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1、信用咭付賬授權書PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM持咭人姓名 房號 / 本公司CARDHOLDER NAME _of Room/Our Company(please print in block letter)_本人同意支付以下賬單I hereby agreed to settle the account due by: 房號MR / MS / MRS_of Room No. MR / MS / MRS_of Room No. MR / MS / MRS_of Room No. MR / MS / MRS_of Room No. 在入住都會海逸酒

2、店期間 由During the stay in (HARBOUR PLAZA METROPOLIS) as effective from至 的費用如下:_ to _ for services as specified below: (DD / MM / YY) (DD / MM / YY)A) 所有費用All Charges B) 房租費用Room/Service Charge/Govt Tax Only C) 其他 (請詳述)Others (Specify) _ D) 最高保證支付金額Maximum Guaranteed Amount HK$ _ 請將費用由以下之信用咭支付Please ch

3、arge the above account to my credit cardType of Credit Card 信用咭種類 Visa Card Master Card 信用咭號碼 有效日期Credit Card Number:_ Expiry Date: _信用卡背面的三位數字 CVV 號碼3 digits CVV Number on the back of credit card:_請付上信用咭正面及背面之影印本以作記錄Please attach a copy showing both sides of the credit card for reference.持咭人聯絡電話Car

4、dholders Telephone Number: _持咭人地址Address: _ _授權持咭人簽署 / 日期 客務主任 / 日期Authorized Signature of Cardholder / Date Guest Services Officer / Date*本人同意以上細則為屬個人之責任:如 公司 / 入住客人 於限定日子內仍未清付以上結欠之費用, 酒店有權將費用由本人之信用咭支付.*I agree that this agreement is irrevocable and confirms personal liability:It is the customers responsibility that payment reaches HARBOUR PLAZA METROPOLIS before the due date. Otherwise, Hotel has the right to debit the outstanding amount from my credit card as settlement accordingly.*包括延期居住Including Extension ?是 否Yes or No


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