Represents描述 Define定义 Demonstrate论证Topic 1AOpportunity cost机会成本The highest-valued alternative that we give up to get something the opportunity cost of the activity chosen.我們为了得到一些東西而放弃的Explicit cost 显性成本 is a cost that involves actually laying out money.花钱Implicit cost 隐性成本 does not require an outlay of money; it is measured by the value, in dollar terms, of the benefits that are forgone. 非实质性Marginal Benefit边际收益 指如果再多销售一单位的产品将会得到的收益,或目前最后卖出的一单位的产品所得到的收益。边际收益在实现利润最大化中是一个非常重要的经济量