论英语学习的重要性摘要: 尽管我国在科技的掌握和使用方面与发达国家的差距已经缩小很多,但仍然还有十数年甚至几十年的差距,而且国际社会对我国的了解并不全面,这在一定程度上就显示了英语这个能够助使国人更快掌握欧美先进技术的重要性。关键词:英语学习 ;中国文化;重要性;提升实力Talk about the importance of studying EnglishHekai(UGS College, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng, Jiangsu 1011501134)Abstract: Our country has shrunk the gap a lot with developed countries in the area of the technology mastery and use but still have ten years or even decades gap, and the understanding of the international community to ou