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1、1中国仲裁国际行研讨会邀请函尊敬的 女士先生:为加强国内外仲裁专家交流,推动我国对外贸易投资领域仲裁国际化发展,提高中国仲裁的国际影响力,上海政法学院、斯德哥尔摩商事仲裁院、中国仲裁法学研究会定于今年5月5日(星期六)在上海共同主办“中国仲裁国际行”研讨会。我们诚挚地邀请您出席此次会议。一、会议时间报到时间:2018年5月4日(周五)全天会议时间:2018年5月5日(周六)全天离会时间:2018年5月6日(周日)上午二、会议地点(报到地点)中国-上海合作组织国际司法交流合作培训基地地址:上海市青浦区外青松公路7989号 上海政法学院3、会议主题中国仲裁国际化的路径和方式四、回执联系请您填好邀请

2、函回执(见附录)后,务必于2018年4月20日前电子邮件至会务组,此日期后回复将无法保证住宿。五、会议费用本次会议不收取会务费;往返交通费用自理;住宿由会务组统一安排,费用自理。2需要纸质会议邀请函的代表,请于会议期间向会务组领取。联系人:庞宠(会议)010-82217753(办)孙妍(会务)021-39227272(办)地 址:上海市青浦区外青松公路7989号邮 编:201701E-mail:上海政法学院斯德哥尔摩商事仲裁院中国仲裁法学研究会2018年4月8日附:会议议程会议议程:The Conference on Chinese Arbitration Going Internationa

3、lCo-Sponsors: Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (SHUPL)Institute of Arbitration of Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)China Academy of Arbitration Law (CAAL)Conference language: English特别说明:发言以英语进行,同时有译员将英语发言译成汉语。Theme: the manner of internationalization of Chinese Arbitration and SCC

4、Date: 5 May 2018Venue: Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (SHUPL)Agenda9:00-9:20 Opening Ceremony3Ceremony Master: Dr. Chen Jian, the Full-time Deputy Secretary General, CAAL (China Academy of Arbitration Law) Opening Remarks by: Prof. Liu Xiaohong, President, Shanghai University of Po

5、litical Science and Law (SHUPL)Ms. Kristin Campbell-Wilson, Deputy Secretary General, SCC Institute of ArbitrationDr. Yu Jianlong, Secretary General, China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC)9:20-10:35 First Session: Med-Arb and BeyondModerator: Dr. Yu Jianlong, Secretary General, China Chambe

6、r of International Commerce (CCOIC)Speakers: John Gernandt, lawyer of Bredband Law Firm, past Chairman of SCC Institute of ArbitrationOliver Connolly, BarristerJerry Zhang Yulin, Founder, Beijing Linli Law FirmPorf. Chen Li, Vice Dean, Law School, Fudan University10:35-10:45 tea Break10:45-12:00 Sec

7、ond Session: Chinese Mode of HearingModerator: Tim Meng, partner, Beijing Goldengate Law FirmSpeakers: Liu Jing, Partner,Beijing Huizhong Law FirmZhang Zhenan, Partner, Shanghai Co-effort Law FirmMs. Jane Willems, Associate Professor, Tsinghua Law SchoolMr. Anselmo Reyes, Singapore International Com

8、mercial Court, International JudgeA Senior Judge, PRC Supreme Peoples Court of Law12:00-13:30 Lunch13:30-14:45 Third Session: SCC Arbitration & China ArbitrationModerator: Dr. Lihu, Vice Secretary General of CIETAC4Speakers: Ms. Kristin Campbell-Wilson, Deputy Secretary General, SCC Institute of Arb

9、itrationFan Minchao, Chief Representative, ICC Rep. Office in PRCMr. Xing Xiusong, Partner, Beijing Global Law Firm14:45-14:55 Tea Break14:55-16:30 Fourth Session: Forseeable Future of Chinese ArbitrationModerator: Dr. Chen Jian, Full-time Vice Secretary General, China Academy of Arbitration LawSpea

10、kers: Dr. Xu Guojian, Dean of International Law School of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (SHUPL)Pro. Susan Finder, Intl Law School, Peking UniversityJiang Lili, Vice Dean, Arbitration Research Institute of China University of Political Science and LawS Ravi Shankar, Indian Firm Law

11、 Senate16:30-16:50 Closing RemarksDr. Xu Guojian, Dean of International Law School, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (SHUPL)(The schedule is subject to changes as per later alterations.)5中国仲裁国际行研讨会回执姓 名 性 别 职称/职务工作单位通讯地址房间类型 请打选择单间标间住 宿(380元/晚)不安排住宿电 话 E-mail发言主题9时之前9时-14时 14时-18时 预计抵达时间2018年5月4日18时之后备 注注:请您填好邀请函回执后,务必于2018年4月20日前电子邮件至会务组,此日期后回复将无法保证住宿。E-mail: .


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