篇记叙文。自由女神像是法国送 给美国人民的礼物,由于资金问题,女神像的装配出了问题。美国 报业大亨 Pulitzer 为此做了很多努力,最后他终于为自由女神像筹集了足够的资金。12What does the underlined word “reassemble” (Para. 1) probably mean?APut together. BTake apart.CTransport. DRepair.解析:选 A 词义猜测题。根据第一段可知,自由女神像是法国送给美国人民的礼物,为了运送它,女神像被分解成 350 块,装在 214 个木箱里。问题是纽约没有钱来把它重新装配起来。故画线

35、词“reassemble ”与 put together 意思相近,表示重新组装。故 A 项正确。13Which of the following was the greatest move in Joseph Pulitzers success?AAttacking the rich people.BCelebrating the end of slavery.CPrinting every contributors name in the World.DPersuading children to donate their pocket money.解析:选 C 细节理解题。根据第四段第一

36、句并结合第二、三段可知,为了不让自由女神像因资金短缺而落入他人之手, Pulitzer 发起筹募资金活 动,同 时还做了一些其他努力。其中最伟大的一项就是把每位捐款人的名字都公布在世界报上。故 C 项正确。14What did Joseph Pulitzer try to convey to his readers about the Statue of Liberty?AIt was a symbol of independence.BIt was a monument for the whole USA.CIt was a wonder in the building history.DI

37、t was a favor from the rich French people.解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,关于女神像,Pulitzer 想对读者传达的思想就是它是全美国的纪念碑。故 B 项正确。15What was the main purpose of Joseph Pulitzers efforts?ATo protect the Statue of Liberty.BTo win workingclass readers over.第 7 页 共 8 页CTo expand the circulation of his paper.DTo raise money

38、 for the Statue of Liberty.解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句中的 “Pulitzer set the fundraising goal”并结合第三至五段内容可知,Pulitzer 所做的努力就是为自由女神像筹集 资金。故 D 项正确。.阅读七选五(2017山西太原市高三模拟试题二)How to get along with your bossIn your career, you may have to report to a manager, the person you call boss. _1_ Here are some tips to help

39、you develop an effective relationship with your boss.The first step is to develop a positive relationship with your boss. Relationships are based on trust. _2_ Keep timetable commitments (承诺). Never blindside your manager with surprises that you could have predicted or prevented. Keep him/her inform

40、ed about your projects and interactions with the rest of the organization.Tell the boss when youve made an error or one of your reporting staff has made a mistake. _3_ Lies or efforts to mislead always result in further stress for you as you worry about getting “caught”. Communicate daily or weekly

41、to build the relationship.Recognize that success at work is not all about you. _4_ Identify your bosss areas of weakness or greatest challenges and ask what you can do to help. What are your bosss biggest worries? How can your contribution reduce these concerns? Understand your bosss goals and prior

42、ities. Place emphasis on your work to match his/her priorities. Think in terms of the overall success of your department and company, not just about your narrow world at work._5_ Does he/she like frequent communication, autonomous (自主的) employees, requests in writing in advance of a meeting, or info

43、rmal conversation as you pass in the hallway? Your bosss preferences are important. The better you understand him/her, the better you will work with him/her.If you sometimes disagree and occasionally experience an emotional reaction, dont hold hatred. Dont make threats about leaving. Disagreement is

44、 fine. You need to come to terms with the fact that your boss has more authority and power than you do.AValue your bosss time.BDo what you say youll do.CIdentify what he/she values in an employee.DCoverups dont contribute to an effective relationship.EPut your bosss needs at the center of your unive

45、rse.FLearning how to read your bosss moods and reactions is also helpful.GThe relationship with your boss is important for your work success and career progress.第 8 页 共 8 页语篇解读:本文讲述了与老板相处的秘诀。1选 G 根据空处上句“在职场你得向你的经理,你称之为老板的人报告”和下句“以下一些建议帮助你跟老板形成有效的关系”可知,空处选 G“你与老板的关系对于你的工作成就和事业的进步很重要” 。G 项承上启下,符合语境。2选

46、 B 根据空后一句“Keep timetable commitments (承诺) ”和空前一句可知,B 项“做你说你要做的事情”符合语境。3选 D 根据上句“当你或你的报告人员犯错误时你要告知你的老板”和空后一句可知,本处应选 D“掩饰错误并不能有助于形成有效的上下级关系” 。4选 E 本段主要讲要考虑整个部门和公司的成功,而不是自己的成功。故选 E“把老板的需要放在首位” ,空处下句 “发现老板的弱项或者他面 临的挑战, 问问他你能帮助做什么”承接 E 项。5选 C 此处为该段主题句,根据下文内容可知,本段主要讲述的是,要弄清楚老板喜欢什么样的员工。C 项意为“确定他/她看重员工的哪方面” ,体现了本段的中心,符合语境。故选 C。


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