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1、1985 年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海 英语试卷一、单词辨音和拼写(本题共 10 分,每小题 0.5 分。 )A. 单词辨音下列各组单词中有三个单词的元音读音相同,只有一个单词例外。要求在读音不同的单词下面划一横线。例: now how cow low1. home lose hope those2. book wood took food3. fear bear near hear4. dug luck put love5. lost post most host6. speak leave meal breath7. form worst sword force8. warm har

2、m part mark9. mount round wound sound10. burst church turn buryB. 单词拼写 用英语写出下列单词。1. 黑板_ 2.饥饿的_ 3. 词典_4. 猜测_ 5.十二月_ 6. 直接地_7. 尊敬_ 8.不规则的_ 9. 认出_10. 民主_二、词义配对 下面 A 栏中有 20 个单词,B 栏中有 22 个解释。请把 B 栏中适当解释前的字母填入同它相配的 A 栏括号内。 (本题共 10 分,每小题 0.5 分。 )A 栏 B 栏( ) 1. small a. say it again( ) 2. quick b. come or go

3、 back( ) 3. afraid c. any particular human being( ) 4. return d. fast( ) 5. reply e. apparently( ) 6. astonish f. not large( ) 7. gift g. only thinking of ones own interests( ) 8. reason h. frightened( ) 9. drop i. (number of) people living in a place, country, etc.( ) 10.judge j. as it ought to be;

4、 right( ) 11.proper k. chance; something that comes by chance( ) 12.luck l. fall( ) 13.realize m. surprise greatly( ) 14 patient n. sick person( ) 15 perfect o. form an opinion about( ) 16.population p. come to understand( ) 17.selfish q. arrive( ) 18.require r. answer( ) 19.obviously s. excellent(

5、) 20.repeat t. needu. presentv. cause of something三、词类转换 用每句后面所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整。每个空格只填一个英语单词。 (本题共 10 分,每个空格 1 分。 )1. His composition is quite good on the whole except for a few _ mistakes. (care)2. He made his first _ in public in 1980. (appear)3. Smoking does great _ to ones health. (harmful)4.

6、At first most people found her _ ideas difficult to accept. (advance)5. We came to the _ that he was very much interested in science. (conclude)6. He is a person of great _ in the business circle of Japan. (important)7. The audience all listened _ to the speaker. (attention)8. China is among the _ c

7、ountries of the world. (develop)9. May I have your attention, please? I have an _ to make. (announce)10. He went to England and made London the base for his _ work. (revolution)四、动词填空 在每句句子的空格内填入所给动词的适当形式。 (本题共 10 分,每小题 1分。 )1. We _ class now. Would you please wait for a few minutes? (have)2. The ma

8、chine _ several days ago. (repair)3. We _ in Shanghai for 30 years. (live)4. They told me that he _ home an hour before. (go)5. At that time they were made _ten hours a day. (work)6. He stood at the gate, _ the notice on the wall. (read)7. She doesnt feel like _ anything right now. (eat)8. The weath

9、er _ fine, we went out for a walk. (be)9. Lets get the rooms _ before they move in. (paint)10. If we hadnt built the reservoir two years ago, the flood _ great damage to our crops. (cause)五、多项选择 在下列各句的(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)四个答案中,选择一个正确答案。 (本题共 20 分,每小题 1 分。 )1. The eating habits in the north are very much

10、different _ those in the south.A. then B. with C. as D. from2. This is a secret. Keep it _ the two of us.A. between B. in C. among D. inside3. _ two years, it was there that we had received the news of battles, of victories and defeats.A. In B. Within C. For D. During4. He greeted me with _ “Good-mo

11、rning!” and led me to the directors office.A. the B. a C. an D. one5. These boxes belong to us, but the _ on the left belong to our neighbour.A. ones B. once C. thing D. ones6. English, as well as Chinese, _ not easy to master.A. is B. are C. which D. both are7. Zhangs family _ rather big, with twel

12、ve people in all.A. is B. are C. being D. was8. We shall spend our summer holidays at the home of some friends _.A. of us B. of ours C. of our D. to ours9. Im sorry, but we dont have _ English papers.A. much B. some C. some more D. any more10. Im afraid he did not do very well in the dictation. Ther

13、e were _ spelling mistakes in it.A. few B. a few of C. fewer D. quite a few11. She would like to have a dress _ the one you are wearing.A. the same B. like C. such D. that12. You dont _ to go there if you have no time.A. need B. want C. must D. ought13. “News of victories _ pouring in as our army ad

14、vances,” the company commander said.A. keep B,. keeps C. kept D. have kept14. Jack, _ brother teaches physics, is an engineer.A. his B. of whose C. whose D. whos15. As time went on, Einsteins theory proved _ and soon he became world famous.A. to be corrected B. to correct C. to be correct D. to have

15、 been corrected16. The soldier _ three days after he had been wounded.A. dead B. had died C. has died D. died17. He _ on the grass, looking at the clouds in the sky.A. is laying B. has laid C. is lying D. has lied18. No one told her _.A. what to do B. what she does C. to do what D. what she to do19.

16、 Henry shouted to his brother, _A. “Hurry”. B. “Hurry?” C. “Hurry!” D. “Hurry.”20. Mr. Smith telephoned home to tell his wife that _A. “John is coming for supper.” B. John was coming for supper.C. “John came for supper last night.” D. John is coming for supper.六、改错 在下列各句划线部分的(A)、(B)、(C)、(D)中均有一处错误。把

17、错误部分的字母填入左边的括号中,并将改正后的词或词组写在括号后的横线上。 (本题共 10 分,每小题分,其中选择 0.5 分,改正 0.5 分)例(A) To At his surprise, he saw his sister singing and dancing on the screen.(A) (B) (C) (D)1. The sun is some ninety-three millions miles away from the earth.(A) (B) (C) (D)2. Few airports in the world is as modern as that of A

18、tlanta.(A) (B) (C) (D)3. Neither his father or his mother had the chance to go to college when they were young.(A) (B) (C) (D)4. It is much more warmer in our classroom than in the library.(A) (B) (C) (D)5. It was such hot a day that they decided to go to the beach.(A) (B) (C) (D)6. He found it nece

19、ssary letting everybody know what had happened.(A) (B) (C) (D)7. I hope Jim will not forget posting the letter you wrote to your mother.(A) (B) (C) (D)8. The Minister suggested that the young man became his secretary.(A) (B) (C) (D)9. While listening to the radio, it started to rain.(A) (B) (C) (D)1

20、0. Little Franz was very late that morning on his way to school and was afraid of punishing by the teacher.(A) (B) (C) (D)七、综合填空 在下列对话和信件中有 15 个空格,每个空格有(A)、(B)、(C)、(D) 四个选择答案,根据内容选出一个正确的答案。对原文不得作任何改动。 (本题共 15 分,每个空格 1 分。 )(A)A: I dont like winter.B: 1 . Its so cold today.A: Yes, _2_ cold. Wheres my

21、_3_ coat?B: Your coats here, in _4_ place. Are you going to _5_?A: Yes, I am.1. (A) Nor I do (B) Nor do I (C) Nor like I (D) Nor I like2. (A) I have very (B) I have much (C) Im very (D) Im much3. (A) long hot (B) long warm (C) tall hot (D) tall warm4. (A) its usually (B) its usually (C) its usual (D

22、) the usually5. (A) put it on (B) put on it (C) take on it (D) take it on(B)Wednesday, 20 JulyDear Fred,Thanks for your letter. It was _6_ from you. Your new job sounds very interesting and you _7_ with it. I am still with the same law office that I joined five years ago when we _8_._9_ I am happy t

23、here, I must say that I sometimes feel that I _10_ to move, but here in Bakewell there are only _11_ law offices.I like this town. What I like _12_ living here is that it is quiet. Perhaps I should say it was quiet _13_ these big trucks started coming through the town. Anyway, they only come through

24、 during the day, never _14_ night.If you have time before the end of the summer, why dont you come and _15_ with us one weekend? That would be very pleasant.I hope you are still well. Write again soon.Yours, Terry6. (A) well to listen (B) well to hear (C) good to listen (D) good to hear7. (A) look p

25、leased (B) seem pleased (C) look pleasing (D) seem pleasing8. (A) left school (B) left the school (C) have left school (D) have left the school9. (A) Although (B) Already (C) Because (D) Through10. (A) ought (B) should (C) would (D) must11. (A) some (B) any (C) few (D) a few12. (A) more about (B) mo

26、st about (C) more of (D) most of13. (A) as long as (B) as far as (C) when (D) until14. (A) during (B) at the (C) in (D) at15. (A) live (B) pass (C) stay (D) rest八、阅读理解 阅读下面两篇短文,然后根据短文内容在(A)、(B)、(C)、(D) 四个答案中选出一个正确或最佳答案。 (本题共 15 分,每小题分。 )AKnowing what to do in case of fire is important. If a fire bro

27、ke out in your home, what would you do? First, you should warn everyone in the house about the danger. Dont panic and starte screaming. Be calm and act fast. Second, you and all the others should get out of the house. Dont stop to take belongings with you. Once you are out of the house, stay out. Do

28、 not go back for any reason. Finally, when you are out of the hose, call the fire department. Dont try to put out the fire yourself. That can be very dangerous.1. What is the first thing you should do if theres a fire in your home?A. take your belongings B. start screamingC. warn everyone in the hou

29、se D. dont go into the house2. What should you do once you are out of the house?A. panic B. make a callC. go back for your belongings D. start screaming3. After warning everyone in the house, you should?A. act fast B. call the fire departmentC. take all your belongings out of the house D. get out of

30、 the house4. When should you call the fire department?A. before you warn everyone B. after you take your belongingsC. when you are trying to put out the fire D. after you leave the house5. The passage tells usA. what to do in case of fire.B. it is better to let all your belongings burn in the houseC

31、. not to panic before leaving the houseD. to try and put out the fire yourselfBJoe wanted a bike. He had asked his parents for the money and they had said he must earn it. But how? He thought about this as he walked home. Not many people wanted to ask kids to work for them. Maybe he could clear away

32、 snow for the neighbours. But this was summer. Hed have to wait a long time for that. He couldnt cut grass for their gardens because he had no tool to do the work with.Then Joe saw one of his classmates, Dick, delivering (递送 ) newspapers. I could do that, he thought. Maybe I could even get the bike

33、right away. I could pay for it a little each week. He ran to catch up with Dick. Joe asked a lot of questions about having a paper route (路线). He learned that it was possible to earn twenty-five dollars each week. He learned that the job took about three hours each night. Dick gave him the phone num

34、ber of the newspaper manager.Joe almost flew home. After he had explained his plan, his mother smiled. “I think its a great idea.” She said. “Ill call the newspaper.”“Wait, Mom,” Joe said. “Ill call. After all, Im going to be a businessman now.”Joes mother smiled proudly.6. From the story we learned

35、 that JoeA. sold newspapers B. liked to read newspapersC. was a businessman D. was a student7. Joe wanted to get a job that summer becauseA. he needed money for school B. he wanted to buy a bike for himself.C. his parents were poor D. his parents were poor.8. How was he to get the money?A. He would

36、clear away snow for the neighbors. B. He would cut grass for their gardens.C. He would ask his parents for it. D. He would have a paper route.9. his parents did not give him the money becauseA. they did not have the money.B. they did not want him to have any money of his own.C. they wanted him to ea

37、rn the money himself.D. they didnt want him to be a businessman.10. If Joe took a job like Dicks, he would have to workA. nearly three hours every evening. B. about three hours every morning.C. twenty-five hours a week D. six hours a day.11. “Joe almost flew home” suggests thatA. he took an airplane

38、 home. B. he could fly like a bird.C. he ran away from home. D. he ran back as fast as he could.12. At the beginning of the story Joe feltA. excited B. unhappy C. angry D. scared13. Dick probably made Joe feelA. eager to go home B. angry with himself C. angry with Dick D. very sad14. What probably h

39、appened at the end of the story?A. Joes mother telephoned the newspaper.B. Joe found a better way to earn money.C. Joe called the newspaper and got a paper route.D. Joe decided not to buy a bike.15. Joes mother smiled proudly becauseA. Joe had a good job B. Joe was going to earn a lot of moneyC. Joe

40、 was acting like a grown-up person D. Joe was going to be a newspaper manager. 英语试卷答案及评分标准一、本题共 10 分。每小题 0.5 分。凡与答案不符者不给分。 (辨音部分在两个词下划线,即使一个上对的也不给分。 )单词拼写有错不给分。大、小写错误不给分。A. 单词辨音答案:1. lose 2. food 3. bear 4. put 5. lost6. breath 7. worst 8. warm 9. wound 10. buryB. 单词拼写答案:1. blackboard 2. hungry 3. d

41、ictionary 4. guess 5. December6. directly 7. respect 8. irregular 9. recognize 10.democracy二、本题共 10 分,每小题 0.5 分。凡与所给答案不符者,不给分。同一解释两处都使用,都不给分。1. f 2. d 3. h 4. b 5. r 6. m 7. u 8. v 9. l 10. o11.j 12. k 13. p 14. n 15. s 16. i 17. g 18. t 19. e 20. a三、本题共 10 分,每空格分。凡与所给答案不符者,不给分。在一个空格中不止一个单词,不给分。拼写有错

42、误,不给分。1. careless 2. appearance 3. harm 4. advanced 5. conclusion6. importance 7. attentively 8. developing 9. announcement 10. revolutionary四、本题共 10 分,每小题分。凡与所给答案不符者,不给分。拼写有错误,不给分。1. are having 2. was repaired 3. have lived / have been living4. had gone 5. to work 6. reading 7. eating8. being 9. pa

43、inted 10. would have caused五、本题共 20 分,每小题分。凡与所给答案不符者,不给分。选择两个答案,即使有一个是对的,也不给分。DACBD AABDD BABCC DCACB六、本题共 10 分,每小题分,其中选择正确 0.5 分,改正 0.5 分。凡与所给答案不符者,不给分。如果选择的答案不止一个,即使其中一个是正确的,也不给分。大、小写不对,也不给分。1. B million 2. B are3. A nor 4. C warmer5. A so 6. B to let7. B to post 8. C become / should become9. A While I ( he, she) was listening While we ( you, they) were listening10.D being punished七、本题共 15 分,每空格分。凡与所给答案不符者,不给分。选择答案不止一个,即使其中有一个是正确的,也不给分。BCBCA DBAAA DBDDC八、本题共 15 分,每空格分。凡与所给答案不符者,不给分。选择答案不止一个,即使其中有一个是正确的,也不给分。CBDDA DBDCA DBACC


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