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1、2019 考研英语小作文框架写作表达汇总来源:文都教育根据大纲要求,小作文主要考查考生进行一般性应用文写作的能力。应用文的类型包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、报告、通知等。其中书信类应用文是历年考研的考查重点。而从共性上来看,大部分书信类应用文体现的交际目的是交流自己因某事物产生的某种情绪,重在阐述情绪衍生的相应行为。今天,文都教育的英语老师就交流基础情绪过程中的常见表达给大家进行总结。一、交流欣喜或感动1)It is a delight to do sth.例:很高兴你们成为我们的校友。It is a delight to have you as our schoolmates.2)Undoub

2、tedly, .gives me much delight/ happiness/ gladness/ joy.例:毫无疑问,你们的到来让我很高兴。Undoubtedly, your coming gives me much gladness.3)I wish to heartily congratulate you on sth. 例:我想对你考试取得的优异成绩表示真心祝贺。I wish to heartily congratulate you on your excellent exam results.4)I appreciate the time and efforts you ext

3、ended on.例:我很感激你投入时间和精力减轻我的心理痛苦。I appreciate the time and efforts you extended on alleviating my mental sufferings.2、交流喜欢、感兴趣1)I have a great passion for .例:我对开创自己的企业充满兴趣。I have a great passion for creating my own business.2).holds strong attraction for me.例:在你的学校进一步学习对我有强大的吸引力。Pursuing further stud

4、y in your university holds strong attraction for me.3)I cant wait to / dont hesitate to recommend to you . 例:我忍不住向你推荐这部电影。I cant wait to recommend to you this film.4)I would like to know whether I can obtain the opportunity to .例:我想知道我是否能拥有在贵校学习的机会。I would like to know whether I can obtain the oppor

5、tunity to study in your school.3、交流不喜欢、厌恶1)I would like to express my disappointment / dissatisfaction at.例:我想表达对多收电话费的不满。I would like to express my dissatisfaction at the overcharged phone bill.2)I am sorry to inform you that I will resign from.例:我很遗憾地通知您我将从设计时尚杂志辞职。I am sorry to inform you that I

6、will resign from the magazine Designs &Fashions.3).can no longer be tolerated. 例:不能再容忍插队了。Jumping the queue can no longer be tolerated.4、交流困扰和担忧1)I particularly worry / Im particularly confused about .例:我对学生身体状况下降非常担心。I particularly worry about the deterioration of students physical condition.2)Faci

7、ng ., I become completely confused.例:面对这个复杂的局面,我完全迷惑了。Facing this complicated situation, I become completely confused.3)I want to get detailed guide on how to . 例:我想得到关于如何确定职业方向的详细指导。I want to get detailed guide on how to decide on my career direction.以上是文都教育的英语老师为大家总结概括的书信类应用文中用来交流基础情绪过程中的常见英文句式表达。希望大家能够结合句式表达下面的例句将上述英文句式表达熟练掌握。


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