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1、优质文档优质文档Module 7 ComputersUnit 3 Language in use课型 Revision and application教材分析本单元是一个练习单元,是通过练习和活动,对学生在本模块一、二单元中所学的电脑方面的基本词汇、一般现在时的特殊疑问句和答句等知识进行复习和巩固,使学生能更为透彻地理解、更为准确运用所学知识。语言知识目标1语法:复习巩固一般现在时的用法,尤其是本模块所学的一般现在时特殊疑问形式2词汇:生词:holiday 复习本模块所学的有关电脑方面的词汇语言技能目标1听:能听懂所学的有关电脑方面的词汇;听懂一般现在时的特殊疑问句2说:能就电脑的使用进行简单

2、的问答;能运用一般现在时特殊疑问形式进行问答3读:能读懂简单的特殊疑问句及其回答4写:能结合本模块所学的语言知识,准确运用所学句型结构写出相关的表达学习策略目标来源:学#科#网 Z#X#X#K1认知策略:联系、归纳、推测等技能。如能通过观察、应用,总结归纳出一般现在时特殊疑问句的用法2调控策略:从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及书写中的错误进行修改3合作学习策略:同学之间互相学习,取长补短文化意识目标了解不同国家和地区的人们使用电脑的情况情感态度目标通过学习电脑方面的词汇提高对英语的学习兴趣任务 设计一个有关电脑方面的问卷教学重点1复习巩固一般现在时的用法,尤其是本模块所学的一般现在时特殊疑问形

3、式2复习巩固本模块所学的电脑词汇及一些动宾搭配的使用。教学难点较熟练地运用本模块中所学的词汇和句型,区别应用助动词 do, does教学方法任务教学法优质文档优质文档教学设备录音机;多媒体课件教学步骤 设计意图 教师活动 学生活动来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.K教学来源:Zxxk.Com来源:学科网 ZXXKStep 1 Warming-up对本模块所学的有关电脑的词汇进行复习,在复习过程中调动学生的学习积极性。强化对词汇及一些动宾搭配的理解、记忆和掌握,为任务的开展做好词汇的储备。1Greetings.2Review the words.1) I can see pictures and i

4、nformation on it. (screen) 2) I can use it to print my homework. (printer) 3) I can type information into the computer. (keyboard). 4) I can click it and open a new document. (mouse). What are they? 3. Show some pictures to review the text of Unit 1 and Unit 2.1. Greetings2. Guessing.3. Look at the

5、pictures, and answer the teachers questions.优质文档优质文档Step 2 Language practice复习一般现在时疑问句句式。结合口头操练,加强学生对该语言点的感性认识,体会它们的意义和用法。并引导学生归纳总结语法概念,1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class.2. Ask the students to repeat the sentences in the box.3. Grammar: wh-question in Present simp

6、le imperative sentences.1. Read through the example sentences in the box.2. Repeat the sentences in the box.过来源:Z|xx|k.Com程Step 3 Language practiceActivity 1通过练习,加以巩固一般现在时的特殊疑问句用法。1. Read through the sentences with the whole class.2. Ask the students to match the questions with the answers in Activi

7、ty 1 with a partner.3. Call back the answers from the whole class, check the answers.Keys: 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a4. Now work in pairs. 5. Ask and answer the questions.1. Read through the sentences.2. Match the questions with the answers in Activity 1 with a partner.3. Check the answers.4. Now work in p

8、airs. 5. Ask and answer the questions.优质文档优质文档Step 4 Language practiceActivity 2通过练习,加以巩固一般现在时的特殊疑问句用法。1. Read through the example sentence.2. Ask the students to complete the conversations in Activity 2 with a partner.3. Call back the a nswers from the whole class, check the answers.Keys: 1. How do

9、 I 2. What does he do 3. When does she use her computer 4. Who do you write 5. How many emails do they send1. Read through the example sentence.2. Complete the conversations in Activity 2 with a partner.3. Check the answers.Step 4 Language practiceActivity 3通过练习,加以巩固一般现在时的否定句的用法。1. Read through the

10、sentences with the whole class.2. Ask the students to fill in the blank individually, then check with a partner.3. Call back the answers from the whole class, check the answers.4. Read the sentences together loudly.Keys:1. doesnt see, sends 2. use, dont play 3. doesnt use, plays 4. makes, doesnt buy

11、 5. dont have, use1. Read through the sentences.2. Fill in th e blank individually, then check with a partner.3. Check the answers.4. Read the sentences together loudly.优质文档优质文档Step 4 Language practiceActivity 4通过练习,加以巩固一般现在时的用法。1. Read through the words in the box with the whole class.2. Ask the st

12、udents to complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box. with a partner.3. Call back the answers from the w hole class, check the answers.Keys:1. check 2. use 3. plan 4. like 5. talk1. Read through the words in the box with the whole class.2. Complete the sentences with the

13、correct form of the words from the box with a partner.3. Check the answers.Step 5 Around the world通过学习,了解计算机的发展史,让学生了解世界其他地方的人们使用电脑的情况,。1. Ask the students to look at the picture and discuss what they can see.2. Read through the information with the whole class, and talk something about them.1. Look

14、 at the picture and discuss what you can see.2. Read through the information with the whole class. 3. Talk something about them.优质文档优质文档Step 6Module task鼓励学生学会使用电脑。把学习英语和熟悉电脑的基本应用结合起来,提高对英语的学习兴趣。1. Work in groups of three. Write questions about students and computers.2. Work with the whole group. Ma

15、ke a survey about students and computers.1) Use the notes you made in Activity 6 to help you.2) Seven students have a computer at home. Five students use a computer for their homework 1. Work in groups of three. Write questions about students and computers.2. Work with the whole group. Make a survey

16、 about students and computers.优质文档优质文档Step7 Do exercisesA. 完成句子:1. 请打开灯,天太暗了。Please _ the light. Its too dark.2. 怎样保存文件的?_ I _?3. 她朋友通常在电脑上做什么? _ on the computer ?4. 他通常使用电脑做作业。 He _ the computer to _.5. 最后,把打印机和电脑连接起来。_, _ the printer _ the computer.6. 你发送多少邮件? _ emails _ _?Keys: 1. switch on /turn

17、 on 2. How do, save the document 3. What does her friend usually do 4. usually uses, do his homework 5. Finally, connect to 6. How many do you sendB. 根据首字母提示完成短文:Lingling wants to write her homework on the computer. (1) b_ she doesnt know (2) h_ to do it. Daming is helping her. (3) F_, use the mouse

18、 and click “new document” to (4) o_ it. Next, use the (5) k_ to write her homework in the new (6) d_. Then, click “save” to (7) s_ the document and write a name it in the (8) b_ _. Then (9) c_ “save” again. Finally, click “print and “OK” to (10) p _ the document.Keys: 1. but 2. how 3. First 4. open 5. keyboard 6. document 7. save 8. box 9. click 10. printStep 8 Summary培养学生的归纳总结知识的能力。1. Get students to sum up what we have learned in class.2. Teacher makes a brief sum-up.Students talk about what weve learned today.


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