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1、12018 年中考英语单项选择题精选训练1. (2017 年扬州卷)My grandpa knows the history and medical of many plants.A. wealth B. price C. value D. cost2. (2017 年邵阳卷)Mom, please give me two . I want to make vegetable salad.OK. Here you are.A. tomato B. tomatoes C .tomatos3. (2017 年武威卷)“It depends on my decision.“ the mother s

2、aid and looked at her two sons.A. children B. childrens C. child D. childs4. (2017 年天水卷)The online shop sells shoes at a very low price.A. child and mens B. children and mensC. childrens and men D. childrens and mens5. (2017 年南充卷)Are you thirsty?一 Yes, please give us .A. three bottle water B. three

3、bottle of waterC. three bottles of water D. three bottles of waters6. (2017 年天水卷)Do you know how to spell word “napkin“(纸巾) in English?一 Yes. It begins with “n“ .A. the; a B. the; an C. a; an D. the; the7.(2017 年温州卷)This photo makes me think of trip to the Great Wall last year.Yeah, we had a great t

4、ime there.A. a B. an C. the D./8. (2017 年永州卷)Do you have lunch at school on weekdays, Scott?A. a B. the C./9. (2017 年东营卷)In London, dogs and their owners can enjoy hour-long free bus tour.Wow! I hope we can also have such service in Dongying.A. a B. an C. the D./10. (2017 年泰州卷)Dangal摔跤吧!爸爸) , Indian

5、 film, has become one of most popular films in China.A. a;/ B. a; the C. an; the D./; the11. (2017 年眉山卷)In our city, the number of the teachers about 2,000, but only about of them are men teachers.A. is; seven hundreds B. are; seven hundredC. is; seven hundred D. are; seven hundreds12. (2017 年滨州卷)My

6、 grandparents live in an old apartment with floors and they are on the floor.A. fifth; three B. fifth; thirdC. five; three D. five; third13. (2017 年达州卷) of the land in that town covered with trees and grass.A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; areC. Two fifths; is D. Two fifths; are14. (2017 年咸宁卷)In some

7、countries, people eat with chopsticks, but in 2,knives and forks.You see. People around the world have different eating habits.A. others B. other C. another D. all15. (2017 年天水卷)I have a bad cold. is why I didnt go to school.A. This B. That C. These D. It16. (2017 年天水卷)Ms. Wang, I m afraid I cant fi

8、nish the work in two days.Dont worry. f 11 give you days.A. two another B. two more C. more two D. two many17. (2017 年达州卷)-What about these two coats, madam?一 of them fits me. Could you show me one?A. Either; other B. Neither; anotherC. Neither; else D. Either; another18. (2017 年益阳卷)Which of the two

9、 subjects do you like, P.E. or music?一 . They are really interesting.A. Neither B. Both C. None19. (2017 年株洲卷)You can keep one of the old photos of them whichever you like.A. Neither B. Both C. Either20. (2017 年连云港卷)I am planning a trip to Lianyungang this summer. How is the weather there?Not so hot

10、. Sometimes is a bit cool and wet.A. this B. that C. it D. one21. (2017 年南京卷) Who threw the empty bottles on the floor?I dont know. Theyre not . Ask Max, please.A. I B. me C. my D. mine22. (2017 年泰州卷)He got up to get some hot water but found there was left in the bottle.A. a few B. few C. a little D

11、. little23. (2017 年济宁卷)What else do you need, sir?一 else. Ive got enough. Thanks.A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything24. (2017 年东营卷)I m worried about the talent show tomorrow.Be confident(自信的)!If you dont believe in yourself, will.A. nobody B. anybody C. everybody D. somebody25. (2017 年

12、泰安卷)一 Im a little hungry, mum!There are some apple pies on the table, you may take .A. it B. this C. that D. one26.(2017 年十堰卷)Miss Zhang teaches English. She is very strict.A. our B. we C. us D. ours27. (2017 年遂宁卷)Where is Mary flying?一 She is flying to France soon. She will arrive in Paris the morn

13、ing of July.A. at B. on C. in D. of28. (2017 年广东卷)Its very kind you to lend me your reusable shopping bags.A. of B. for C. to D. with29. (2017 年天水卷)Did you get Wechat Red(微信红包) the Spring Festival?3Yes. Its actually the most popular way of sending traditional holiday presents now.A. with B. for C. d

14、uring D. after30. ( 2017 年湘潭卷)Cao Yinpeng is a 9-year-old Chinese boy. He is known saving his fathers life.A. for B. at C. by31. (2017 年株洲卷)He knew his subject A to Z.A. from B. at C. on32. (2017 年苏州卷)Nora opened the box. To her surprise, it was a gold watch.A. outside B. inside C. beside D. behind3

15、3. (2017 年东营卷)Doctors say that the first 10 minutes a traffic accident is important for saving a life.A. in B. before C. after D. during34. (2017 年东营卷) the scientists hard work, Tiangong II was launched(发射)successfully.A. As for B. Thanks to C. Instead of D. According to35. (2017 年德州卷)一 ,there must

16、be life on other planets though none has been discovered.I agree with you. The universe is so large after all.A. To my surprise B. To be honestC. In my opinion D. Again and again36. (2017 年襄阳卷)Most of the wild animals are because of their bad living environment.So we must do something to save them.A

17、. in need B. on duty C. at work D. in danger37. (2017 年天水卷)This kind of sweaters look and sell .A. beautifully; well B. beautiful; wellC. beautifully; good D. beautiful; good38. (2017 年天水卷)We all expect the summer holiday after the exam.A. two month B. two-month C. two-months D. two months39. (2017

18、年达州卷)Is it cheaper and enjoyable to travel by train than by plane?Yes, I think so.A. very; very more B. even; a littleC. more; much more D. much; far more40. (2017 年南充卷)I know Old Joe lives .We are supposed to visit him from time to time. Then, he wont feel .A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonelyC. lonel

19、y; alone D. alone; lonely41. (2017 年白银卷)“Let us move a little faster. We do not have time left,“ said the tour guide.A. few B. little C. many D. much42. (2017 年随州卷)Have you seen the movie Baby Plan?Of course. I think its movie I have ever seen.A. funny B. funnier C. the most funny D. the funniest443

20、. (2017 年泰州卷)My little sister is a(n) girl and she always asks me differentkinds of strange questions.A. curious B. creative C. energetic D. attractive44. (2017 年青岛御 Jenny is afraid to travel by plane. She always feels when getting on it.A. nervous B. interested C. relaxed D. happy45. (2017 年襄阳卷)Mrs

21、 Gao often get mad at her noisy son, but she is always her noisy pupils in the music class.A. angry with B. patient with C. worried about D. similar to46. (2017 年重庆 A 卷)The physics problem is too hard, so students can work it out.A. little B. few C. a little D. a few47. (2017 年遂宁卷)-How do you improv

22、e your English?一 you speak, your English will be.A. The less; the moreB. The more; the betterC. The less; the betterD. The more; the less48. (2017 年白银卷)一 How is your second-hand computer?一 ,so good.A. As long B. So far C. So much D. As for49. (2017 年广东卷)We can collect rainwater when it rains ,and us

23、e it to waterplants.A. softly B. heavily C. noisily D. quietly50. (2017 年江西卷)Sleeping is a good thing, but some people sleep .A. easily B. badly C. quickly D. well51. (2017 年滨州卷)It s best to stay indoors, when PM2.5 reaches dangerous levels.A. exactly B. possibly C. especially D. generally52. (2017

24、年德州卷)Ive read through this book several times, but I will read it so as to get better understanding.A. more bravely B. less easilyC. less confidently D. more carefully53. (2017 年咸宁卷)What have you learnt after three years study in China, Maria?I was taught knowledge good manners.A. either; or B. not

25、only; but alsoC. neither; nor D. not; but54. (2017 年天水卷) my sister I do well in our lessons. My mother is very proud of us.A. Not; but B. Neither; norC. Either; or D. Both; and55.(2017 年天津卷)We 11 stay at home it rains tomorrow.A. and B. if C. but D. so56. ( 2017 年湘潭卷)一 I hear Susan will go to Xinjia

26、ng alone.Thats true . her father her mother will go with her.5A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Neither; nor57. (2017 年东营卷)WeChat Pay(微信支付)makes our life convenient. We can buythings we dont take any money.A. unless B. because C. even if D. so that58.(2017 年十堰卷)You look so tired. Whats wrong?I didn t go

27、 to bed I finished watching “In the Name of People“ last night.A. until B. if C. though D. unless59. (2017 年广东卷)To keep children safe, we put the things like knives and medicine away in our house.A. may B. should C. can D. might60. (2017 年乐山卷)一 you tell me the differences between these two photos?No

28、. They look quite similar, nearly the same.A. Can B. May C. Must61. (2017 年安徽卷)Mum, Ive signed for the box. Whats in it?I m not sue. It be a present from your uncle.A. need B. must C. may D. will62. (2017 年宿迁卷Is Mike coming to the fashion show tomorrow?Im not sure. He not come.A. must B. can C. may

29、D. should63. (2017 年潍坊卷)A good friend is someone you share your pleasure and pain with.A. can B. need C. should D. must64.(2017 年十堰卷)Must I hand in my book report today, Mr Brown?No, you . The book report is due in two weeks.A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt65. (2017 年重庆 A 卷)May I take the dog

30、 with me, sir?一 . Pets are not allowed to enter the hall.A. Yes, you may. B. No, you mustnt.C. Yes, you can. D. No, you neednt.66. (2017 年遂宁卷)Listen! I think it be Mr White sing in the office.No. It be him. He left for London just now.A. must; mustnt B. may; mustntC. must; cant D. can; can67. (2017

31、年重庆 A 卷)There are so many fish swimming in the pool. They very happy.A. taste B. smell C. sound D. look68. (2017 年广东卷)Sue wasnt happy because she ,the concert given by her favorite singer.A. misses B. missed C. will miss D. is missing69. (2017 年天津卷)The earth is a planet and it around the sun.A. goes

32、 B. go C. will go D. went70. (2017 年邵阳卷)Frank, where is your father?He isnt at home now. He New York.A. has gone to B. has been to C. goes to671. (2017 年株洲卷)Be quiet! A bird something on the window.A. ate B. eats C. is eating72. (2017 年成都卷)Did you hear someone knock at the door just now?Sorry. I to

33、my friend on the phone.A. was talking B. Talked C. am talking73. (2017 年泰安卷)With the development of science and technology, robot cooks in our families in the future.A. appear B. appeared C. will appear D. is appearing74. (2017 年烟台卷)Look at my new smart phone.Wow, it s so cool. When and where you it

34、?A. do; buy B. have; bought C. did; buy D. have; had75. (2017 年眉山卷)I dont know if Eric this Sunday. If he here, Ill call you at once.A. will come; will comeB. come; comesC. comes; will comeD. will come; comes76. (2017 年重庆卷)As soon as the rain ,they will go out to pick apples.A. stops B. stopped C. w

35、ill stop D. is stopping77. (2017 年天水卷)Sleeping is a popular way among students.A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. to relax78. (2017 年达州卷)Do you prefer basketball with me?No, Id rather at home and watch TV.A. play; stay B. to play; to stayC. play; to stay D. to play; stay79.(2017 年湘潭卷)Sometimes you h

36、ave to stop too much and dust go where yourheart takes you.A. think B. to think C. thinking80. (2017 年岳阳卷)Though he often made his little sister ,today he was made by her.A. cry; to cry B. cried; crying C. to cry; cry81. (2017 年泰州卷)Diana used to to work, but now she is used to becausethe road is cro

37、wded and she wants to keep fit.A. drive; walking B. drive; walkC. driving; walk D. driving; walking82. (2017 年青岛卷)As a volunteer, the girl wants to visit sick kids in the hospital them up.A. to cheer B. cheer C. cheering D. cheered83. (2017 年遂宁卷)Our teacher often tells us time.A. not waste B. dont w

38、asterC. not to waste D. doesnt waste84. (2017 年天水卷)It s very cold in Shengyang in winter.一 here.7A. So it is B. So is it C. So it does D. So does it85. (2017 年益阳卷)The number of people in the city about seven million now.A. are B. has C. is86. (2017 年长沙卷) carefully, please! Look at the road sign. There is a schoolahead.A. Drive B. To drive C. Driving87. (2017 年眉山卷)Did you watch the TV show Running Man last night?一 Yes, I did. exciting it was!A. How B. What an C. What D. How88. (2017 年重庆 A 卷) will you finish writing the review of the Indian movie Dangal


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