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1、测 试 题ch11. Read the words.map rat cap sad jacketleg net red pet yellowhit quick sit zip risklot box frog fog dotduck hut nut suck yummy2. Fill in the blanks.Fr_sh 新鲜的 m_ss 想念错过 h_liday 假日 _mbr_lla n.雨伞 l_nch 午饭 e i o u,e ul_mb 羔羊肉 Fr_nch 法国人 m_lkm_n 送牛奶的人_ff_cer 官员爱撒谎的字母家族d_st 弹掉灰尘土_t_ly 意大利 m_ss 杂乱

2、 凌乱 m_stake 错误 s_ft 柔软的st_nd _p 站起来tr_mp 流浪汉 sp_ll 拼写 tr_p 旅程 b_ss 老板 b_tter 黄油3. 选出划线部分发音不一样的单词( )A. black B. matter C. pad D. cake( )A. must B. cute C. dust D. Sunday( )A. she B. dress C. shelf D. empty( )A. holiday B. top C. soft D. home( )A. ticket B. picture C. kite D. village( )A. pad B. fashi

3、on C. taxi driver D. name( )A. picture B. Italy C. village D. risk( )A. Finnish B. intelligent C. find D. Trip( )A. soft B. shopping C. opposite D. opposite( )A. Sunday B. suddenly C. understand D. cute测 试 题 ch21.Read the words.kite like lift mince night light note holiday huge suddenlycompete hole

4、joke introduce prosecute smile home hope Rome note 2. Fill in the blanks.h_t_ 讨厌 m_st_ke 错误lemon_d_柠檬水 w_v_招手pl_c_放置chin_s_中国人 中国人的 r_p_成熟的 w_n_红酒 果酒 arr_v_到达s_z_尺寸尺码大小诚实的小“e”弟弟sm_l_微笑 inv_t_邀请 r_cogn_z_认出 surpr_s_惊奇,意外的事 l_n_线路 introd_c_介绍 am_sed 有趣的 r_m_罗马 n_t_纸币3. 选出划线部分发音不一样的单词( )A. black B. lem

5、onade C. wave D. place( )A. must B. prosecute C. dust D. nut( )A. thes e B. compete C. complete D. empty( )A. holiday B. home C. hole D. Rome( )A. like B. picture C. kite D. invite( )A. lake B. take C. taxi driver D. name( )A. overtake B. mistake C. village D. date( )A. invite B. intelligent C. fine

6、 D. Trip( )A. overtake B. note C. opposite D. Rome( )A. surprise B. advice C. opposite D. Wine测 试 题 ch31. Read the words.teacher computer dinner daughter farmerburger purple turtle bird girlactor conductor born porter horsegarden hard farm market shark 2. Fill in the blanks.sm_ _t: 聪明的sh_ _t:短的p_ssp

7、_ _t:护照h_ _d-working :勤奋的refrig_rat_ _: 冰箱hairdress_ _ : 理发师operat_ _: 操作员sh_ _pen:使 .锋利sh_ _p:锋利的g_ _den:花园美味的小“r”面包hamm_ _ :锤子answ_ _:答案th_ _sty : 渴的butt_ _:黄油comf_ _table :舒适的b_tch_ _:屠夫Th_ _sday 周四p_ _son:人p_sseng_ _:乘客 d_ _ty : 脏的ent_ _ :进入 sk_ _t 短裙3. 选出划线部分发音不一样的单词( )A. smart B. bark C. park

8、D. lizard( )A. bag B. bat C. apple D. Geography( )A. teacher B. cleaner C. dirty D. mother( )A. fur B. turtle C. large D. bird( )A. like B. picture C. kite D. invite( )A. sharp B. mark C. dark D. doctor( )A. operat or B. refrigerator C. actor D. fork( )A. sir B. first C. work D. morning( )A. over B.

9、 home C. opposite D. Rome( )A. word B. worm C. work D. corn测 试 题 ch41.Read the words.speak coffeeeasy weekendcheap piecemean cheesedream sweetfield needread leavemeal keepteapot sleepmeat employee2.Fill in the blanks.n_ _d 需要 l_ _ve 离开k_ _p 保持 asl_ _p 睡着的employ_ _ 雇员裁缝家族p_ _ch 桃 sp_ _k 讲说 _ _sy 容易 c

10、h_ _p 便宜的 m_ _n 意味着 3. 选出划线部分发音不一样的单词( )A. head B. leaf C. read D. mean( )A. sheep B. ship C. see D. need( )A. cheap B. breakfast C. bread D. head( )A. doct or B. actor C. cleaner D. work( )A. bark B. park C. dark D. lizard( )A. keep B. piece C. field D. pie( )A. die B. lie C. field D. tie( )A. invi

11、te B. like C. finger D. fine( )A. nei ther B. either C. eight D. leaf( )A. meal B. clean C. sweet D. slept测 试 题 ch51.Read the words.loud mouse wow allow coat coast coal hollow below glowbrown downstairs powder cloakroom soapMoscow throw swallow mouth counter2.Fill in the blanks._ _sewife 家庭主妇r_ _ser

12、s 裤子_ _nd 找 寻找_ _r 酸的_ _nter 柜台travel ar_ _nd the world 周游世界urr_ _nd 包围r_ _n 棕色的_ _nstairs 下楼梯_ _der 香粉苦恼的虎妈妈_t n.上衣 外衣l kroom n.衣帽存放处p 肥皂ind窗户Mosc莫斯hr扔wall吞下3. 选出划线部分发音不一样的单词( ). A. ready B. weather C. leave D. bread( ). A. about B. round C. mouth D. could ( ). A. window B. show C. now D. yellow( ). A. war B. farmer C. larger D. cart ( ). A. own B. follow C. know D. ow ( ). A. grow B. glow C. flower D. bowl ( ). A. country B. rough C. touch D. mouth ( ). A. report B. short C. work D. worth ( ). A. powder B. own C. window D. follow ( ). A mountain B. shout C. mouth D. cough


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