Unit5 The silver screen 课时达标检测(必修1,含2013年模拟试题,含答案解析).doc

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1、.单项填空1(2011高考江苏卷)It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine._,wed better take it to the garage immediately.AOtherwise BIf notCBut for that DIf so解析:选 D。句意:汽车的发动机听上去好像出了问题。如果这样的话,我们最好马上把车开到修理厂。if so 假如这样的话,符合题意,所以选 D。otherwise 否则;if not 如果不;but for that 要不是那样的话,均不符合题意。2Her writing career_

2、 in her early thirties,when she wrote a novel about creatures from outer space.Atook up Bflew upCtook off Dflew off解析:选 C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:在她三十岁初,她的写作生涯开始出名,那时,她写了一本关于外太空的创造物的小说。take off“成功,出名 ”,符合句意。3You dont have to go to college to study Englishyou can teach yourself by following special radio or TV p

3、rograms_.Aby air Bin the airCon the air Dby the air解析:选 C。on the air “现在播出” 。4Is this the reason _ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?Ahe explained Bwhat he explainedCwhose he explained Dwhy he explained解析:选 A。the reason 在定语从句中充当宾语,故选 A 项。5That was so serious a matter that I had no choi

4、ce but_the police.来源:学科网Acalled in Bcalling inCcall in Dto call in 来源:Z,xx,k.Com解析:选 D。句意:那件事太严重,我别无选择,只好把警察叫来。have no choice but to do 意为“别无选择,只好做” 。6What do you think of the project?Well,it is still too early to make comments_it.来源:Z_xx_k.ComAof BforCon Dat解析:选 C。make comments on sth.“对作出评论” 。7Peo

5、ple may have different opinions about Karen,but I admire her._,she is a great musician.AAfter all BAs a resultCIn other words DAs usual解析:选 A。after all 毕竟; as a result 结果;in other words 换句话说;as usual 像往常一样。分析句意可知,after all 符合要求。8(2012高考四川卷)If you happen to get lost in the wild, youd better stay _ yo

6、u are and wait for help.Awhy Bwhere Cwho Dwhat解析:选 B。考查地点状语从句。句意:如果你碰巧在野外迷路了,你最好待在原处等待救援。stay 为不及物动词,表示“待在某处” ,后需接地点状语,故用 where 引导地点状语从句。9(2013江苏苏、锡、常、镇四市第二次调研)An explosion blew the roof off an unstable reactor north of Tokyo,_fears of a disaster at a nuclear plant_in the massive earthquake that hit

7、 Japan.Ato raise;to be damagedBraising;damagingCraising;damagedDraised;being damaged解析:选 C。句意:一次爆炸掀开了东京北部一个不稳定反应堆的屋顶,这引起了人们对日本大地震中损坏的核电站会造成灾难的恐惧。考查非谓语动词。第一个空格中的非谓语动词作结果状语,其逻辑主语为前面一句话,与 raise 为逻辑上的主动关系,所以用现在分词;to raise 表示目的或将来,不符合句意,故排除 A 项; raised 表示被动,故排除 D 项;第二空考查非谓语动词作定语,被修饰词 plant 与 damage 为被动关系

8、,故用过去分词作定语。综上所述,答案为 C 项。10One of the advantages of living on the top of a high-rise is that you can get a good_.Asight BsceneCview Dlook解析:选 C。 “从某一点看到的风景 ”用 view 表示。11Having left my key in the office,I had no_but to wait for my wife to come back from work.Achoice Bdecision Copinion Dcomment解析:选 A。h

9、ave no choice but to do sth.“除做之外别无选择” 。12(2011高考上海卷)Its no use_without taking any action.Acomplain BcomplainingCbeing complained Dto be complained解析:选 B。句意:不采取行动而只是抱怨是没有用的。考查非谓语动词。Its no use doing 是固定句式,所以 B 为正确答案。13I_you an apology.I am so sorry to have put you through so much trouble.Aowe Bdemand

10、Cmake Daccept解析:选 A。I owe you an apology.我该向你道歉。后面的 I am so sorry to have put you through so much trouble.(很抱歉给你带来这么多麻烦。 )是提示信息。14(2013山东淄博一模)They intended to have the school better equipped,_the local government was not able to get enough money to do so.Aunless BwhileCalthough Donce解析:选 B。句意:他们打算更好

11、地装备这所学校但当地政府没能筹备足够的钱。while 可用来表示对比转折。A,除非; C,虽然;D,一旦。15(2013广西玉林高中、南宁二中、柳州高中高三联考)Shall we go and lend them a hand with their work?来源:学科网 ZXXK_.We might be just in the way.AWed better not BWith pleasureCWhy not DSounds great解析:选 A。考查交际用语。句意: 我们去给他们帮一下忙好吗?最好不要。我们可能会妨碍他们。答语中的 we might be just in the wa

12、y 是解题关键。根据句意选 A。.完形填空(2012原创)The TV show I am a Big Star calls him the “Male Susan Boyle”Hes most commonly known as “Overcoat Brother”on_1_of his army surplus green jacket,appealing naivet(纯真) and impressive vocal_2_._3_my mind,he is more like the Britains Got Talent sensation Paul Potts.Firstly,bec

13、ause hes a man,moreover,he has a penchant(嗜好,倾向) for Chinese folk opera,_4_Andrew Lloyd Webber tunes.Either way,farmer Zhu Zhiwen is an Internet_5_,topping Baidus list of the people most_6_.The_7_superhero country bumpkin from near Heze City in Shandong Province appeared on Shandong TVs talent show

14、I am a Big Star to sing the theme song from the hit 1990s TV show Romance of the Three Kingdoms,_8_up with the tune Travelers in Handcuffs,from the iconic 1980s film.The_9_gave him a standing applause,but the judges gave him a hard time and_10_whether he really was a farmer _11 _anger among netizens

15、.One judge asked him to take off his overcoat,which_12_a red sweater and worn sleeves.He then asked him to take off all his clothes,_13_fortunately he didnt do.The TV host felt his hands to see_14_they were rough and hard,said they were and proclaimed_15_to be “hands that move bricks.”His shoes were

16、_16_ and there was a film segment of him farming,singing and farming,and farming and sing ing.The website Netease sent a reporter down to_17_him after the show and appeared to be_18_that he was who he said he was.He_19_to the countryside or the villagers,the old and the_20_people,because hes just li

17、ke them.1.A.course BaccountCfact Dreality解析:选 B。on account of 为固定词组, “因为”之意。2. Aability BgiftedCtalents Dpresents解析:选 C。 “吸引人的纯真以及给人印象深刻的声乐天赋” ,talent 是“天赋”之意;而ability 是 “能力 ”;gifted 是形容词, “有天赋的” ;present 是“礼物” 。3. AIn BForCAs DTo解析:选 D。to my mind 是“依我看来” ,相当于 in my opinion。4. Amore than Brather tha

18、nCother than Dless than解析:选 B。 “他更加倾向于中国民间戏曲,而不是安德鲁劳埃德韦伯的音调。 ”rather than 是“而不是”之意,符合语境;而 more than 是“不仅仅;超过;非常 ”;other than 是“除了之外” ;less than 是“少于” 。5. Ahit BstrikeCblow Dattack解析:选 A。hit 用作名词,表示演出等的成功。6A.found BsearchedCresearched Dinvestigated解析:选 B。 “百度名单上被搜索最多的人。 ”people 与 search 之间是动宾关系,故用sea

19、rched 作后置定语,修饰 people。7. A42-years-old B42 years oldC42-year-old D42 years-old解析:选 C。 “数词连字符 year连字符old”的结构多做定语;而且 year 不能用复数形式;不用连字符连接时,year 用复数形式,而且多作表语。8. Afollowing BfollowedCcontinuing Dsucceeding解析:选 A。 “接着又唱了 戴手铐的旅客 ”,故用 following 表示“接下来”之意。continue 是“继续” ;succeeding 是“随后;以后” 。9. Ajudges Bfar

20、mersCaudience Dsingers解析:选 C。 “观众给了他长时间的掌声 ”。audience 是“观众”之意,符合语境。10A.studied BquestionedCconsulted Ddiscussed解析:选 B。 “裁判们询问他是否真的是一个农民。 ”question 是“询问;怀疑”之意,符合语境;而 study 是“研究” ; consult 是“咨询” ;discuss 是“商量” 。11. Ataking BleavingCcausing Dforcing解析:选 C。 “引起了网民们的愤怒 ”,cause 是“导致;引起”之意。12. Aexplained B

21、displayedCrevealed Dsheltered解析:选 C。 “一个裁判让他脱下大衣,显露出来的是一件红色的袖口脱 了线的毛衣。 ”reveal 是“显露出 ”之意,符合语境;而 explain 是“解释” ;display 是“展示” ;shelter 是“躲避;隐藏” 。13. Athat BitCwhich Dwhat解析:选 C。which 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰上文提到的一整句话。 14. Aas BifCwhen Das long as解析:选 B。if 引导的是宾语从句,作 see 的宾语,表示“是否”之意。15A.him BitCthem Dus解析:选 C。此

22、处与上文的 his hands 以及下文的 hands that. 都是同一个概念。故用 them代替 hands。16A.polished BneatC unpolished Dtidy 解析:选 C。由主语 his shoes 可知,此处表示“他的鞋子没有擦光亮” 。unpolished 是“没有抛光的;不亮的” ,符合语境;而 polished 是“抛光的;润饰过的” ;neat 是“整洁的” ;tidy 是“有条理的;整洁的” 。17A.concern BinquireCinterview Drecord解析:选 C。由上文语境 sent a reporter 可知,此处表示“派记者前

23、往采访朱之文” ,故选择 interview 表示“采访”之意;而 concern 是“关心;关注” ;inquire 是“探听;询问” ;record 是“记录 ”。18. Aamused BshockedCsatisfied Ddisappointed 解析:选 C。 “记者们似乎对朱之文与他对自己的描述相吻合很满意” ,故用 satisfied 表示“满意的” ;而 amused 是“娱乐的” ;shocked 是“震惊的 ”;disappointed 是“失望的” 。19A.applies BappealsCappoints Dadjusts解析:选 B。appeal 是“吸引”之意,

24、其后多与介词 to 连用,表示“吸引” ;而 apply是“申请;应用;涂” ;appoint 是“委任;安排” ;adjust 是“调整” 。20A.extraordinary BexcellentCcommon Damazing解析:选 C。由下文“because hes just like them”可知,此处描述的是和朱之文一样普普通通的人,故用 common 表示“普通的”之意;而 extraordinary 是“非凡的” ;excel lent 是“优秀的 ”;amazing 是“令人惊异的” 。.阅读理解(2013广西高考命题研究专家原创卷四)The Petit Appetit

25、CookbookList Price:$35.00Price:$23.10You Save:$11.90(34%)Product Description:Fresh,wholesome meals that give little mouths somethings to smile about.In The Petit Appetit Cookbook,mother and professional cook Lisa Barnes offers healthy foods to help create delicious menus,nurture adventurous palates,

26、and begin a lifetime of positive eating habits for children.Every day Raw Express (Paperback)List Price:$19.99Price: $13.57You Save:$6.42(32%)Product Description:Many people love the benefits of eating raw,but often the recipes take hours or e ven a period of several days to prepare.Everyday Raw Exp

27、ress offers delicious soups and smoothies,pastas and wraps,entrees and desserts,all prepared in 30 minutes or less.If You Give A Dog A Donut (Hardcover)Reading Level: Ages 48List Price:$16.99Price: $10.19You Save:$6.80(40%)Product Description:If you give a dog a donut,hell ask for some apple juice t

28、o go with it.When you give him the juice,hell drink it all up.Then,before you can say “Woof!” .Dog is off on a backyard adventure!Good Night Sun,Hello Moon (Board book)Reading Level: Ages 48List Price:$10.99Price: $9.34You Save:$1.65(15%)Book Description:B edtime is a special time and this beautiful

29、 book will be a special part of saying goodnight.As kids turn the page,a little bit of the sun goes away and a little piece of the moon appears.The sweet story about a little bunny who doesnt want to go to bed will help send little ones off to sleep night after night.Where The Wild Things Are (Hardc

30、over)Reading level: Ages 610List Price:$16.95Price: $11.53You Save:$5.42(32%)Book Description:Follow Max,a boy who feels misunderstood at home,as he sets out in a tiny boat,seeking new worlds across the sea.He lands on the incredible island of the wild things, a place where being a beast isnt a bad

31、thing.The wild things make Max their king,but life on the island is full of challenges,too.【语篇解读】 本文是有关五本书的广告。1Lily,5 years old,likes listening to some stories before going to bed,her mother will buy_.AGood Night Sun,Hello MoonBWhere the Wild Things AreCThe Petit Appetit CookbookDIf You Give A Dog A

32、 Donut解析:选 A。细节理解题。因为 5 岁的 Lily 喜欢睡前听一些故事,故她妈妈应该为女儿选择 Good Night Sun,Hello Moon这本书,该书中不想睡觉的小兔子的故事可以让小宝宝们夜夜入睡。2Who will probably show interest in The Petit Appetit Cookbook?AA cook in a seafood restaurant.BA lady with a 9-month-old baby.CA 4-year-old boy ill in hospital.DA healthy mother who like s a

33、dvent ures.解析:选 B。细节理解题。根据对 The Petit Appetit Cookbook 一书的描述可知,答案应该选B,即有 9 个月大的小宝宝的女士会对此书感兴趣,因为这本书介绍了让小孩子们喜欢的饮食以及如何使孩子养成良好的饮食习惯。来源:Z|xx|k.Com3Which of the following customer reviews is about Where The Wild Things Are?AI received this book a few days ago and looked forward to making many of the recip

34、es.BThe story is about a boy who landed on an incredible island and started his adventures.CAnd my daughter will imagine what if she give a cat something.DThis is a book that I read every night to my five-year-old girl.解析:选 B。推理判断题。B 项评论内容与 Where The Wild Things Are 的内容介绍相匹配。4Helen wants to buy a cookbook about eating raw,how much will she save?A$11.90. B$6.42.C$1.65. D$5.42.解析:选 B。细节理解题。Helen 想买一本关于生食的烹饪方面的书,Everyday Raw Express 适合她,而买这本书可以省$6.42,所以选 B。


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