破产姐妹 第一季 第16集.docx

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1、1 一直想为每部美剧做一份笔记, 一直想鼓励每个美剧迷读一点剧本,做一点笔记.破产姐妹 第一季 第十六集感谢天天美剧提供字幕, Max, Caroline, I have an announcement Max Caroline 我要宣布个事儿 Youre actually much shorter and are walking on stilts? 宣布以前你是穿着高跷 其实你更矮吗 Ive made a special menu for tomorrows Valentines night dinner 我为明晚的情人节晚餐做了一个特别菜谱 Han, thats so romantic

2、 Han 你太浪漫啦 Yeah, romantic and wrong 哼 是错误的浪漫 This place isnt “When Harry met Sally“ 这里不是 Harry 和 Sally 相遇的地方 When Harry Met Sally 是一部电影 Its “When Harry met Salmonella“ 而是 Harry 感染沙门氏菌的地方 Max, Club Sandwich Max 总汇三明治 2 一直想为每部美剧做一份笔记, 一直想鼓励每个美剧迷读一点剧本,做一点笔记.And heads up, I lost a band-aid 注意点哦 我丢了个创口贴

3、Theme menu means I can charge one bigger price 主题菜单意味着我可以多收钱 like in top restaurant 像高级饭店一样的收费标准 See, “prick fix“ 看到没 合痂菜单 Oh Han, its pronounced “prix fixe“ Han 应该说成定价菜单 Have you seen our chef? Its definitely “prick fix“ 刚你没听大厨说掉了创口贴吗 当然是合痂 Tomorrow night, Cupid will come to Williamsburg diner 明晚丘比

4、特会降临咱们店 Didnt have the heart to tell him: “Cupid is dead“ 真不忍心告诉他丘比特已经死了 Yup, hit by a mack truck crossing the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway 他在横穿布鲁克林到皇后区的高速公路时被卡车撞了 3 一直想为每部美剧做一份笔记, 一直想鼓励每个美剧迷读一点剧本,做一点笔记.His fat diapered baby ass splattered all over the windshield 他那个裹着尿布的肥屁股溅了我一挡风玻璃 I love Valentines

5、Day 我爱死情人节了 Thats your reaction? I killed Cupid. 你就这反应吗 我干掉了丘比特诶 Youre either romantic or not, 你浪漫或者不浪漫 Im not even gonna try to convince you 我都不会想要去说服你 Oh he is dead, and the proof. 哦 他是真的死了 证据就是 When is the last time you knew anyone who fell in love? 你难道知道上次有人坠入爱河是什么时候 Real love, like Ice loves Co

6、co 像 Ice 爱 Coco 那样的真爱 Ice 和 Coco 是真人秀里面的一对恩爱夫妻 How about them? 他们怎样 4 一直想为每部美剧做一份笔记, 一直想鼓励每个美剧迷读一点剧本,做一点笔记.Theyve been holding hands and romantic whispering all night 他们一整晚都紧握双手 浪漫低语 Their romantic whispering goes like this 他们的浪漫低语是这样的 “I own nipple clamps“ “我有乳头夹“ Plink, Cupid is not dead 叮铃 丘比特没有死

7、 Plink, there goes his little arrow 叮铃 爱神之箭来了 Plink, plink 叮铃 叮铃 Clamp, ouch, clamp, ouch 我夹 哎呦 我夹 哎呦 Clamp clamp, ouch ouch 我夹 我夹 哎呦 哎呦 本字幕仅供学习交流 严禁用于商业用途=5 一直想为每部美剧做一份笔记, 一直想鼓励每个美剧迷读一点剧本,做一点笔记.破产姐妹 第一季 第十六集 天天美剧字幕组时间轴: 猫小七 雪域清廷=听译: 大 Z 安小姐 饺子 阿飘 虫虫 校对: Leah 米兰 黄鱼 小雪Max, since its just after midnig

8、ht, Max 既然刚过了午夜 12 点 its now officially Valentines day. 现在就正式是情人节啦 Ive got something in here for you, guess what it is? 我给你准备了东西 猜猜是什么 Well, judging from that smile on your face, 从你脸上的笑容 Id say its a finger-size hole in your apron 我猜你的围裙上有个手指大的洞洞 Candy hearts 心形糖果 Here, hold out your hands, lets get

9、 our heart on 来 伸出你的手 把我们的小心心放上面跳动 6 一直想为每部美剧做一份笔记, 一直想鼓励每个美剧迷读一点剧本,做一点笔记.Im way ahead of you 我早就心动了 “Be mine“, classic. Whats yours say? 经典的“你是我的“ 你的写了啥? “Caroline Channing is lame“ “Caroline Channing 很老土“ “I hate you for giving me this“ “我恨你给了我这个“ “Valentines Day is the worst“ “情人节什么的最讨厌了“ Oh, cin

10、namon 哦 肉桂味的 Good evening, Earl 晚上好啊 Earl My my my 天啊 Sophie, seeing you in that dress makes my heart race Sophie 看见你穿着这裙子 让我心跳加速啊 7 一直想为每部美剧做一份笔记, 一直想鼓励每个美剧迷读一点剧本,做一点笔记.Two-scooped ice cream in a one scoop cone 双球冰淇淋都融化成单球的了 Oh Earl, you make me smile 哦 Earl 你总能逗我笑 I wish we had black people in Pol

11、and when I was growing up 我真希望我在波兰长大的时候 那里也有黑人 Too bad, we really wouldve enjoyed segregation and Hitler 我们应该会喜欢种族隔离和希特勒的 反语涉及到历史问题 Hi building neighbors 好呀 亲爱的邻居 Well I was just driving by and since it was raining 我刚路过 因为下雨了 I thought I could offer you two girls a ride home in my town car 我想来接你们 用我

12、的老爷车送你们回家 The last time someone offered me a ride, 上次有人要开车送我 I ended up in a drainage pipe in Jersey 结果送到了 Jersey 的排水管道里 8 一直想为每部美剧做一份笔记, 一直想鼓励每个美剧迷读一点剧本,做一点笔记.Sophie you rent a town car? Sophie 租了辆老爷车? Yes, but only when its raining 对啊 不过只在下雨天 Because, you know, I got hair extensions and nail exten

13、sions 因为我做了接发 接了指甲 and you know I. Im too extended to walk 你懂的 各种加长 没法走了 Hello 你好啊 I saw you from kitchen 我从厨房就看到你了 You turned pick-up window into painting 你把上菜的窗口变成了一幅画 Plink 叮铃 Velvet painting of nude at counter 一幅在柜台的天鹅绒裸体画 9 一直想为每部美剧做一份笔记, 一直想鼓励每个美剧迷读一点剧本,做一点笔记.Clamp, ouch 我夹 哎呦 The girls tell m

14、e you own cleaning service 姑娘们告诉我你有一家清洁服务公司 I would like to hire you to clean my house 我想雇你来清洁我的房子 Oh yea, this is possible. I will send girl 哦 可以啊 我会派姑娘去 What is your address? 你的地址是? I dont want some girl 我不想要别的姑娘 I want you to come clean 我就想要你来打扫 Oh you cannot get me to come 你不可能让我去 去有“ 高潮 “的意思 Oh

15、 I can get you to come 我当然能 10 一直想为每部美剧做一份笔记, 一直想鼓励每个美剧迷读一点剧本,做一点笔记.No, I can no longer come anymore 不行 我再也不能“ 去“了 No, Max and Caroline can come Max 和 Caroline 可以去 No no, we are not coming 不不 我们不去 So no one can get you to come? 所以没人能让你“去“咯 Well, some people can get me to come. 有人可以 Just not you 反正不是你 Hard to get, I like it 不容易得手 我喜欢 Go get the coats, I will get this check 你去拿衣服 我来收小票 Here is the last check, Earl 给你最后一张小票 Earl


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