摘要:本文结合十九世纪中期知识税废除前后英国的报业结构, 通过对国内外自由主义报业理论框架中基本缺席的激进主义报业的报道内容, 经济运行方式,社会影响,政府压制等几方面, 阐明了废除知识税所带来的报刊商业化冲击对激进主义报业所形成的毁灭性打击,从而为认识知识税的废除提供了更加全面的认识视角。关键词: 报业史 知识税 激进主义报业Abstract: Through a comprehensive analysis of the press structure in the 19th century Britain with an emphasis on the rise and fall of the radical press, its content, economic structure, social impact and the stifling measures taken by the government to suppress it, the article made an attempt to provide a full map to understa