七年级英语下册 Unit 4《Don’t eat in class》(第三课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 4Dont eat in class (第三课时)Learning Goals Master the new words: out; go out; practice; dish; do the dishes; before; make ones bed; What are the rules in your school / class?Dont eat in class.Listen carefully in class.We have to wear uniforms in school.We cant run in the hallways.Leaning P

2、rocedures:ReviewingShow some pictures of some rules to practice the target language.Dont fight.Can we eat in class?No, we cant. We can eat in the dining hall.Dont talk.Be quiet?Listen to music?Fight?优质文档优质文档Be late for school设计说明:一些有能力的学生可以将自己已有的认识水平与实际运用结合起来,同时利用大量的图片来复习 How do you get to school? I

3、 take the bus to school. 句型,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,掌握目标语言使用目标语言交流使他们能体会到通过学习带来成功的满足感和快了。Pre-listening activitiesPreviewing and testingRead the book and put the Chinese into English orally,then write them down without looking at your book.一、 Write the English for the Chinese.1.外出 adv. 2.外出(娱乐) 3.练习 v 前需加 the.二、

4、 do the dishesdish 作 “餐具 ”讲时,常用 形式,其前常加 。do the dishes 相当于 。dish 也可用作可数名词,意为“菜肴;一道菜” 。 你外出前必须清洗餐具。You must before you 。 He likes cold dishes.(翻译)。三、 help his mom make breakfast.help sb. (to) do sth. 意为“ ” ,help 后既可接带 to 的不定式作宾补,也可接不带 to 的不定式。Help sb. with sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事” ,with 后跟 。如: 他经常帮助我打扫教室。He

5、often me my math.设计说明:通过对词汇,短语和句型的练习,引导学生观察,发现,归纳语言规律和掌握语言,形成有效的学习策略;然后再给以必要帮助,通过小组讨论的形式可获得更为准确Can Dave go out on school nights?No, he cant.优质文档优质文档的答案,避免单调枯燥的语法讲解。The end-of-class test一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.You have to (wear) a sweater today because its very cold outside.2. (not) be angry with your son.H

6、es only a small boy now.3. I must practice (play) the guitar.4. Can you help me (clean) the room?5. I do the (dish) after dinner every day.二、译成英语1.晚饭前,我必须练习弹吉他。2.吃完晚饭后,我必须洗餐具。3.在晚上,我不能看电视。4.有时我必须帮妈妈做晚饭。5.戴夫在上学期间的晚上能出去吗?。设计说明:本环节是在巩固所学知识,及时纠正学生的错误,在反思,顿悟和自醒中不断调整自己的学习策略,提高课堂效率。设计说明:本节课的作业布置我是这样设置的通过描述

7、一下学生自己的有关日常活动的优质文档优质文档短语和活动时间,让学生把课堂上所学到的知识延伸到课外,使学生脱离死记硬背的作业模式,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握学习的词汇和句型。教学反思:任务中体现学生的主体地位。在过程中学生可能出现一些错误,本人就以积极的态度对待他们,愉快的氛围对学生的学习有很大的积极影响力。首先要调动学生的学习兴趣和积极性 加强学生语言的实践是关键,要给学生机会去说、去做、去思考。答案:一、1.wear 2.Dont 3.playing 4.clean 5.dishes二、1. I must practice the guitar before dinner.2. I have to do the dishes after dinner.3. I cant watch TV in the evening.4. I have to help my mom make dinner sometimes.5. Can Dave go out on school nights?


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