Unit15 The necklace 随堂检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc

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Unit15 The necklace 随堂检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc_第1页
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Unit15 The necklace 随堂检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc_第2页
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Unit15 The necklace 随堂检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc_第3页
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1、.选词填空day and night;bring back;act out;at most;after all;call on;pay off;pay back1Have you heard that Li Ming was admitted into a key university?Is that true?Im glad that his efforts at last _.来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K答案:paid off2The moment I see Jack,I will _ the money I borrowed from him.答案:pay back3To thei

2、r great joy,the missing necklace _ by the police.答案:was brought back来源:学| 科|网 Z|X|X|K4To pay off all the debts earlier,the poor couple worked hard _.答案:day and night5Its about ten minutes down the road,fifteen _.答 案:at most6I dont know why youre so sad;_ _, it isnt your problem.答案:after all7The Pres

3、ident _ his people to make sacrifices for the good of their country.答案:called on8The children started to _ the play under the guidance of thei r teacher.答案:act out.易错模块1I dont understand how you got a ticket.I always _ you _ a careful driver.Athink;are Bam thin king;areCthought ;were Dthink;were解析:选

4、 C。句意:我不明白你怎么得了一张罚单。我原来一直认为你开车很小心。根据语境,可知说话者“认为”是过去的事情,故答案为 C 项。2Would you please repeat it?来源:学科网 ZXXKObviously,you _ _ me.Ahadnt listened to Bwere not listening to来源:学。科。网Chavent listene d to Ddont listen to解析:选 B。句意: 请你再重复一下,好吗? 很显然,你刚才没有听我 讲话。根据语境可知,说话者在抱怨刚才自己讲话时对方没有注意听,故用过去进行时。3Ann is in hospit

5、al.Oh,really?I_know.I_go and visit her.Adidnt;am g oing to Bdont;wouldCdont;will Ddidnt;will解析:选 D。句意:Ann 在住院。哦,真的吗?我还不知道呢。我要去看望她。这里讲的 I didnt know.指的是在对方还没告知 Ann 在住院这件事之前,我不知道,所以用一般过去时;第二个空用 will 指的是事先未经计划或安排的 “意愿,打算” 。来源:学科网4Ive got to go now.Must you?I_you could stay for dinner with us.Athink Bth

6、oughtChave thought Dam thinking解析:选 B。句意:我现在得走了。 你非得要走吗?我原以为你能留下和我们一起吃饭的。句中主语“I”的动作“认为”发生在过去,所以只有 B 项正确。.语法专练来源:学科网 ZXXK本单元语法情态动词( )1(2013北京海淀期末)Jack,_ _ you behave yourself? Your e no lon ge r a kid.Sorry,Daddy.It wont happen again.来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.KAmustnt BcantCshould Dwould解析:选 B。考查情态动词。句意: 杰克,难道你

7、不能老实点吗?你不再是个孩子了。对不起,爸爸,这种事情再也不会发生了。mustnt 意为:禁止,不可以,一般不用于一般疑问句;should 应该,表示推测或义务,常用于否定句或肯定句;would 与第二人称连用,用于一般疑问句,意为:愿意;can 或 cant 可以用来表示“给 对方提出要求” ,本句为反问句,cant 意为:难道不能。2I didnt go fishing last Sunday be cause my car broke down.You _ mine.I wasnt using it.Acould borrow Bcould have borrowedCshould bo

8、rrow Dmust have borrowed解析:选 B。句意:上周日我没去钓鱼,因为我的车坏了。你本可以借我的,我那天没用车。说话者说的是过去的事,故排除 A、C 两项;B 项表示过去本可以做某事;D 项表示过去一定做了某事。3(2013福建 宁德四县市一中一联 )Catherine,I have cleaned the room for you.Thanks.You _ it.I could manage it myself.Aneednt do Bshouldnt have done 来源:学科网来源:学,科,网Cmustnt do Dn eednt have done解析:选 D。

9、句意:凯瑟琳,我已经为你把房间打扫干净了。谢谢。你本没必要那样做,我自己能打扫的。说话者表示对方“过去本不必做某事” ,故答案为 D 项;A 、C两项表示现在或将来的情况,故被排除;B 项表示“过去本不该做某事” ,与前面的“Thanks.”相矛盾。4(2013浙江富阳场口中学质检) I dont feel sympathy _ the beggars who have the ability to work.I _ agree more.Afor;can Bfor;couldnt 来源:Zxxk.ComCwith;must Don;may解析:选 B。句意:我不同情有工作能力的乞丐。 我非常同意。feel sympathy for同情;第二个空是比较级的否定形式表最高级。5(2013浙江温州八校联考) Will you require anything else?Yes, I _ like a whisky.Awill BshallCshould Dmight解析:选 C。句意:你还要什么? 好吧,请来杯威士忌。 should 通常与like, love,think,say,imagi ne 等动词连用表示谦逊或委婉。


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