英语六级词汇天天记:看对话记单词(14) 英语六级词汇天天记:看对话记单词(14) A: The food that I cook is usually very bland. B: No, I think it is quite spicy actually. bland a. 1. 温柔的,麻木不仁的;2. (食物)清淡的,枯燥乏味的 A: The concert was incredible, the lead singer nearly blazed the house down with his energy. B: Gosh, it sounds almost dangerous. blaze vi. 1. 熊熊燃烧,着火;2. 发(强)光,放光荣;3. 迸发,爆发 n. 1. 火焰,烈火;2. 光辉,剧烈(或眩目)的光;3. 迸发,爆发;4. 绚烂,炫耀 blaze a trail 开拓道路,作先导 A: Have you cleaned the bath yet? B: No,