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1、1 Unit 2 Saving the earthTopic 1 I cant stand the environment here.1.看到蜂蝶飞舞 see bees and butterflies dancing (see sb. doing sth.)2.去野餐 have a picnic/go for a picnic3.城市面貌 the look of our cities4.把废水倒入溪流中 pour waste into the stream5.有用的事物 something useful6.忍受/改善/保护环境 stand /improve / protect the envi

2、ronment7.产生难闻的气味 produce terrible gas8.情绪好/差 in a good / bad mood9.设法做某事 manage to do sth.10.感到不舒适 feel uncomfortable11.对某人/某物有害 be harmful to sb. / sth.(do harm to sb./sth.)12.目前,现在 at present 13.写信给某人 write to sb.14.发出太多的噪音 make too much noise15.打扰别人 disturb others16.一种污染 a kind of pollution17.对做了

3、某事感到抱歉 be sorry for doing sth.18.各种各样的 all sorts of / all kinds of19.在吵杂的条件下 in noisy conditions20.变聋了 go / become deaf21.听力丧失 have hearing loss22.相当多 quite a few23.(几乎)与一样差 no better than24.引发高血压 cause high blood pressure25.在强烈、易变的光线下 in strong, changeable light26.在许多方面 in many ways27.随着人口的增长 with

4、the increase in population2 28.随着工业的发展 with the development of industry29.对我来说很难呼吸 It is difficult for me to breathe.30.你处于这样的状态多久了? How long have you been like this?自从上个月以来我一直这样。 I have been like this since last month.31.那是个有花、有草的美丽的地方。It is a beautiful place with flowers and grass.32.所有的花、草和鱼儿都没有了

5、 All the flowers, grass and fish have gone!33.有几座工厂正往河里排放污水 There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the river.34.保护环境是我们的职责 Its our duty to protect the environment.35.无论如何,我希望我将设法离开这个地方。Anyway, I hope Ill manage to leave this place.36.并非所有人都知道噪音也是一种污染。Not all people know that n

6、oise is also a kind of pollution.重点语言点1.I cant stand the environment here. 我无法容忍这儿的环境。stand 表“容忍;忍受” ,后接名词、代词及动名词做宾语。eg:I cant stand that man, he talks too much. 我忍受不了那个人了,他话太多了。I cant stand waiting any longer. 我再也等不了了。2.What do you mean by sth. ?某物是什么意思呢?= Whats the meaning of sth ? = What does sth

7、. mean?3.I hope I can move from here soon.我希望我能早点从这儿搬走。当主从句主语一致时,常可转换成不定式短语= I hope to move from here soon.我希望早点从这儿搬走。sb hope/wish (that)+句子Sb hope/wish to do sth.Wish sb to do sth(这里不用 hope)I hope so(这里不用 wish)4There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the river.有几座工厂正往河里排放污水。Th

8、ere be + sb. / sth. + doing sth.表有某人/ 某物正在做某事。eg: There are some birds singing in the tree. 树上有些鸟儿在歌唱。There is a little girl crying in the street. 街上有个小女孩在哭。5stop doing sth.停止做(正在进行的)事3 stop to do sth.停下来去做(另一件)事eg: Its late. They will stop working and (stop) to have supper. 很迟了。他们将停下来吃晚饭。The studen

9、ts stopped talking and to listen to the teacher. 学生们停止说话去听课。6Im sorry for making so much noise. 很抱歉我弄出这么大的噪音。be sorry for doing sth.表对做过的事感到抱歉be sorry to do sth.表对当前的事感到抱歉eg:Im sorry for waking you up yesterday. 很抱歉昨天把你弄醒了。Im sorry to trouble you. 很抱歉打扰你了。Im sorry to hear that.听到那个(消息)感到很遗憾。7 Recent

10、ly it was reported that many teenagers in America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do,近来据报道,美国许多青少年的听力和 65 岁的老人一样差。no better than 表“同(几乎)一样差; 不比做得好”eg:Lucy did no better than Lily in the exam. 露西和莉莉考得几乎一样糟.= Lucy almost did as badly as Lily in the exam.8.复习现在完成时中延续性的动作或状态和由 for / since 引导的

11、一段时间状语搭配使用。a)“for + 时间段”与 “since + 时间点”都表“一段时间” ,常用 How long 提问。b) 如句中含有非延续性动词,则改为相应的延续性动词或状态Unit 2 Topic 1第二部分 基础知识运用(55 分).单项选择。 (10 分)( )1.How long _ you _ here?For about two years so far.A.have; studied B.did; live C.do; stay D.were; swimming( )2.We have known each other _ ten years ago.A.for B.

12、ever C.about D.since( )3.There is _ pollution in the world. We must stop it.A.much too B.too much C.many too D.too many( )4.Is the flower beautiful?Yes, at _ its _ the one you bought for me.A.last; as bad as B.least; no better thanC.last; not better D.least; no worse than( )5.I cant stand _ for you

13、so long.A.to wait B.waiting C.waits D.waited( )6.The boss made child laborers _ 12 hours every day.A.working B.works C.work D.to work( )7._ the environment is important for human beings.A.Take care of B.Taking care of C.Took care of D.Take the care of( )8.Have you finished your homework?Not _. There

14、 are still some exercises to be done.A.already B.yet C.just D.ever( )9.It smells terrible. What has happened here?Look, there is much waste gas _ from the chemical factory.4 A.pour B.pouring C.poured D.pours( )10.When I was walking in the street yesterday, I saw a UFO _ over my head.A.flying B.flies

15、 C.flew D.to fly.情景交际。 (5 分)填入适当的句子,补全对话。A: Hello, May!B: Hi, Peter! I havent seen you for weeks. 11._A: I have been to Hawaii (夏威夷).B: How was your journey?A: Great! Hawaii is a beautiful place.B: 12. _A: I went there by air.B: 13. _A: Yes, I had lived there for 4 years before I came here.B: 14. _A

16、: I traveled with my friends.B: 15. _A: I have been away for about eleven days.B: What a wonderful journey!A: Yes, it was!.完形填空。 (10 分)I cant remember when I started collecting litter. But it was when I got tired of 16 litter nearby that I realized no one else was going to pick it up.I live near a f

17、orest in Ohio, America. I can walk there 17 three minutes. I used to love going there to play with my dog. But one day there was 18 much litter there that I became very unhappy. I decided to clean up the forest, and I wanted to 19 happy when I went again. I made my first trip to clean the forest tha

18、t afternoon. I took a big black rubbish bag with me. Ten minutes 20 I started to pick up litter, my bag was full! There were cans, bottles, broken glass and newspapers in it.From then on, I 21 to the forest four times a year to pick up litter. I often stay there for three hours. It makes me feel 22

19、to do something for the environment. After each trip, I look through all the litter that Ive collected. If 23 of it is recyclable(可回收利用的), Ill keep it. I cant understand why people drop litter. But I will keep on picking it up 24 they stop dropping it. I know I am only doing a small bit 25 the earth

20、, but I still think it is important.( )16.A.seeing B.throwing C.dropping D.cleaning( )17.A.after B.for C.with D.in( )18.A.such B.very C.so D.too( )19.A.make B.feel C.look D.find( )20.A.after B.later C.before D.of( )21.A.had gone B.have gone C.go D.will go( )22.A.tired B.sad C.interesting D.great( )2

21、3.A.many B.few C.any D.much( )24.A.until B.after C.as soon as D.when( )25.A.helped B.to help C.help D.helping5 .阅读理解。 (30 分)(A) The earth is about 4,600 million years old. Modern man has lived on the earth for only 35,000 years, but during that time, we have changed our planet in many ways. Many of

22、the things that we have done are good, but more are not good for the earth.Water pollutionA lot of people, birds and fish die each day because of water pollution. Factories have polluted the land and the water. As a result, many rivers and lakes are now dead.Air pollutionIn big cities, factories, as

23、 well as cars, trucks and buses are the main cause of air pollution. Many people in cities now have serious health problems. For example, Mexico city used to be a beautiful sunny capital, but today it is always covered by thick brown clouds.Soil pollutionIn order to have a good harvest, most of the

24、farmers use chemicals too much in their fields. Thats bad for the soil. But this kind of pollution is difficult to stop.Hope for the futureThese problems are very serious for our future, so all of us should do something to improve our environment. If we can stop pollution, our planet will become mor

25、e and more beautiful and our health will be better. Lets be greener people!( )26._ have made the earth change a lot.A.Human beingsB.Animals C.Plants D.People in other planets( )27.There are _ kinds of pollution in this passage.A.two B.three C.four D.five( )28.Pollution isnt a big problem now, is it?

26、A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isnt. C.Yes, there is. D.No, there isnt.( )29.Which sentence is NOT right according to the passage?A.Most of things that we have done are good for our planet.B.We must stop the factories from pouring waste water into the rivers and lakes.C.Because of water pollution, many rive

27、rs and lakes are now dead.D.Water pollution is very serious nowadays.( )30.Which sentence is RIGHT?A.Though Mexico city is always covered by thick brown clouds, its still a beautiful sunny capital.B.Air pollution can make people sick.C.Now fewer farmers use chemicals in the fields.D.Factories, cars,

28、 trucks and buses are the main cause of soil pollution.(B) Stop and listen! What do you hear? You may hear many different sounds. Some of those sounds may be noise. Noise is a loud or unwanted sound.Noise can be caused by many kinds of machines, such as motorcycles, jet planes (喷气式飞机), farm tractors

29、, and power motors. And, to some people, rock music is also a noise.6 What happens to people who live near noisy machines or use them over a period of time? Doctors have found that these people have trouble in sleeping. And most importantly, constant (连续的) loud noise can cause loss of hearing.Scient

30、ists use a unit of measure called a decibel(分贝) to measure the loudness of a sound. The sound of a quiet room, for example, measures 35 decibels. Talking measures between 40 and 65 decibels. Sounds from traffic and from some rock bands measure over 120 decibels. Noise at such high level causes the g

31、reatest hearing loss.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )31.According to the passage, noise is all sounds that you can hear.( )32.A “decibel” is a machine that makes loud noise.( )33.Loud noise can help people sleep better.( )34.Not all people think that rock music is a noise.( )35.We can infer (推断) from the passa

32、ge that noise is a serious problem.(C) The students were having their chemistry class. Miss Li was telling the children what water was like. After that, she asked her students, “What is water?” No one answered for a few minutes. Miss Li asked again, “Why dont you answer my question? Didnt I tell you

33、 what water is like?”Just then, a boy put up his hand and said, “Miss Li, you told us that water has no color and no smell. But where to find such kind of water? The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell.” Most of the children agreed with him.“Im sorry, children,”

34、 said the teacher, “our water is getting dirtier and dirtier. Thats a serious problem.”根据短文内容,回答问题。36.Why didnt the children answer the teachers question at first?_37.Please use a sentence to describe what water is._38.Why does the water in the river have color and smell?_39.Do you think the boy who

35、 answered the teachers question is stupid?_40.What did other students think of the boy?_第三部分 写作(25 分).词汇。 (10 分)(A) 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Look, there is a bird _ (sing) in the tree.2.The bad air makes my chest hurt and its difficult for me _ (breath).3.They are doing their homework carefully. Youd bet

36、ter not _(disturb) them.4.Litter _ (influence) the look of our city.5.It is known that smoking does great _(harm) to us.(B) 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。6.The chemical factories _ (生产) terrible gas.7.Each year people pour _ (废物) into rivers, lakes and so on.7 8.There are _ (几个) students reading books over there.9.

37、Do you know he has _ (参军) for five years?10.Loud noises can cause high _ (血) pressure as well.综合填空(5 分)根据短文内容,用所给单词的适当形式填空。loud, live, pollution, easy, pollute, wasteLife today is much better. However, there are new problems. One of the biggest ones is pollution. Water 11 has made rivers dirty. It k

38、ills fish and 12 our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us speak 13 and become angry more 14 . Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. Its bad for all 15 things in the world.11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._.书面表达。 (10 分)人类只有一个地球。根据提示,以“Saving the Earth”为题,写一篇 80 词左右的短文。提示: 1.如何保护环境已成为世界最大难题之一

39、;2.各种污染破坏环境,损害健康;3.不要乱倒垃圾,乱排废水;4.我们应该保护环境,使我们的家园更加美丽。_Unit2 Topic1一.词汇.(1) 看起来气色好(脸色苍白)_ 2.看医生(牙医)_(2)看书(工作)太久_ 4.休息一会(2_)_1)发烧_ 6.咳嗽_7.牙(胃)痛_ 8.背痛_(1)患了重感冒_ 10.眼痛_11.头痛_ 12.喉咙痛_8 3. 患流感_ 14.喝大量的开水_15.提重物_ 16.晚上喝咖啡或茶_17.卧床睡个好觉_ 18.睡得好_19.在夜间_ 20.康复,好起来_21.感到难受_ 22.日日夜夜_23.想要做某事(3)_24.喝加有蜂蜜的热茶_25. 吃辣

40、的食物_1)吃太多糖_ 27.躺下休息_1.刷牙_ 29.上网_30.照顾(2)_ 31.检查(2)_1. 没什么严重的_ 33.服下这些药片_1)好多了_ 35.为.担心(2)_1.采纳某人的意见(2)_ 37.给某人一些建_(1)发生一场事故_ 39.送某人去医院_(1)返回到某地(3)_(2)返回家(学校)_ 42.请两天假_(3)叫(乘)出租车_ 43.一日三次_1) 最好(不)做某事_ 45.(不)应该做某事_46.我感到难受. Im _ _.47.你象这样多久了? _ _have you _ _this?48.听到这个消息我很遗憾. Im _ to _ that.49.她不想跳舞.

41、 She _ feel _ _.50.今天你不应该出去. Youd _ _ _ _.51.但我一动我的左腿,仍然痛. But my left leg _ _when I _ it.52.每次两片,一天三次. Two_ _ time, three_ a day.53.我希望我会很快好起来,早点回到学校.I hope Ill _ _ and _ _ school_.54.He always has a toothache, so he _ _ _ _ _ _(一天刷两次牙 ).55.He has a bad cold. He _ _ _(想要喝) some water.56.He _ _ (躺下) and had a good rest.57.The doctor is _ _ _ now.(给她做检查)58.I didnt _


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