课 题第二讲英汉语言对比与翻译需4 课时教学 目 的要 求要求学生理解并掌握英汉语言的差异及其翻译教学重点英汉语言的差异教学难点英汉语言差异所造成的双语转换的难点教案编写日期8月27日教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程提示与补充I. Practice:请将下列句子译成汉语:1I suppose that if a man has a confused mind he will write in a confused way, if his temper is capricious his prose will be fantastical, and if he has a quick, darting intelligence that is reminded by the matter in hand of a hundred things, he will, unless he has great self-control, load his pages with metaphor and sim