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1、2017 届上海市普陀区高考二模试卷(含答案)II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use o

2、ne word that best fits each blank. Wildlife in Decline The populations of Earths wild vertebrates (脊椎动物)have declined by 58% over the past four decades, according to the Living Planet Report 2016 published by the World Wildlife Fund. Climate change and activities such as deforestation and poaching(偷

3、猎)are in large part (21)_(blame) for the decline. If the trend continues, by 2020, the world (22)_(lose) two-thirds of its vertebrate biodiversity. “Sadly, there is no sign yet (23)_ this rate will decrease,” the report says.“Across land, fresh water and the oceans, human activities are forcing wild

4、life populations to the edge,“ says Marco Lambertini, director-general of WWF International. The Living Planet Report is published every two years. It aims to provide an assessment of the state of the worlds wildlife. The 2016 study included 3700 different species of birds, fish, mammals, amphibians

5、 and reptiles around the world. The team collected data from more than 3000 sources, including government statistics and surveys (24) _ (carry) out by conservation groups. They then analyzed (25) _ the population sizes had changed over time. Lambertini said some groups of animals had done worse than

6、 others. We do see particularly strong declines (26) _ the freshwater environment. For freshwater species alone, the decline stands at 81% since 1970. This is related to the way that water (27)_(use) and taken out of freshwater systems, and also to the fragmentation(分裂)of freshwater systems through

7、dam building, for example.”The report also highlighted other species, such as African elephants, (28) _ nave suffered huge declines in recent years, and sharks, which are threatened by overfishing. (29) _ _ _ all the terrifying facts, however, some conservationists say there is still hope. “One of t

8、he things that I think is the most important is that these wild animals havent yet gone extinct,” said Robin Freeman,head of the Zoological Society of London. “On the whole, (30) _ are not dying out, and that means we still have opportunities to do something about the decline.”Section B Directions:

9、Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. contribute B. flows C. fundamental D. lays E. notes _F. outlineG. reflect H. respectively I. shared J. serve K. uncertainlyLeadership Traits_(特质)_My job puts

10、 me in contact with extraordinary leaders in many fields. So I tend to _31_ a lot on leadership and how we can inspire successful teamwork, cooperation, and partnerships. In my experience, it is clear that the most successful leadersboth men and womenalways demonstrate three _32_ traits. Trustworthi

11、ness Leaders must set an example of honesty and justice and earn the trust of their teams through their everyday actions. When you do so with positive energy and enthusiasm for _33_ goals and purpose, you can deeply connect with your team and customers. A culture of trust enables you to empower empl

12、oyees and _34_ the foundation for communication, accountability, and continuous improvement.Compassion (共情) You cant forget that organizational success _35_ from the hearts and minds of the men and women you lead. Rather than treating your people as youd like to be treated, treat them as they would

13、like to be treated. Small gestures like choosing face-to-face meetings or sending personal _36_ can have an enormous impact on the spirits of the teams. In addition to thanks and praise, you must also understand peoples needs, pressures, and individual goals, which will allow you to lead them more e

14、ffectively and _37_ to their personal ambitions and professional development. Decisiveness In times of _38_ employees long for clarity. As a leader, you wont always have all of the answersno one expects you toso you must be open to listening and learning from others. Once you understand a particular

15、 challenge and _39_ the options, you have to be confident in making bold and optimistic decisions. Successful leadership demands a lifelong commitment to sharpening these three basic skills. Wherever you have the opportunity to _40_, the qualities of trustworthiness, compassion, and decisiveness are

16、 the keys to leadership and organizational success. III Reading ComprehensionDirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Boxing is a popular sport that many people see

17、m to be fascinated by . Newspapers , magazines and sports programme on TV frequently _41_boxing matches . Professional boxers earn a lot of money , and successful boxers are _42_as big heroes. It seems to me that people , especially men ,find it _43_because it is an aggressive sport . When they watc

18、h a boxing match , they can _44_ the winning boxer , and this gives them the feeling of being a _ 45_ themselves . It is a fact that many people have feeling of aggression from time to time , but they cannot show their _46_in their everyday lives . Watching a boxing match gives them an outlet for th

19、is aggression . However , there is a _47_side to boxing . It can be a very dangerous sport . Although boxers wear gloves during the fights , and amateur boxers _48_have to wear helmets , there have frequently been accident in both professional and amateur boxing , sometimes with _49_consequences . B

20、oxers have suffered from head injuries , and occasionally , fighters have even been killed as a result of being knocked out in the_50_. Furthermore , studies have shown that there are often long-term effects of boxing , in the form of serious brain _51_,even if a boxer has never been knocked out . I

21、 am personally not at all in _52_of aggressive sports like boxing . I think it would be better if less time was _53_to aggressive sports on TV, and we welcomed more men and women from non-aggressive sports as our heroes and heroines in our society . I believe that the world is aggressive enough alre

22、ady ! Of course , people like _54_sports , and so do I , but I think that _55_other people in an aggressive way is not something that should be regarded as a sport. 41. A. broadcast B. cover C. host D. design 42. A. kept B.individual C. thought D. treated 43. A. appealing B. subjective C. violent D.

23、 challenging 44. A. pick up B. believe in C. identify with D. long for45. A. winner B. spectator C. inspector D. trainer46. A. ambition B. aggression C. energy D. strength47. A. positive B. indifferent C. deadly D. negative48. A. otherwise B. somehow C. even D. barely 49. A. dramatic B. eye-catching

24、 C. emotional D. special50. A. court B. ring C. pitch D. yard 51. A. Loss B. drain C. damage D. disorder52. A. favour B. process C. charge D. power 53. A. shifted B. transformed C. given D. delivered 54. A. competitive B. quiet C. cooperative D. regular55. A. invading B. insulting C. teasing D. hitt

25、ing Section B Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A. B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) F

26、rankensteinFrankenstein was a book by Mary Shelly -its been adapted for the screen dozens of times. The story of Frankenstein is told through a series of letters written by Captain Robert Walton to his sister , as he leads an expedition (长征)to the North Pole . On the way , he meets Victor Frankenste

27、in , who tells Walton the story of his life. Frankenstein is the surname of the guy who creates the monster . The monster doesnt actually have a game . Anyway , Victor is a scientist whos desperate to discover the secret of life . After years of study , he makes an enormous creature out of human rem

28、ains and brings it to life . Victor intends it to be beautiful . Unfortunately , the creature turns out really hideous , and Victor runs away in terror . Although the monster is good and kind , humans are scared of it . When they mistreat it , the monster becomes angry and evil . Wanting revenge on

29、its creator , the monster murders Dr. Frankenstein brother , his wife , and his best friend . When Victor figures out the monster is behind all the deaths , he swears to track it down and kill it . This book was written in 1816, right after a period called the Enlightenment . The Enlightenment empha

30、sized the pursuit of knowledge and reason , and gave rise to the scientific method . Mary Shelley criticized the Enlightenment through the character of Victor Frankenstein , “ He is a negative example of an Enlightenment scientist -he pursues knowledge at any cost , and his obsession with discoverin

31、g the secret of life destroys him , as well as his friends and family .” Some Enlightenment thinkers might have seen such a loss as necessary for the advancement of science , but not Mary Shelley . She and her husband , poet Percy Shelly , were part of the Romantic Movement in art and literature . R

32、omanticism was a reaction against the Enlightenment embrace of rationality and reason . The Romantics emphasized emotion over rationality , and thought people should feel awe and terror in regard to nature . Frankenstein incorporates all these ideas. To Shelley , Frankenstein doesnt fear and respect

33、 the world of nature enough -she says that by tempering with nature , he brings about complete disaster . Frankenstein is not just a great Romantic novel . Its also considered one of the first major works of science fiction . It influences a whole generation of writers , and the monster has become o

34、ne of the most recognizable figures in Western culture. 56. Which of the following is closest in the meaning to hideous in Paragraph 1?A. Unattractive B. Engaging C. Charming D. Handsome 57. What is Victor Frankensteins fatal weakness?A. His love of science B. His rejection of his own creation C. Hi

35、s lack of respect for nature D. His inability to form human relationship 58. How was the Romantic era different from the Enlightenment ? A. The Romantic era emphasized emotion ; the Enlightenment emphasized reason . B. The Romantic era occurred during the 20th century ; the Enlightenment occurred du

36、ring the 19th century . C. The Romantic era emphasized poetry ; the Enlightenment emphasized prose . D. The Romantic era saw major scientific discoveries ; the Enlightenment was an era of literary discovery . 59. What effect did “ F rankenstein” have on later works of fiction ?A. It inspired books a

37、bout the Enlightenment B. It inspired technical writing C. It inspired books of poetry D. It inspired science-fiction writing 60. If you are a 22-year-old nurse , you can apply for the railcard without _. A. the signature of your director B $ 28 c. application form D. passport-sized photos 61. The 1

38、/3 OFF discount may not apply for the railcard holders who travel at _. A. 11 pm on Sunday in August B. 7. am on Tuesday in February C. 7 am on Monday in July D. 11 pm on Friday in March 62. Which of the following is True according to the leaflet ? A. If you railcard doesnt have your name signed , i

39、t will be used by someone else.B. The benefits of a railcard are transferable to your friend of your age . C. If you have no ticket but have boarded a train , you will still be eligible for a discounted ticketD. If railcard holders wish to use the Eurostar network , they must pay the full fare. The

40、Phone Stack(堆 )GameWhenever Michael Carl , the fashion market director at Vanity Fair , goes out to dinner with friends , he plays something, called the “ phone stack” game : Everyone places their phones in the middle of the table ; whoever looks at their device before the check arrives picks up the

41、 bill . As smart-phones continue to burrow(钻入) their way into our lives , and wearable devices like Google Glass threaten to eat into our person space even further , overburdened users are carving out their own device-free zones with special tricks and life hacks . “Disconnecting is a luxury that we

42、 all need ,” Lesley M. M. Blume , a New York writer keeps her phone away from the dinner table at home .” The expectation that we must always be available to employers ,colleague, family : It creates a real obstacle in trying to set aside private time . But that private time is more important than e

43、ver. “ Much of the digital detoxing (戒毒)is centered on the home , where urgent e-mails from co-workers , texts from friends , Instagram photos from acquaintances and updates on Facebook get together to disturb domestic quietness. A popular method is to appoint a kind of cellphone lockbox , like the

44、milk tin that Brandon Holley , the former editor of lucky magazine , uses. “ If my phones is buzzing or lighting up , its still a distraction , so it goes in the box . “, said Ms. Holley , who lives in a row house in Red Hook , Brooklyn , with her son ,Smith , and husband , John .” Its not something

45、 I want my kid to see.” Sleep is a big factor , which is why some people draw the cellphone-free line at the bedroom.” I dont want to sleep next to something that is a charged ball of information with photos an e-mails ,” said Peter Som , the fashion designer , who keeps his phone plugged in the liv

46、ing room overnight .” “It definitely is a head clearer and describes daytime and sleep time clearly .”Households with young children are especially mindful about being overconnected , with parents sensitive to how children may imitate bad habits . But its not just inside the home where users are sep

47、arating themselves from the habit . Cellphone overusers are making efforts to disconnect in social settings ,whether at the request of the host or in the form of friendly competition . The phone-stack game is a lighthearted way for friends to police against rude behavior when eating out . The game gained popularity after Brian Perez, a dancer in Los Angeles , posted the idea online. 63. What might be the reason for Michael Carl to play the “ phone stack” game?A. His friends arent will


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