Lesson Five:Night Watch午夜探视Roy Popkin市场经济的潮水极大地冲击着人与人之间的关系。人们似乎认为亲情薄如蝉翼,陌生人之间还能有什么爱心与关怀。可是一位海军陆战队队员的行为恰好说明关心他人之人大有人在。请看他是怎么做的。1 The story began on a downtown Brooklyn street corner. An elderly man had collapsed while crossing the street, and an ambulance rushed him to Kings County Hospital. There, when he came to now and again, the man repeatedly called for his son.译:故事发生在布鲁克林商业区一条街的拐角处。一位老人在过马路时突然晕倒在地;一辆救护车把他赶紧送到了金司县医院。在医院里,他不时地苏醒过来,一醒过来就不断呼唤着他的儿子。2 From a worn letter found in his p