摘要:本文从文化主题的角度,根据文化广场设计结构的整体协调、空间形态的立体处理、人性尺度的追求和生态效益的重要性等方面,分析城市文化广场的设计的几大原则。更好的利用现代城市各民族风格迥异的文化特色在城市文化广场设计中的运用来改善居民生活环境,塑造城市形象,提高城市品位,优化城市空间,是城市文化广场建设的目的,也是设计者追求的目标。 关键字:文化广场;设计原则;主题文化;本土特色;人性化 Abstract: This article from the cultural point of view of the subject, according to the Culture Square of the overall design of the structure of coordination, the form of three-dimensional space to deal with, the scale of human nature and the pursuit of eco-efficiency in areas such as the importan