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1、Book I第一章 Unit1Unit8I 字母:1、26 个字母的读音及大小写形式2、5 个元音字母 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu3、26 个字母按读音归类:ei A H J Ki: B C D E G P T Ve F L M N S X Zai I Yju: U Q WO、R 是两个独立的音4、认识常用字母缩写CD、BC、AD、CBA 、CAAC、ABC、 BBC、HK、UK、UN、USA、ID 、MBA 、NBA、PRC、CCP、PLA 、RMB、PE、IQ、EQ、PE、WTO 、IOC、IT、UFO、CCTV、VIP、IDD am、pm、kg、km、mm、cmII 语音:1、开音节和

2、闭音节音节是单词中最小的语音单位,通常是由一个元音加上一个或几个辅音构成。按元音字母在单词中的发音的不同,可把单词分为开音节和闭音节。开音节分为绝对开音节和相对开音节。由一个元音字母结尾的音节是绝对开音节。如:I,no,my 等。 (注:在辅音字母后面的 y 属元音字母。 )以“一个元音字母一个辅音字母(r 出外)不发音的 e”结尾的音节是相对开音节。例如:name,rose,five ,nine,grade,game ,these ,use 等。开音节中的元音字母一般发字母本身的音。闭音节是一种以“一个元音字母一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外) ”结尾的音节。例如:ten,not,it,am ,

3、 thank 等单音节词在朗读时都要重读,双音节或多音节单词中也一般有一个重读音节,别的为弱读音节。2、五个元音字母在重读开、闭音节中的读音:元音字母 类别 读音 例词开音节 ei name grade Kate gameAa闭音节 Ann cat map bag开音节 i: be me she he Ee闭音节 e spell pen desk egg开音节 ai five nice fine bikeIi闭音节 i Miss this six hill开音节 u home those no helloOo闭音节 box clock not wrong开音节 ju: compute excu

4、se student useUu闭音节 cup but bus much3、英语国际音标简介:英语里共有 48 个音素,记录音素的符号叫做音标。大多数音标的形式与英语印刷体小写字母相同,为避免混淆,音标放在 内(有些书刊是计算机排版,采用了两条斜线“/” )英语的音标可分为两大类:元音音标和辅音音标。1)元音音标:元音音标有 20 个,它们是:前元音 i: i e 中元音 : 单元音后元音 : u: u 双元音 ei ai i i uuau元音音素发音特点是:声带振动,气流不受阻碍,且发音时声音响亮或比较响亮。2)辅音音标:辅音音标有 28 个,它们是:清辅音 p t k f s t tr t

5、s h浊辅音 b d g v z d dr dz r m n l j w辅音音素发音特点是:气流通过口腔时受到发音器官中舌、唇、齿或咽喉等的阻碍。辅音音素分为清辅音和浊辅音,声带不震动时为清辅音,声带震动时为浊辅音。III 词汇how old 多大年龄 in English 用英语at school 在学校 at home 在家in Class One 在一班 in Picture 2 在图 2 中very much 很、非常 all right 好;行come in 进来 on duty 值日look the same 看起来很像 sit down 坐下over there 在那边 look

6、 after 照顾;照看middle school 中学第一章 BOOK1(UNIT1-UNIT8)重点词组how old 多大(年龄)at school(在学校)in class one(在一班)very much 非常come in 进来look the same 看起来很像over there 在那边middle school 中学in English 用英语at home 在家in Prctune2 在图 2 中all right 好;行on duty 值日sit down 坐下lsook after 照顾,照看二、重点句子1Good morning/afternoon/evening

7、! 早上/下午/晚上好!2Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴3How are you? 你好吗?Fine, thank you. And you ? 好,谢谢,你呢?4How do you do. 你好5What class are you in ?(grade, row) 你在几班/年级 /排?Im in Class/Grade/Row One. 我在一班/一年级/一排6Whats three plus/minus three? 33/33 等于几?Its 6/Its zero. 等于 6/等于 07How old are you/is he? 你多大?/他多大?Im/Hes

8、twelve. 我 12 岁/他 12 岁。8Is this /that a pen?Yes,it is/No, it isnt 这/那是支钢笔吗?是的,它是/不,它不是。9Can you spell it ? 你会拼写吗?10Whats this in English? Its a clock.这个用英语怎么说?这是支钟表。11Whats your/his/her/its name? 你/他/她/它叫什么名字?My/His/Her/Its name is . 我/他/她/它叫12Is everyone here?都来齐了吗?13Whos not here? 谁没来?14I dont know

9、. 我不知道。15Here you are. 给你16Thank you very much. 非常感谢。Thats all right. 不客气17Its very good. Thank you. 这很好,谢谢。18This way,please. 请这边走。19Whos on duty today? 今天谁值日?20Lets go. 咱们走吧。11Are you English? Yes, I am. 你是英国人吗?是的,我是。12Put them here 把它们放这儿。13Excuse me. Where is the washroom, please? 请问,洗手间在哪?Oh, i

10、ts over there. 在那边。14Please look after them. 请照看她们。15What are these/those? They are apples. 这些/那些是什么?是苹果。三、语法:1、动词 be 的用法:动词 be 随主语人称及单、复数的变化而变化,可这样记:“我”用 am;“你”用 are;is 用于单数他、她、它复数全部都用 are如:I am a student. 我是学生Are you Wei Hua? 你是魏华吗?This is a desk. These are chairs. 这是张桌子,这些是椅子。2、打电话用语:Hello! 喂!Hel

11、lo, Bill? 喂,是比尔吗?No, this is Sam.不,我是萨姆。这是英语打电话时的用语,与汉语有区别,见下表:汉语 英语喂!(你好!)你是 XXX 吗?我是 XX。Hello!Is that/it ?This is 例如:Hello! 8930211. 你好, 这里是 8930211。Hello! Is that Wang Fei? 你好!你是王菲吗?Yes, it is. 是的,我是。This is Lin Tao . How are you? 我是林涛。你好吗?Fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢。3、指示代词 this、that、these、those 的用法单数 复数

12、近指 this these远指 that those对在一起的两样东西做介绍时,先说的用 this/these,后说的用 that/those如:This is a pear. That is an apple. |These are pears. Those are apples.介绍某人时用 This is .如:Mum, this is m teacher, Miss Gao.回答 this/that 提的问题时用 it;回答 these/those 提问时用 they。如:Whats this/that? Its a car.What are these/those? They are

13、 hills.this、 that 的特殊用法,如:She cant speak that fast. 她不能说那么快(做副词)Its about this big. 它大约这么大(做副词)that、those 有时用来代替前面出现过的名词,以避免重复,如:This film is as interesting as that I saw yesterday.这部电影和我昨天看的那部一样有趣。The computers made in Qingdao are better than those made in Shanghai.青岛出的电脑比上海的好。4、人称代词和物主代词:人称代词(主格)

14、I you he she it we you they物主代词(形) my your his her its our your their人称代词主格在句中做主语或表语,形容词性物代词只作定语,后需加名词。如:I am your teacher.He is twelve.They are their balls.当几个人称代词做主语时,顺序一般按照“你” 、 “他” 、 “我”的顺序, “I”总是放在最后,这与汉语不同,如:You, he and I should help each other.You and I are both right.He and I have been there

15、.物主代词与名词之间不能再用 a、an 、the 或 this、that 等词。如:His bag() his a bag() his this bag ()5、名词复数:1)英语中,可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。我们称单个的事物为单数,如:a pen 一支钢笔,one banana 一个香蕉;称两个或两个以上的事物为复数,例如:three eggs 三个鸡蛋,nine pencils 九支铅笔。名词复数形式的部分规则如下:情况 构成方法 读音 例词一般情况 加-s清辅音后读s浊辅音和元音后读zmap-mapsmpsbook-booksbukscat-catsktsbag-bagsbgzbir

16、d-birdsb:dzruler-rulersru:lz以 s、x、ch、sh 等结尾的词 加-es 读izbus-busesbsizbox-boxesbksizwatch-watcheswtiz 以 ce、se 、ze、ge 等结尾的词 加-s 读iz orange-orangesrindiz以辅音字母y 结尾的词 变 y 为 i再加-es 读z baby-babiesbeibiz以 f、fe 结尾的词变 f、fe为 ve,再加-s读vz half-halvesha:vzknife-knivesnaivz2)名词的复数形式还有一些不规则的变化。少数名词,其单数和复数形式是一样的。例如:a s

17、heep two sheep a Chinese ten Chinese a Japanese five Japanese少数名词的复数形式是不规则的。例如:man-men woman-women child-children foot-feet tooth-teeth词语辨析:1、a、an、one 的用法:a 和 an 都是不定冠词,意思是 “一(个、本、枝、件) ”,它不强调“一”这个数量概念,强调的是类别。在实际运用中,a 限于辅音音素(即读音为辅音)开头的单数可数名词之前,如:a map ,a car ,a ruler 等。an 限用于元音音素(即读音为元音)开头的单数可数名词之前,如

18、:an eraser,an egg,an apple 等。如果该名词前有修饰语则用 a 还是用 an,要以该修饰语的第一个音素是辅音还是元音而定。例如:a computer, an old computer ,an apple,a big apple,a Chinese car,an English car, an SAR数词 one 强调数量是一,表示“一(件、只、张) ”。因句子 This isnt a car.Its a jeep.是强调名词的类别,不是强调数量,所以不能说成 This isnt one car. Its one jeep.在英语中,如果单数名词前有物主代词 my,you

19、r或指示代词 this,that加以说明了,则不再用 a 或 an。我们应说 This is my eraser.而不能说 This is my an eraser.或 This is a my eraser.2、Excuse me 与 SorryExcuse me 意思是“打扰了;劳驾;对不起;请问;请原谅” 。与人搭话,提问体或打断别人谈话,别人正忙着做自己的事,你有事情要讲,打扰对方时,应先说 Excuse me,意思是 “打扰了;麻烦一下” 。向别人问一件事时说 Excuse me,意思是“请问;劳驾” 。你在和别人谈话时,因要做别的事情需要离开或接听电话,可先说 Excuse me,

20、意思是“请原谅;对不起” ,再接听电话。有人挡住你的路时,你说 Excuse me,意思是让对方让一下。sorry 意思是“对不起;请原谅;抱歉” 。若言语行为损害了对方或别人请你帮忙,因为某种原因做不到,可说 Sorry 或 Im sorry,向对方道歉表示歉意。注意:对方说 Excuse me 时,你不必回答。对方说 Sorry/Im sorry 时,你应说 Thats all right.或 It doesnt matter.表示有礼貌的回答对方, “没关系” , “不要紧” , “不要介意” 。3、All right, Thats all right 和 Thats right.All

21、 right 意为:“行,好吧。 ”相当于 OKThats all right .意为:“没关系” 、 “不客气” ,相当于 Thats OKThats right 意为“那是对的、正确的” 。如:-Lets go to the zoo. All right. 咱们去动物园吧,好吧-Thank you very much. Thats all right. 非常感谢,不客气-Five plus five is ten. Thats right.5 加 5 等于 10,对了4、look、look at、seelook、look at 和 see 都有“看”的意思,但用法不同。1)look 是不及

22、物动词,不能直接带宾语,常用以引起别人注意。例如:Look!Thats my English teacher.看,那是我英语老师。2)look at 后面可直接带宾语,强调“看”这个动作。如:Please look at the blackboard.请看黑板3)see 是及物动词,强调 “看”的结果,意为“看见、看到 ”。如:I can see the apples on the tree. 我能看见树上的苹果。5、fine、good、well 、nine这四个词都有“好”的意思。fine 是形容词,常指身体好或天气好;good 是形容词,表示人品或事物好;well 作形容词指身体好,作副词

23、指事情做的好;nice 是形容词,指取悦于感观的事物,含有感情色彩的“好” 。如:How are you? Im fine/well.你好吗?我很好。Its a fine day today. 今天天气很好。This is a nice room.这是一个漂亮的房间。She is a good teacher.她是位好教师。中考前沿1、 “Good morning, class”, “ ” (2003 年 杭州)A、Thank you, teacher B、Glad to meet youC、 We are fine, teacher D、Good morning, sir.答案是 D“Goo

24、d morning”的答语仍为“Good morning”,从题目看,是课堂的师生交际,故应选 D.2、 “ ”.“They are both fine, thank you.” (2003 年 福建)A、How fine are your parents? B、What are your parents?C、 Who are your parents? D、How are your parents?答案为 D从答语看,问句应是表示问候,由“How are you”意为“你好吗”可知,“How are your parents”意为 “你父母好吗?”故应选 D3、The cars made i

25、n Japan are much cheaper than made in America.A、ones B、those C、that D、it (2003 年 南京)答案为 B本题考查 those 的特殊用法,用来代替前面出现过的名词“cars” ,以避免重复,故选 B4、More and more people in Shanghai are able to talk and wirte English these days. (2004 年 上海)A、for B、with C、in D、to答案为 C“用英语 ” 译为 in English。5、I am looking for a ho

26、use. Id like with a garden. (2003 年 安徽)A、one B、it C、that D、this答案为 Aone 代替前面提到的名词 house 以免重复。复习巩固选择填空:(20)1、HongKong is SAR.A、a B、an C、/ D、the2、Is that book? Yes, .A、your, its B、you, it is C、your, it is D、you, its3、-Your picture is very good, Mike.- .A、Yes, it is B、No, it isnt. C、Thank you. D、It doe

27、snt matter.4、One of my friends an American .A、be B、am C、is D、are5、Dont forget to say “ “when someone helps you.A、Thank you B、OK C、Goodbye D、Thats all right6、-Do you speak English or Japanese? - .A、Sorry, I dont know. B、Yes, I do.C、 No, I dont. D、English.7、Are they ?A、they pencil B、they pencils C、the

28、ir pencil D、their pencils8、Six and three nine.A、is B、am C、are D、be9、Li Tao is .A、in Grade 1,Class 6 B、Grade1,Class 6C、 in Class 6,Grade 1 D、Class 6,Grade 110、-Hello. May I speak to Jim, please? - .A、Who are you B、Who is he C、 Whos that D、Whose is it11、-Whos this in Picture2?- Marie Cuie。A、Its B、That

29、s C、Its D、Hes12、- is she?-She is five.A、How B、How old C、What D、When13、Lily and Lucy are .A、twins sister B、twin sister C、twin sisters D、twins sisters14、 are good friends.A、You, I and he B、I, you and he C、He, I and you D、You, he and I15、How is your father? He is .A、good B、well C、glad D、nice16、-Are you

30、 ?-Yes, we are.A、students B、student C、a student D、one student17、与 HK 相符的图片是 。18、They are .A、woman doctors B、women doctors C、women doctor D、woman doctor19、 the picture. What can you ?A、Look at, see B、Look at ,look C、See, see D、Look, see20、Can I see your new book, please? .A、OK,here you are B、Sorry, y

31、oure wrong C、Its very good D、No, you arent单词拼写(10 分)1.Im in Seven. (年级)2. sixteen minus twelve?(几)3.They are teachers.(男)4.Whats this Chinese?(用)5.Please look after the (双胞胎)brothers.6.These are Japanese (公共汽车).7.Where are the ?(小孩)8.Whats your ?(地址)9.How many (小船)can you see in the pictures?10.Welc

32、ome to No. 14 School.(中)句型变化(22 分)1、Those are banana trees. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)banana trees?Yes, are.2、They are teachers.(否定句)teachers.3、I am an English boy.(就划线部分提问)an English boy?4、That jeep is blue. (就划线部分提问)is that jeep?5、Shes in Class 3. (就划线部分提问)is she in?6、We are all here.(改为同义句)here.7、My number

33、is five. (改为同义句 )Im _ _8、We are in the same class .( 改为同义句)We are _.9、That is an orange tree (变为复数句)_ _ _ _10、Miss Han is a Chinese teacher.(用 an English teacher 改为选择疑问句)_Miss Han a Chinese teacher _an English teacher?IV 阅读理解 (28 分)1、请你阅读下面对话后,从表格中选择正确答案。Woman: Can I help you ?Mary : Yes ,I want a l

34、icence for my car Woman :Whats your name ,please?Mary: My name is Mary Green.Woman: Are you American?Mary: No. I am Canadian(加拿大人)Woman: How old are you?Mary: I am 26.Woman: Whats your passport(护照)number?Mary: It is 20188796.Woman: What about your telephone number?Mary: My phone number is 5657812Wom

35、an: Is it an English car ?Mary: No .Its a Japanese car .Woman: Here is your licence, please. Your licence number is 5568710Mary: Thank you .生词:Nationality 国籍, Production Place 产地Car Licence No.5568710Name Mary Green Nationality 1.( )A. Americans B. JapaneseC. anadanAge 2( )A.62B.26C.16Passport Numbe

36、r3( )A.5657812B.20188796C.5568710ProductionPlace 4( )A.USAB.JapanC.Canada TelephoneNumber5( )A.5657812B.20188796C.55687102、阅读短文,回答问题(5 分 )This is a Chinese boy. His name is Duan Chao. Hes thirteen. Hes No.2 Middle School. Hes in Class Three ,Grade Two. His good friend is Xu Dong. Hes thirteen, too.

37、He is in the same class . Mr.Chen is their Chinese teacher .They like him. They think hes a good teacher.1.How old is Duan Chao?_.2.What class is he in ?_.3.Is Xu Dong. in No.2 Middle School?_.4.Is Xu Dong. a girl?_.5.Who is their Chinese teacher?_.3、补全对话,每空一词(18 分)1.A:Excuse me ! B: _?A: _these you

38、r pencils ? B: No, they arent._ that girl .I think_ her pencils.A: Excuse me ! C: Yes ?A: Are these _ _? C: Oh, yes, _ _.Thank you very much.A: Thats _ _.2. A: Who are they? B: _Ma Lili and Mrs Read.A: Is Ma Lili a student?B: Sorry ,I _ _.A: Can you _Read?B: Yes ,R-E-A-D, Read.A: How old is she ?B: Ah, its _secret!V 书面表达(20 分)根据表格提示填写短文。Name Lily & LucyNationality(国籍) AmericanAge Eleven


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