TED英语演讲:细节是设计的灵魂 设计二字,很多人想到的是宏伟的建筑设计,精致的室内设计,抑或是华美的服装设计,然而著名设计公司IDEO的创意总监保罗.本内特先生却把注意力放在了常被人们忽视细节上。通常,能够产生影响的并不是所谓大手笔制作,而是那些细微的、个人的、与人们生活紧密联系的小想法。保罗先生如是说。下面是我为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:细节是设计的灵魂,欢迎借鉴参考。 演说题目:Design is in the details 演说者:Paul Bennett Hello. Actually, thats hello in Bauer Bodoni for the typographically hysterical amongst us. One of the threads that seems to have come through loud and clear in the last couple of days is this need to reconcile what the Big wants - the