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1、殷店中心学校 小组合作学习与管理 “551” 课堂教学设计一、教材分析本课为人民教育出版社义务教育教科书中学英语七年级上册 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?第一课时,本课主要内容是要求学生能够询问并描述物品所属关系,主要通过呈现一些体育用品的图片及英语名称:tennis, ping-pong, volleyball, basketball, soccer, baseball, ping-pong bat, soccer ball, baseball bat,能够用一般疑问句询问这些体育用品的所属关系并作简略回答。学科 English教学内容 Unit5 Sec

2、tion A Period1年级 Seven主备 Tavia Tong授课时间 12.2自主学习目 标1. 能根据音标正确朗读出单词表中的单词:do, have, ball, tennis, ping-pong, volleyball, basketball, soccer, baseball, ping-pong bat, soccer ball, baseball bat.2. 能正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词。合作学习目 标 掌握所给的有关体育词汇,运用所属关系句型进行问答,并能把它们运用到生活中。合作探究目 标掌握 does 引导的一般疑问句的构成和使用 ,并能在与同伴合作完成任务中

3、,体验一种集体荣誉感,增强团队精神。合作重点 1用 have 对物品所属提问和回答2助动词 do 和 does 的用法合作难点 have 的一般现在时的用法;使用 do 和 does 引导的一般疑问句的构成和使用合作关键 调动大家全员参与,提高展示的效率教学环节 教 学 素 材 教师行为 学生活动故事情节引入Pictures of Running man and Running Youngers and the task in ChineseShow the pictures and the taskAnswer the name of this program and know about

4、the task in this class学习目标 The learning goals Show the learning goals Read the learning goals by themselves as quickly as possible1.The new wordsTeach the new words and tell the students the usage of some words about ballsThe group leaders read these new words once and the other students read after

5、them for three times自主学习2.A guessing game about the ballsShow some pictures about the balls covered by a smile and ask the students to guess themGuess“what is it?”from the pictures and then act to let the other students to guess3.la walk around and check the students answers Finish la and then check

6、 with their partners情景导入 Two pictures of a basketball and a desk in different placesAsk the students about the places of the basketball and whether they have a basketballAnswer the questions according to the pictures自主学习 Pictures of balls and some questions Show the test Do the blank-filling exercis

7、eShow a bag and let the students guess what balls in this bag areGuess the balls using the key sentence structureShow an exampleMake a conversation with his/her partner. Student A and B give student C and D some suggestions and then C and D show the conversation合作学习 “Do you have a/an ?”“Yes, I do./N

8、o,I dont.”Tell the students the rules to play a game Ask and answer one by one 合作探究与学习A question and a conversation about “Does he/she have a /an?”“Yes, he/she does./ No, he/she doesnt.”Show the question to lead in and then give an example of the conversation Answer the question and then make conver

9、sations in groups自主学习 1b Play the audio and check the answer Finish 1b成果展示 Two pictures and sentencesSome examples to describe the two pictures using have/has and dont/doesnt haveWrite down these sentences on the paper and two students go to the blackboard to show their answers课堂检测 Test Show the tes

10、t and give help if necessary Fill in the blanks课堂小结评价得分Key wordsKey sentencesThe usage of do/does, have/hasShow them to the students and then find out the winner to give him/her the clueReview the key points learnt in this class and then the winner look for the ping-pong ball according to the clue家庭

11、作业 A short passage Show the homework and the rules1. Do a interview 2. Write down the report after interviewing板书设计: Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?Section ADo you have a/an?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Does he/she have a/an?Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt.教学反思:三级检查 优秀 合格 不合格 意见或建议 检查日期备课组检查教研组检查教务处检查


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