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1、新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 Visa-FAQ1. Why do you want to study in USA?I want to try a new way of life, learn different cultures, and to do things I havent done before. On the other hand, I want to apply the top universities in America, I think if I graduate from American high school, it will be easier for me

2、 to apply them.2. How many high schools are you apply?Two schools. The Webb school and Virginia Episcopal School.3. How do you know this high school?Some friends of my parents have introduced some schools to me. VES is one of them. Also, I got lots of information from the internet.4. Why do you choo

3、se this high school?The school has not only rigorous academic training but also a lot of colorful activities. Most important, when I look through the schools web site, I was attracted by the campus life described. Teachers live together with students, I may even be asked to baby sit for teachers. I

4、love the life style there, happy and homelike.5. Who will give you financial support/ funds?/ Who will support you?My parents6. What do your parents do?My dada and mammy work for Sinopec Corporation, they are all professors and senior engineers. My fathers annual is about 300,000 RMB. And my mothers

5、 is about 120,000.7. How long will you stay in America?About 2 years.8. When will you come back?I hope I can finish my undergraduate study, after that, I will come back.9. How do you apply for this high school?With the help of my parents and some materials are prepared by me.10. What grade are you i

6、n now?Grade 11新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 11. When did you graduate from junior high school?June, 200512. Whats your high school in China?The high school attached to Tsinghua University.13. Why do you give up your education in China?I feel that our new generation will face the constantly changing social and i

7、nternational environment, while in China I will be narrowed in the less stimulating academic atmosphere, where teacher-oriented class still restricts my individuality and personal creativity on some extent.14.do you have enough money to study in America?Of course, my parents have prepared enough mon

8、ey to support me studying in America.15. If I give you visa, what will you do?/ whats your study plan?I will study in VES begin grade 11, I plan to improve my English and select some AP course, I will try my best to study very well. In addition, I want to attend some community activities to know wha

9、t American life is. After I finished my high school, I plan to apply for some universities.16. Which year will you begin in America?Grade 1117. Whats the background of your high school?Virginia Episcopal School is an independent, coeducational, college preparatory boarding and day school for young m

10、en and women in grades 9-12. Founded in 1916, VES is located in the Lynchburg, Virginia. Small classes and energizing teachers provide an exciting and interactive environment, and the quality of instruction prepares students to excel in college.18. Why do you retaking Grade 11?Retaking grade 11, the

11、n I can have enough time to improve my English and to adapt myself to the new environment. Also, I think grade 11 is an important part of high school, so I can lay a better foundation for my further study.19. Are you nervous you will live alone in America?No. I know that living aboard alone will be

12、a big challenge for me, but I love the culture in America and like to do challenging things. I can manage my everyday life, and I am able to overcome any possible difficulty.20. Where will you live in America?/ Will you live in relatives house or high school?新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 Yes, Im a boarding stud

13、ent, and I will live in the VES campus.21. What is the full name of your high school in America?Virginia Episcopal School22. Where is this high school?Lynchburg, Virginia.23. Who is your contactor?My parents.?24. What kind of visa do you apply for?F-1 25. Give me three reasons you will come back.Fir

14、stly, all my relatives are in china, including my parents. And Im the only child in my family, its my responsibility to take care of them. Secondly, the course I am going to take will be similar to what my parents do, so it will be a lot easier for me to find a job at Beijing. The final reason is th

15、at nowadays Chinese policy is getting better and better for our international students.26. Do you have some relative in US? No. 27. Have you ever been USA?No. 28. What purpose for you applying for visa?For study in Virginia. 29. Have you take part in TOEFL?No, but I have a telephone interview from VES, and I will take placement test after I arrive.30. Have you ever been other countries?No.


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