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1、五年级英语(上)1-2 单元学习情况反馈卷班级_ 姓名_ 总评_一、听录音,给下列图片排序(听两遍)( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,判断正误,用 T 或 F 表示(听两遍)( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,选出相应的答句(听两遍)( ) 1. A. Yes,it is. B. Yes, there are.C. Yes, there is.( ) 2. A.Drink some hot water. B.l can eat the hamburger.C.Dont drink the coffee.( ) 3. A.

2、Yes,there is. B.Yes,there is oneC.There is only one.( ) 4. A.Its too big. B.Its too small.C.Theyre just right.( ) 5. A.Its on the second floor. B.Its on the swing.C.Theyre on the first floor.( ) 6. A.Yes,l like it very much. B.The house is too old.C.Its a beautiful bedroom.四、听短文,判断正误,用 T 或 F 表示(听两遍)

3、五、根据单词发音,看图完成句子Coffee juice Nancy coatice nice cold cup六、根据英语描述,将相应的选项写入提前的括号内七、根据图片或首字母补全句子( ) 1.Its cold today.( ) 2.Yang Ling and her father have a picnic.( ) 3.There is a duck boat in the park.( ) 4.Some fish are swimming in the river.( ) 5.The ducks are behind the boat.( ) 6.The can go boating

4、and sit on the chair in the park.1.Peter feels(感觉到)_.He puts on the warm_.And wants to drink a _of_ .2._and l have the _cream.We also like the_ _ .1. ( ) a playground We can play the piano and have a music lesson there.2. ( ) a music room lt is the first season in a year.3. ( ) hungry Something is n

5、ot soft.4. ( ) hard We can borrow(借) and read books there.5. ( ) spring We can play,run or jump in it.6. ( ) library lt is eight in the evening.l dont have dinner.1.Look at that beautiful _ .Its my home. The first is _ the second and the _. 八、选择填空九、根据图意,完成对话A: pencils there in your pencil case?1.B:

6、three.A: there rice in the bag?2.B: No, .3._! Its too high! 4.I study at school from Monday to Friday.I am a s_.5.There are twenty-four c_ in my school.( ) 1.There are twenty rooms _the building.A.in B.for C.at( ) 2.Therere_rooms on the first floor.l live in the _roomA.six,three B.six,first C.second

7、,six( ) 3._ is popular in western countries.A.Tea B.Juice C.Coffee( ) 4.There arent_chairs in the music room.A.some B.any C./( ) 5.Im new here.Would you please_?A.show me around B.have a look C.go home( ) 6._with me.This table is too heavy.A.Run B.Push C.Play( ) 7.Im very _.A big tiger is in front o

8、f me.A.hard B.hungry C.afraid( ) 8._there any juice in the glass? No,there_.A.Are,arent B.Is isnt C.Is,arent( ) 9.How many_ _ _in your school playground?Im not sure.Perhaps eight.A.swings are there B.swing are there C.swing there are( ) 10.-Miss Li,Lily and Lucy cant find _homework.-_?A.their,Really

9、 B.her,Really C.their,WhoseA: Whats the music room?B: a table tennis room.A: Shall we go and a ?3.B: .十、阅读下列句子,找到与之相匹配的图片,标序号1.This is our classroom. Theres a sign on the door. It says: welcome to ourclassroom.2.There are many desks and chairs in our classroom.3.This is my desk. My name is on it.4.L

10、ook at our teachers desk. There are many interesting things on it.5.Therere two goldfish in the fish bowl. They are Goldy and Swimmy. They are my good friends.6.There is a big blackboard on the front wall. Our teacher usually writes our homework on it.十 一、阅读理解A:阅读短文,选择正确的选项One day, a little monkey a

11、nd a little fox(狐狸) go out to play. They see an apple tree on the other side (边) of the river. There are many big and red apples on it. But there is no bridge(桥) over the river. The monkey thinks hard and has an idea. They push down a tree and put it over the river as a bridge.The monkey says:” my o

12、ld friend, you go there first.” But after the fox goes to the other side, he kicks(踢) the tree into the river and runs to the apple tree.” How can I get there without the tree? ” cries the monkey. The fox laughs and says, “You just stand there and watch me eating the apples.” The monkey is very angr

13、y. Suddenly it begins to rain. The water level (水位) in the river rises (上涨) and tree flies away with water.“You can eat all the apples. But you cant come back.” Shouts the monkey. The fox stops eating and looks at the monkey sadly.1. The little monkey and the little fox want to on the other side of

14、the river.( )A. go and play B. eat the apples c. push down a tree( ) 2. The fox kicks the tree into the river because he wants to .A. eat all the apples by himself B. eat the apples with the monkeyC. get the apples first( ) 3. The fox cant come back because .A. the monkey takes away the tree B. it b

15、egins to rainC. the tree flies away with the water( ) 4. The fox is sad because .A. the monkey cant eat the apples B. he cant reach the applesC. he cant come back( ) 5. The story tells us that .A. the fox shouldnt go first B. the monkey should go firstC.one shouldnt care(关心) only about himselfB阅读短文,

16、回答问题This is a house of Yang Lings family. Its big and beautiful. They like to watch TV in the sitting room. Its beside the kitchen. Yang Ling and her family like to eat in the dining room (餐厅)between the sitting room and kitchen. Its on the first floor. There is a fridge, a table and six chairs in i

17、t. There are three rooms on the second floor. Yang Lings bedroom is next to (紧靠着) her parents (父母的) room. There are some dolls on the bed. Theres a bathroom beside her parents room.(1)根据短文将房间的序号写在相应的方框中(2)根据短文,回答问题十二、写作请以 my school/classroom/room 为题编对话,选择一个地点进行谈论(不少于三个来回)a. Yang Lings bedroomb. a ba

18、throomc. a sitting room d. a kitchene. a dinning room f. Yang Lings parents roomab1. How many rooms are there in Yang Lings house?2. Whats in the dining room?3. Are there any toy dolls on Yang Lings desk?五年级英语(上)1-2 单元学习情况反馈表听力文本及答案一、 听录音,给下面图片排序(听两遍)(8 分)1. One, two threeDont run. I can find you.2.

19、 Hey! Dont sleep in the library.3. There are three beds in the bedroom.4. Tea is popular in China.5. Oh, Mr bear, youre so heavy. I dont like to play with you.6. See? There arent any bananas in the fridge.7. Push me, Mum.8. Look! Theres a bear beside the sofa.63852741二、 听录音,判断正误,用 T 或 F 表示(听两遍(8 分)1

20、. The boy walks in front of the chickens.2. Do you know how do we call his in the UK? We call it the first floor. 3. -Where does Uncle John live? He lives in the forest.4. When do we have art lessons? On Thursdays.5.Are there any cars on the table? Yes, there are three.6.Look! The table tennis room

21、is on the first floor.Yes! And the music room is on the second floor.7. What do you do this weekend?we go to the cinema. We watch the film and have a good time.8.Goldilocks is afraid of the three bears. Help! Help!TFFT FFTT三、 听录音,选出相应的答句(听两遍)(6 分)1. Are there any art rooms in your school?2. Oh, Im s

22、o thirsty. But this soup is too cold.3. How many bedrooms are there in your house?4. I like the new shoes very much.5. Wheres the reading room?6. What a beautiful house it is!1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.A四、听短文,判断正误,用 T 或 F 表示(听两遍)(6 分)Its a fine day today. Yang Ling and her father have a picnic in the par

23、k. The park is very beautiful. There is a lake in the park. There are a lot of trees and flowers beside the lake. On the lake, we can see some ducks swimming. In front of the ducks, there is a boat. They can go boating in the park. There is also a chair. If they are tired, they can also sit on it.F

24、T F F T F五、(4 分) 1.cold,coat,cup,coffee 2.Nancy, ice,nice,juice六、(3 分) e a f c b d 七、(6 分) 1.house 2.between,third 3.stop 4.student 5.classrooms八、(10 分) 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.A九、(7 分) 1.How many are There are2.Is any there isnt3.beside Theres have a look OK/Sure十、(6 分) 315264十一、A( 5

25、 分)BACCCB(2+3 分)f b e c1.There are six. 2. There is a fridge,a table and six chairs in it.3.No ,there arent十二、(6 分)略五年级英语(上)1-2 单元反馈卷分值 (本部分教师可以写在黑板上,组织学生进行评价)第一部分 学习情感、态度 每项 1 分、共 4 分. (4 分为 A,3 分为 B,2分为 C)第二部分 口试 16 分词汇、句子: 各 2 分,共 6 分语言运用:每题 3 分,共 6 分(要求学生每人不少于说 5 句)语言及文化知识:每题 2 分,共 4 分(4 分为 A,3 分为 B,2 分为 C)


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