语法专项突破四 动词和动词短语.doc

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1、.单项填空1(2012高考湖北卷)Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to _our schools campaign “Help the Needy”,which was started by our former headmaster three years ago.Asponsor BlaunchCorganize Dplan解析:选 A。考查动词词义辨析。 spo nsor 意为“赞助,资助 ”;launch 意为“发动;着手(事业等) ”;organize 意为“组织” ;plan 意为 “计划,打算 ”。句意:两名律师已捐款 5 万美元来_我们学校的“

2、帮助贫困学生”的活动,这个活动是 3 年前我们的前任校长发起的。根据后 面的定语从句 which was started by our former headmaster three years ago 可知这个活动已经“发起”了,故排除 B、C 、D 三项。所以选 A 项,应为“赞助”这一活动。2(2013滨州模拟)Do you still remember the name of the place?来源:学科网Im afraid that _ me for th e moment.Areminds BpuzzlesCdisturbs Descapes来源:学科网 ZXXK解析:选 D。考

3、查动词词义辨析。 remind 意为“提醒,使想起” ;puzzle 意为“迷惑” ;disturb 意为“打扰” ;escape 意为“逃避,被忘掉” 。答句句意: “我”怕是暂时忘记了。故选 D 项。3(2013聊城模拟)It is required that all traffic participants should _ the traffic rules to make traffic safer and faster.Aperform BobserveCpossess Dsupport解析:选 B。考查动词词义辨析。 perform 意为“执行;表演” ;observe 意为“遵

4、守,奉行(法律,规律等)” ;possess 意为“拥有” ;support 意为“支持” 。句意:按照要求,所有与交通有关的参与人员应该遵守交通法规,让我们的交通更安全,更快捷。故选 B。4(2013聊城模拟)Since the ea rthquake hit Japan,suggestion s for detecting the radiation materials have been _.Aput up Bput awayCput forward Dput out解析:选 C。考查动词短语。 put up 意为“张贴;建造” ; put away 意为“收好;储存” ;put for

5、ward 意为“提出” ;put out 意为“扑灭” 。句意:自从地震袭击了日本,检测核材料的建议就已被提出。根据句意可知,应选 C。5(2012高考福建卷)You had better _ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.Aset aside Btake upCput away Dgive out解析:选 A。考查动词短语。 A 项为“留出,省出” ;B 项为“开始从事;把继续下去;着手处理;占去” ;C 项为“ 放好,收好” ;D 项为“分发;耗尽” 。根据句意“为了能使你自己保

6、持精力充沛,你最好每天留出一些时间进行体育锻炼”可知 A 项为正确答案。6(2013泰安一轮质量检测)Everyon e should learn something about first aid,because every second _ in an emergenc y.Aurges BcostsCneeds Dcoun ts解析:选 D。考查动词词义辨析。 urge“力劝,催促” ;cost“花费” ;need “需要” ;count“计数;有价值” 。句意:每个人都应该学习一些急救护理知识,因为在紧急情况下每一秒都非常有用。根据语境可知,D 项正确。7(2013日照模拟)Befor

7、e _ _ on our camping trip,we made sure that we had plenty of food and water in store.Arunning out Bmaking outCwo rking out Dsetting out解析:选 D。考查动词短语辨析。 A 项意为“用光” ;B 项意为“弄清楚” ;C 项意为“算出,制定出” ;D 项意为“出发,动身 ”。根据题意可知,D 项正确。句意:在动身去野营前,我们要确保带有足够的食物和水。8(2013青岛统一质量检测)The plan _ just because people were unwill

8、ing to cooperate(合作)Abroke down Bpulled down来源:学|科| 网Cturned down Dput down解析:选 A。考查动词短语辨析。 break down 意为“分解;发生故障;失败” ;pull down意为“摧毁;推翻” ;turn down 意为“关小;拒绝” ;put down 意为“镇压;记下” 。由语境知,由于人们不愿意合作,因此计划失败了。故 A 项正确。9(2013德州模拟)The old man was lost and got on a wrong bus,_ 300 miles away from home several

9、 hours later.Abreaking down Bmaking outCending up Dholding on解析:选 C。考查动词短语辨析。 break down 意为“分解,发生故障” ;make out 意为“理解,辨认出” ;end up 意为“结束,死亡” ;hold on 意为“坚持住,不挂断电话” 。句意:老人迷路后上错了车,几小时后终于在离家三百多英里的地方停下了。 故 C 项正确。10(2013山东省实验中学一模)Liu Xiang trained hard before the Asian Games in Guangzhou,and it _.He won t

10、he gold medal in 110 meters hurdles.Aworked out Bpaid offCmarked out Dgot through解析:选 B。考查动词短语。 work out 解决,计算出;pay off 使得益,有报偿;mark out划出(界线、范围),选出;get through 穿过,通过。句意:在亚运会之前刘翔训练得很辛苦,努力终有回报。他在广州亚运会上获得 110 米跨栏赛的金牌。故选 B。.选词填空1The air has leaked out of this football.Could you get it _(blow,blown,to b

11、low)up?答案:blown来源:Zxxk.Com2We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are _(looking up,coming up,making up)来源:学科网 ZXXK答案:looking up3Some laidoff workers delightedly took up the work to _(take on,look on,wait on)patien ts in hospitals.答案:wait on4During the longterm cooperation,Mr.Li

12、 _(made,turn ed,proved)a smart,honest and trust worthy man.答案:proved5When Kathy was very young,she was terribly frightened of snakes,but she soon _(got over,got through ,got across)it.答案:got over6What do you think of the color of my new blouse?Very good.You look nice in green.Green _(suits,matches,f

13、its)you.来源:学科网 ZXXK答案:suits来源:Z#xx#k.Com7Being out of work ,Jane can no longer _(treat,urge,appeal)friends to dinner and movies as she used to.答案:treat8Will you walk a little faster?The meeting is about to begin.Faster?I was afraid you could not _(walk up,keep up,go up)答案:keep up9Why did you arrive

14、late?The fog _(turned down,broke up,held up) our airline for half an hour.答案:held up10It is no good t rying that method,because it wont _(work,practise,use) 来源:学科网 ZXXK答案:work 来源:学,科,网 .阅读下列短文,用所给提示词的适当形式填空,使短文合理、连贯A university graduate described as a “respectable and intelligent” woman is seeking p

15、rofessional hel p after being convicted of(证明有罪)shoplifting for the second time in six months.来源:Zxxk.ComAha Luz,recently studying for PhD 1._ _(tell)she could end up behind bars unless she can control the desire to steal from shops.Luz,who 2._(live)with her partner in Fitzwdliam Ro ad, Cambridge,3.

16、_(admit)stealing clo thes worth 9.95 pounds from Lewis in Oxford Street,London,on March 9.Philip Lomoyne,prosecuting(起诉),said Luz 4._(select)some clothes from display and 5._(take)them to the ladies toilet in the store.When she came out again she 6._ (wear)one of the skirts she had selected,having taken off the antisecurity alarm.She 7._(stop)and caught after leaving the store w ithout paying,Mr.Lomoyne said.He added that she was upset on her arrest and 8._(apologize)for her actions.答案:1.has been told 2.lives 3.admitted 4 .selected5took 6.was wearing 7.was stopped 8.apologized


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