人教版七年级英语上册Unit 3 Is this your pencil同步测试题.doc

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1、人七上英语 Unit 3 同步测试题听力部分(共 20 分)I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共 5 小题,每 小题 1 分,计 5 分)( )1. A. classroom B. library C. dictionary( )2. A. e-mail B. call C. ask( )3. A. Mikes B. my C. mine( )4. A. ask B. have C. excuse( )5. A. Thanks for helping me. B. Thanks for calling me. C. Thank you very much for finding my

2、card.II. 听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分)( )6. A. A baseball and a ruler. B. An eraser and some cards. C. An eraser and a ruler.( )7. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. We dont know.( )8. A. Yellow. B. Green. C. Blue.( )9. A. Mike. B. Mary. C. Linda.( )10. A. In the classroom. B. In the school

3、library. C. In the schoolbag.III. 听对话填空。 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,计 10 分)Name Linda Tony JimPhone number 11._ 12._ 14._Thing Pencil 13._ 15. _笔试部分(共 80 分)IV. 单项选择 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )16. This is _ pencil and that is _ ID card.A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an( )17. _, is this your pen

4、?Yes, it is. Thank you.A. Sorry B. Thank you C. Excuse me D. Nice to meet you( )18. Where is Tom? He is _ Classroom 8F now.A. for B. on C. to D. in( )19. I have _. Theyre very nice.A. a watch B. some watch C. some watches D. watch( )20. My pen is red. _ your pen?A. What about B. What C. What color D

5、. How( )21. Is this pencil box _? No, it isnt. It is _ pencil box.A. his; hers B. yours; his C. your; my D. her; mine( )22. Please call Tina _ 234-5678.A. in B. for C. at D. on( )23. I cant find my pen. Can you help me _ it? A. call B. find C. lost D. finds( )24. Tom, is this your book? No, it isnt.

6、 I think its _.A. Jack B. JacksC. mine D. her( )25. This is your book. Here you are.Thank you. _.A. You are welcome B. Thats rightC. You are OK D. Thank you, tooV. 完形填空 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。My name is Jenny. Im 13. Im a middle school student. My English teacher 2

7、6 Mr. Brown. He is an old teacher. This is 27 car. Its orange. Look at my schoolbag. 28 is a pen and that is a ruler. Those are two 29 . I have 30 eraser, 31 . An ID card is in 32 schoolbag. But it isnt my ID card. My friends 33 Jack is on it. I think its 34 . I can 35 him. His e-mail address is Jac

8、k .( )26. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )27. A. her B. his C. he D. she( )28. A. He B. They C. These D. This ( )29. A. pencil B. schoolbags C. pencils D. map( )30. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )31. A. to B. two C. too D. at( )32. A. my B. I C. me D. mine( )33. A. ring B. box C. key D. name( )34. A. hers B.

9、his C. mine D. yours( )35. A. e-mail B. call C. excuse D. thankVI. 阅读理解 (共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,计 20 分)阅读 A、B 两篇材料,然后按要求答题。A Lost and foundFoundA schoolbag Is this your yellow and black schoolbag? Call me at 677-4356, please.LindaFoundIs this your watch with Mickey Mouse (米老鼠)? Your nice watch is here. Cal

10、l Sandra Black.Tel: 326-7667LostA student card My name is Peter Smith. Please call 307-9658. Thank you very much.根据表格内容,选择正确答案。( )36. Linda found a(n) _.A. schoolbag B. watch C. school card D. ID card( )37. Whats Sandras telephone number?A. 677-4356. B. 326-7676. C. 326-7667. D. 307-9658.( )38. _ lo

11、st a student card.A. Linda B. Sandra C. Peter D. Jim( )39. What color is the schoolbag?A. Black. B. Yellow and black. C. Yellow and white. D. Yellow.( )40. Peters family name is _.A. Black B. Brown C. Green D. SmithB I have a good brother named Little Bin (小小彬). His English name is Benny. His birthd

12、ay (生日) is coming. He is 9 years old. Some of his friends in The Parent Trap (新天生一对 ) come to his birthday party. Benny is in red from head to toe (从头到脚). Our dad makes a red cake (蛋糕) for him. The table and the chairs are red. Yang Mi brings (带给) him a red watch and a red schoolbag. Zhou Yumin brin

13、gs him a red computer game. I feel sorry because I only give a notebook to him. But when Benny sees it, he says, “Thank you very much, Mini Bin! Its my favorite because its green!“ We (我们) have a good day.41 题判断正误(“T”表示正确, “F”表示错误) ;42 题完成句子;43 将文中划线句子译成汉语;44-45 题简略回答问题。(上接第 3 版)41. Benny is nine. (

14、 )42. Yang Mi brings him a red _ and a red _.43. _44. What color does Benny like?_45. Who am “I“ in the passage (文章)?_VII. 词汇(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)A). 根据句意及汉语意思或首字母提示完成句子。46. There are two schoolbags in the _ (箱子).47. That green T-shirt isnt my brothers. H is red.48. I f this book is very good.49.

15、 He lost his eraser, so he _(必须) buy another one.50. I have three English-Chinese d .B). 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。51. 请跟他弟弟要一把尺子。Please _ his brother _ a ruler.52. 桌子上有一串钥匙。There is _ _ _ _ on the desk.53. 我的英语老师在教室里。My English teacher is _ _ _.54. 谢谢你帮助我。_ you for _ me.55. 你怎样拼写这个单词?_ do you _ this word?VII

16、I. 根据对话内容,用适当的单词补全对话,使对话完整、通顺。 (共 10 小题,每小题1 分,计 10 分)Jane: 56._ me, Lily! Whats this?Lily: It is 57._ eraser.Jane: Is this 58._ eraser?Lily: No, it 59._.Jane: Is your eraser white?Lily: 60._, it is. But my eraser is 61._ my pencil box.Jane: What 62._ is Lucys eraser?Lily: It is white, too. Maybe (也

17、许) it is 63._.Jane: What is 64._ telephone number?Lily: 65._ 768-4321.IX. 基础写作 (共 20 分)A) 连词成句(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,计 10 分)将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出)66. books, are, his, those_?67. card, the, is, ID, yours_?68. I, find, must, it_.69. some, library, are, in, books, the_.70. Bobs, pens, these, arent_.

18、B) 书面表达(10 分)假设你是刘佳,你在图书馆捡到一个蓝色的书包,请写一个招领启事发到你的微博上,你的 e-mail 是 。Unit 3 同步测试题听力材料I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。1. Sally is in the library now.2. Please call me at 879-6532.3. The computer is mine.4. You can ask your teacher for help.5. Thank you for your help.II. 听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。6. W: Whats this in English? M: I

19、ts a schoolbag. Whats in it?W: Let me see. Oh, an eraser and some cards.Q: Whats in the schoolbag?7. W: Is this Lisas bag?M: No, its not hers. Its Nancys.Q: Is the bag Lisas? 8. M: Is this your green pencil box, Jane?W: No, it isnt. Mine is yellow. I think its Helens.Q: What color is Janes pencil bo

20、x?9. W: Is this your eraser, Mike? I find it in the classroom.M: No, it isnt. Its Marys. You can call her at 865-3982. Q: Who lost an eraser?10. M: Hello, is that Anna? I lost my computer game in the school library. Can you help me find it?W: This is Anna speaking. OK. Ill e-mail you, John.Q: Where

21、is Johns computer game?III. 听对话填空。W: Hi, Im Linda. Whats your name, please?M: My name is Tony. Nice to meet you.W: Nice to meet you, too. My phone number is 638-7521. Whats your phone number?M: Its 728-4365.W: This is my pencil. Look! There is a schoolbag. Is that yours?M: Yes, it is.W: Is this your

22、 watch?M: No, it isnt. Its my brothers watch.W: Whats his name?M: His name is Jim.W: Whats his phone number?M: You can call him at 638-2141.Unit 3 同步测试题参考答案 I. 1-5 BBCAA II. 6-10 BBABBIII. 11. 638-7521 12. 728-4365 13. schoolbag 14. 638-2141 15. watchIV. 16-20 ACDCA 21-25 BCBBAV. 26-30 BBDCB 31-35 C

23、ADBAVI. 36-40 ACCBD 41. T 42. watch; schoolbag 43. 我们过得很愉快 44. Green. 45. Mini Bin.VII. A) 46. box 47. His 48. find 49. must 50. dictionariesB) 51. ask; for 52. a set of keys 53. in the classroom 54. Thank; helping 55. How; spell VIII. 56. Excuse 57. an 58. your 59. isnt 60. Yes 61. in62. color 63. hers 64. her 65. ItsIX. A) 66. Are those his books?67. Is the ID card yours?68. I must find it.69. Some books are in the library.70. These pens arent Bobs. / These arent Bobs pens.B) One possible version:Found A blue schoolbagIs this your schoolbag?Please e-mail Liu Jia.E-mail:


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