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1、1高中英语动词及动词短语练习题1The news was a terrible blow to her, but she will _ the shock soon.A. get out B. get through C. get off D. get over2.The sound of the music _louder and louder as the band marched nearer to me.A. grew B. felt C. appeared D. remained3. Off the east, the sky looked pale enough to _ the

2、storm would be passing quickly. A. suggest B. report C. prove D. explain4.Have you finished your homework yet?Not yet, I _ to do it just a few minutes ago.A. get down B. set out C. set about D. set up5The thing that _ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.A. matters B cares Ccon

3、siders Dminds6.So how is your new roommate?She really _. Shes always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her,she always makes rude remarks.A. turns me off B. turns me down C. turns me out D. turns me over7. To be honest, I dont quite _ with you some general views on the weather.A. did B

4、. allow C. bother D. share8. Dont mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may _ the shocking ending.A. give away B. give out C. give up D. give off 9. The old houses are being pulled down to _ a new office block.A. supply with B. make use of C. make room for D. take the place of 10. It is

5、fashionable to drive a car, but to drive a car is not nearly as difficult as it is imagined on condition that you _ the specialized rules.A. give up B stick to Cinsist on Dconnect to11. Will you my composition to find out whether Ive made any spelling mistakes? A. look through Blook on Clook up Dloo

6、k out of12. As is known to us all, failure usually _ _ laziness while diligence can _ success.A. results from, lie in B. results in, result from2C. leads to, lie in D. results from, result in13. He has been fired and will have to over charge of his office tomorrow.A. take B hand Cget Dgo14. His aunt

7、s letters him of those beautiful days when they used to live together in his hometown.A. call up B call for Ccall on Dcall at15. Did you reach the top of the mountain?Yes. Even I myself didnt believe I could it.A. work B climb Cget Dmake16. In Britain today women 44% of the workforce, and nearly hal

8、f the mothers with children are in paid work.A. build up B make up Ctake up Dsend up17. We trust you ; only you can him to give up smoking .A. suggest B attract Cadvise Dpersuade 18. Have a good rest ; you need to your energy for the football match this afternoon .Thanks a lot . A. leave B save Chol

9、d Dget 19. In that country, guests usually feel that they are not highly _ if the invitation to a dinner party is given only three or four days before the party dateA. regarded B. thought C. admired D. concerned20. Difficulties and hardships have _ the best character of the young geologist.A. brough

10、t in B. brought up C. brought out D. brought about21. Our daughter doesnt know what to at the university ; she cant make up her mind about her future .A. take in B take up Ctake over Dtake on 22. Ling Feng won the first prize in the national English competition and Im glad that her efforts at last _

11、.A. worked out B got back Cpaid off Dturned out23. The Browns sent lots of invitations for their party. But because of the improper time, few people _ it.3A. attended B accepted Creceived Denjoyed24. I think John will a good monitor, so Id like to vote for him.A. turn B change Celect Dmake25. The gi

12、rl _ to be a good dancer if she is well trained in an art school.A. expects B allows Cwishes Dpromises26.What do you think of Andrew ?There are some things that are not easy to , and his coldness is one .A. put aside B put up with Cthink of Dget along with 27.Does he know how to work out the problem

13、 ?Yes , he has a good idea to solve it .A. caught up with B kept up with Ccome up with Dput up with 28. Will Thursday or Friday you ?Either will .A. fit , be Bfit , OK Csuit , all right Dsuit , do 29. Eating too much fat can heart disease and cause high blood pressure .A. result from B contribute to

14、 Cattend to Ddevote to 30. It suddenly to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter.A. happened B occurred Cthought Dtook place【答案解析】41. D 本题考查相近动词短语的词义辨析能力。四个词组只有 get over 有克服之意。故选D。2. A grow 变得,表示一个渐进的过程; feel,认为,感觉; appear 显得;remain 保留,依然。题干中的 as 是关键词,表示 “随着乐队向我

15、们走的越来越近,音乐的声音也变得越来越大”。3. A 本题检测近义动词的辨析能力。 suggest 暗示,意味着; report 报告;prove 证明;explain 解释。本句句义为“东方灰蒙蒙的天空暗示着暴风雪即将来临。”4. B get down to doing sth 开始做某事,set out to do sth 着手做某事, set about doing sth 开始做某事,set up 建立。故选 B。5. A 本句句意为:重要的事情是:不是你失败与否,而是你是否努力了。 matter:be important,故选 A。6. A turn sb off 使某人厌烦或厌恶

16、turn sb down :拒绝,不理会 turn sb out :赶走某人,turn sb over :使某人翻身。本句语言环境为:我的新室友经常在深夜制造噪音,当我提醒她时,她却说脏话。她的这些举动当然令我生厌。故选 A。7. A 本题的句式结构变一下,就可看出本题考查的是 share sth with sb.故选 D。8. A 本句句意为:不要在故事的开头提及它,否则,那会泄露事故结尾。give away :泄露。故选 A。9. C 旧房子被推倒目的是给新办公楼腾出地方。make room for 为 腾出空间。故选 C。10. B give up :放弃,stick to :not c

17、hange, keep to sth 坚持或维持某事物,insist on :demand 坚持要求 ,connect to 与有联系。只要你坚持(遵守)交通规则,开车并不像想象的那么难,故选 B。11. A 你能否浏览一下我的作文,看一下是否有拼写错误?look through:浏览.翻阅,故选A。12. D result from:因而发生,后接原因; lie in:存在于,后接原因;result in 产生某种结果,lead to:导致,后接结果。失败是因为懒惰,而勤奋则导致成功,故选 D。13. B 他被解雇了,明天不得不移交对公司的管理权。hand over:把 移交,take ov

18、er:接收 .接管,get over:克服,go over:复习。故选 B。14. A call up:想起某事物.回忆某事,call for:需求.需要,call on:号召.请求拜访(某人),call at:拜访(某地)。他婶婶的信使他想起了他们在一起度过的日子,故选 A。15. make it :be successful.甚至我自己都不相信我能成功地攀上山顶。 climb it 只表示爬山,5不能表示爬到山顶,故选 D.16. B build up:变得更大.更多或更强;make up 组成,构成某事物; take up:占据;send up 发射。今天的英国,妇女构成了劳动力的 44

19、%,故选 B。17. D 我们相信你,只有你才能说服他戒烟。 suggest 不跟动词不定式,attract:吸引;advise:只是劝说而已,persuade:劝服,说服,故选 D。18. B 好好休息一下,你需要为足球比赛保存体力。save: keep sth for future use:储存.保存,故选 B。19. A 在那个国家,赴宴会的邀请书仅在宴会前三 .四天收到,会让客人感到他们不被重视。regarded:重视,若选 B,则应用 thought of,故选 A。20. C bring in:逮捕,搜集;bring up:培养;bring out:产生某种品质;bring abo

20、ut:使发生。本句意为:困难和困苦已经使那名年轻的地质学家形成了优秀的品格。故选 C。21. B take in:吸收.包括;take up: 从事;take over 接管;take on 呈现。我女儿不知在大学里学习什么专业,故选 B。22. C pay off:偿还,偿清,回报,努力付出终有回报,故选 C。23. A it 指代的是 party。因为时间不合适。很少人出席了晚会,故选 A。24. D make:变成。我认为 John 会是一名好班长的,所以我投了他一票。若用 A,则应变成 turn into 或去掉冠词 a,故选 D。25. D 如果那个女孩在艺校进行良好的训练,她有望成

21、为一名好舞蹈家,promise 使很有可能,有望。故选 D。26. B put aside:储存,把 放到一边;put up with 忍受,容忍; think of 考虑;get along with:与 相处,进展; 谈到 Andrew,有很多事情不能容忍,冷酷便是其中之一。故选 B。27. C catch up with:跟上,赶上;keep up with:跟上;come up with 找到,想起;put up with:容忍.忍受,他已找到了解决问题的方法。故选项 C。28. D fit 作动词时,表示衣服的大小是否适合,排除 A. B 两项。若选 C,则应用 be all right。do:be sufficient or satisfactory for sb.故选 D。29. B 吃太多的脂肪容易导致心脏疾病和高血压,contribute to:导致.促成。故选 B30. B occur to sb :come into a persons mind 想到.想起。侦探突然想起百万富翁有可能被他女儿所杀;happen to sb 某人发生了什么事。故选 B


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