Unit 4 the next step课时作业(通用):12.doc

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1、优质文档优质文档课时作业(十二) Task & Project.单词拼写1Hes very interested in _(原子核) physics.2We are busy _(来回运输) the passengers to the city center by helicopter.3Keep your hooks sharp,but be careful _(磨快) them.4The talks between the two _(总理) will be held next month.5The object of our play was to observe how the roc

2、ks changed to _(导弹 )6There was some lively debate at this weeks _(研讨课)7Then,one day,they met in front of the _(喷泉) in the park.8He was a politically conscious fighter for _(共产主义)9Maybe well all be _(社会主义者) after all.10_(拱门) are built of wood,stone,brick or any other building material.单项填空1(2013安庆高三检

3、测 )We tried to find a table for seven,but they were all _.Agiven away Bkept awayCtaken up Dused up2She_with her roommate about who should do the housework last night,but she didnt think it was her fault.Adiscussed BdebatedCargued Dquarrelled3Would you like to_my birthday party this Saturday?Sorry,I

4、have an important meeting to_.Aattend;join Bjoin;attendCjoin ;take part in Dattend;attend4A discovery of new evidence led to _.优质文档优质文档Athe thief having caughtBcatch the thiefCthe thief being caughtDthe thief to be caught5Progress so far has been very good._,we are sure that the project will be comp

5、leted on time.AHowever BOtherwiseCTherefore DBesides6We shall _ all schools with new computers in the next term.Amake BhasCgive Dequip7The young man made a _ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.Aprediction BpromiseCplan Dcontribution8The boy seated himself in the

6、 corner with his back _ to his father.Aturning Bto turnCto be turned Dturned9John!Is this bag yours?Yes.It is the same bag_I lost yesterday.Where did you find it?Awhich BasCthat Dso10All her energies are _on her children and she seems to have little time for anything else.Aguided BaimedCdirected Dfo

7、cused11Although I usually get on well with my uncle,he can have a _tongue occasionally.Agood BbadCsharp Dsmart优质文档优质文档12That is the only way we can imagine_the overuse of water in students bathrooms.Areducing Bto reduceCreduced Dreduce13Lets get some eggs first._,vegetables and fruits are also neede

8、d.AIn advance BIn allCIn addition DIn short14(2013徐州高三调研 )Bring the flowers into a warm room_ theyll soon open.Aor BandCbut Dfor15His name stands first on the _.Alist BmenuCprogram Dlisting.阅读理解My tenyearold daughter Emma got home yesterday and spoke of a boy called Jake in her class.Being quite ove

9、rweight,Jake is the butt(笑柄)of many jokes and is treated very badly by other kids.Jake gives the impression that hes not a nice guy,mostly because hes constantly picked on(捉弄)For several nights this week Emma came home upset about the fact that Jake gets picked on so much.She also mentioned that Jak

10、e had no school supplies as his family could not afford them.He was constantly asking to borrow paper,which just gives kids even more reason to pick on him.One night Emma was extremely upset about this situation.We sat together that evening and discussed it in great detail.I suggested Emma talk to J

11、ake and found out what supplies he needed.The next day Emma talked to Jake and came to realize that Jake had a heart of gold,but rarely was able to show it because he was always on the defensive (防守的)Emma asked Jake to make a list of the school supplies he needed.Jake put down 3 ring binders(活页夹 ),p

12、aper,pens,pencils and a pencil sharpener.Emma told him she would help and he was most thankful.优质文档优质文档That evening Emma and I went to the store and bought everything for Jake! When we got home,we put all the supplies into a brand new grey back packbecause Jake did not have a back pack either.The ne

13、xt day,I brought the bag to the school principal and asked him to give the bag to Jake discreetly (谨慎地) so that he did not have to feel embarrassed.That night Emma got home with smiles on her face.The principal had called Jake to his office and gave him the bag.As Jake walked into the classroom,he l

14、ooked at Emma and later thanked her very much for all the stuff.He loved it all!Emma said it was so nice to see him take out his new pencil box and to start arranging his pencils and pens.He seemed very happy.1What do we know about Jake from Paragraph 1?AHe is tall, strong and easygoing.BHe doesnt l

15、ike to talk to his friends.CHe is always laughed at by his classmates.DHe is fond of playing tricks on his classmates.2How did Emma feel about Jakes situation?AAnxious. BConcerned.CSupportive. DNeutral.3Why did Emma talk to Jake the next day?AShe meant to offer him some advice.BShe hoped to know mor

16、e about him.CShe expected to make friends with him.DShe wanted to find out what he needed.4Why did the author give the back pack to the principal?ATo avoid Jake feeling embarrassed.BTo inform that they did a good deed.CTo let him know how poor Jake was.DTo ask him to show concern about Jake.5What is

17、 the text mainly about?AA mothers love.优质文档优质文档BAn act of kindness.CEmmas school life.DJakes poor situation at school.任务型阅读So long as teachers fail to distinguish between teaching and learning,they will continue to teach what children can do for themselves.Teaching children to read is not passing re

18、ading on to them.It is certainly not endless hours spent in activities about reading.Douglas insists that “reading cannot be taught directly and schools should stop trying to do the impossible”Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes.They differ in kind and function.The function of

19、 teaching is to create the conditions and the climate that will make it possible for children to plan the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read.Teaching is also public activity:It can be seen and observed.Learning to read involves what each individual does to make sense of the world

20、of printed language.Almost all of it is private,for learning is an occupation of the mind,and the process is not open to public scrutiny.If teacher and learner roles are not interchangeable,then what can be done through teaching( teaching helps the child in the searching for knowledge)?Smith has one

21、 principal rule for all teaching instructions.“Make learning to read easy, which means making reading a meaningful,enjoyable and frequent experience for children.”When the roles of teacher and learner are seen for what they are,and when both teacher and learner fulfill them appropriately,much of the

22、 pressure and feeling of failure for both is removed.Learning to read is made easier when teachers create an environment where children are given the opportunity to solve the problem of learning to read by reading.优质文档优质文档优质文档优质文档课时作业( 十二).1.nuclear 2.shuttling 3.sharpening 4.premiers 5.missiles 6.s

23、eminar 7.fountain munism 9.socialists10Arches.1.C 句意:我们试图找一张七个人坐的桌子,但是都被别人占了。give away 泄露,分配,配送; keep away 远离,不接近;use up 用光,用尽;take up 占据。2D 根据句意:昨天晚上她和她的室友关于谁应 打扫卫生吵了一架。这里要用 quarrel with sb.about sth.“就(关于)与某人发生口角” 。discuss“讨论” ,为 及物动词,后直接加宾语;debate“辩论” ,其宾语常是学术性问题;argue“争辩” ,其程度大于 quarrel。3D join

24、后要接团体、集体、组织等与人有关的名词;take part in 与政治活动或体育、文娱活动有关; attend 侧重于指上(课),参加(晚会),照顾病人等意义。4C lead to 引起、导致,其中 to 是介词,后面跟动名词作宾语;the thief和 catch 是动宾 关系,要用被 动结构。故选择 C 项。5C 考查副词的用法。 however 不管怎样;otherwise 否则;therefore 所以;besides 除此之外。根据句意判断,前后句为因果关系,故选 C。6D equip.with.意为“用装备” ,故选 D。7B make a promise 意 为“作出允诺” ,

25、句中 that 引导的是同位语从句,作 promise 的同位语。句意:那个年轻人向他的父母作出允诺毕业后他将尽力自食其力。make a prediction“作出预言” ;make a plan“制定计划” ;make a contribution“作出贡献” 。8A 考查 with 复合结构。句意:小男孩坐在角落里,背对着他父亲。9C 画横线处句意:这正是我昨天丢的包。 that 此 处用以指同一事物。10D 句意:她所有的精力都集中在孩子身上,看起来很少有时间顾及其他。focus.on.集中于,符合句意。guide 指导,指引;aim 瞄准(与 at 连用);direct 指 挥,指导,

26、皆与句意不符。11C 句意:虽然通常我和我叔叔相处得很好,但他有时说话尖酸刻薄。优质文档优质文档sharp 指“讽 刺,挖苦” 。12B 此处的关键是 we can imagine 作 way 的定 语,且关系 词在定语从句中作 imagine 的宾语,所以后面应用 to do sth.或 of doing sth.作 way 的另一定语,the only way to do sth.做某事的唯一方法/办法。句意:那是我们能够想出的减少学生宿舍过度用水的唯一方法。13C A 项“预先,提前” ;B 项“总计” ;C 项“此外,另外” ;D 项“简言之” 。根据句意,后句应是对前句的补充说明,故

27、选 C。14B 句意:把这些花带进一个温暖的房间,它 们 很快就会开放。这是一个“祈使句and 简单陈述句 ”句型。15A list 可泛指任何“单子” ;menu 专指餐馆里的“菜单” ,在 计算机用语中被引申为“菜单” ;program 是“节目” ,在 计算机用语中指“程序” ,根据句意,list 在此为名词,on the list 为“在名单上” 。.【语篇解读】 我和女儿一起给 Jake 买了新书 包和一些学习用具,改变了 Jake 被同学嘲笑的局面。1C 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,因为体态胖,埃玛班的同学们都喜欢捉弄 Jake。2B 推理判断题。根据第二、三段的内容可知,埃玛对

28、Jake 被大家捉弄的情况非常关注。3D 细节理解题。根据第三、四段可知,第二天埃 玛在学校与 Jake 进行了交谈,目的是了解他需要什么学习用品。4A 细节理解题。根据第六段的内容可知,作者把购买的新书包和学习用具给了校长,让他转交给 Jake。这样做是为了避免 让 Jake 感到窘迫。5B 主旨大意题。根据全文可知,作者给我们讲 述了一个她和女儿一起帮助 Jake 买书包的善行。.1.taught 2.conditions 3.observed 4.individual/private5Solutions 6.interchangeable 7.failure 8.teaching9develop/form 10.motivated/encouraged


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