城市道路交通噪声污染分析及防治 摘要:通过对城市交通噪声的来源及危害等进行分析,从噪声源、噪声传播途径及接受者三方面出发,提出了防治交通噪声污染的相关措施,以减少城市道路交通噪声污染造成的危害。 关键词:城市道路交通;噪声污染;控制方法Analysis on the traffic noise pollution of urban road and prevention measuresLuoYunAbstract:Through analyzing source and harm of traffic noise of road, and starting from the aspects of source of the noise, transition form of the noise and reception, the paper proposes relative measures for prevention of traffic noise pollution of road, so as to reduce the harm of it.