【志鸿优化设计】(北师大版)2014年高中英语选修八【配套课时训练】2-3 Section Ⅲ Lesson 3 War Memories.doc

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【志鸿优化设计】(北师大版)2014年高中英语选修八【配套课时训练】2-3 Section Ⅲ Lesson 3 War Memories.doc_第1页
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【志鸿优化设计】(北师大版)2014年高中英语选修八【配套课时训练】2-3 Section Ⅲ Lesson 3 War Memories.doc_第2页
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【志鸿优化设计】(北师大版)2014年高中英语选修八【配套课时训练】2-3 Section Ⅲ Lesson 3 War Memories.doc_第3页
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【志鸿优化设计】(北师大版)2014年高中英语选修八【配套课时训练】2-3 Section Ⅲ Lesson 3 War Memories.doc_第4页
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【志鸿优化设计】(北师大版)2014年高中英语选修八【配套课时训练】2-3 Section Ⅲ Lesson 3 War Memories.doc_第5页
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1、优质文档优质文档课时训练 Section Lesson 3 War Memories.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写出单词的正确形式1.Parents are always concerned about the ( 安全) of their children. 答案:safety/security2.The olive branches ( 流泪) at the sultans loss. 答案:weep3.Judging others is often an ( 无意识的) habit. 答案:unconscious4.They appointed him as their ( 代表). 答

2、案:representative5.They will (分发) their products worldwide. 答案:distribute6.A man was s in the le g. 答案:shot7.Jim came across the street to g his friends. 答案:greet8.It is rude to r on her appearance. 答案:remark9.He has some a with modern art. 答案:acquaintance10.Everyone got up to s the flag. 答案:salute.用

3、恰当的介词填空1.They raised their fists in salute their leader. 答案:to2.The mother took the girl her arms,weeping. 答案:in3.Everyone lives a happy life peace in this village. 答案:in4.The captain ordered his men to shoot the enemies. 答案:at5.S he stared at me surprise. 答案:in.完形填空(2012 福建)优质文档优质文档来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K

4、I often read of incidents of misunderstanding or conf lict.Im left 1 .Why do these people create mistrust and problems,especially with those from other 2 ? I was growing up in Kuala Lumpur in the early 1960s, 3 children from different races and religions played and studied 4 in harmony.At that time

5、my family lived a stones 5 from Ismails.And no one was bothered that Ismail was a Malay Muslim and I was an Indian Hinduwe just 6 our differences.Perhaps,our el ders had not filled our heads with unnecessary advice,well 7 or otherwise. We were nine when we became friends.During the school holidays,w

6、ed 8 the countryside on our bicycles,hoping to 9 the unexpected.At times Ismail would accompany my family as we made a rare shopping trip to town.We would be glad of his 10 . When I was twelve,my family moved to Johor.Ismails family later returned to their village,and I 11 touch with him. One spring

7、 afternoon in 1983,I stopped a taxi in Kuala Lumpur.I 12 my destination.The driver acknowledged my 13 but did not move off.Instead,he looked 14 at me.“Raddar?”he said,using my childhood nicknam e(绰号).I was astonished at being so 15 addressed(称呼).Unexpectedly!It was Ismail!Even after two 16 we still

8、recognized each other.Grasping his shoulder,I felt a true affection,somethin g 17 to describe. If we can allow our children to be 18 wit hout prejudice,theyll build friendships with people,regardless of race or religion,who will be 19 their side through thick and thin.On such friendships are societi

9、es built and 20 we can truly be,as William Shakespeare once wrote,“we happy few,we band of brothers”. 1.A.interested B.pleasedC.puzzled D.excited提示:由空后的问题 Why do.?可知作者在读到关于误会和冲突的事件时,留给自己的是困惑与不解。interested“ 感兴趣的”;pleased“高兴的”;puzzled“困惑的 ,不解的”;excited“ 兴奋的,激动的”。故选C 项。答案:C来源:Zxxk.Com2.A.parties B.citi

10、esC.villages D.races提示:由第二段 3 空后的 different races and religions 可知此处应用 races 表示“尤其和那些来自不同种族的人们”;parites, cities 和 villages 与下文不符,故选 D 项。答案:D3.A.why B.which优质文档优质文档C.how D.when提示:由空前的 in the early 1960s 可知此处应用 when 引导定语从句。答案:D4.A.together B.aroundC.alone D.apart提示:together“一起 ”;around“四处,周围”;alone“ 独

11、自,单独”;apart “分开地,有距离地”。此处应用together 表示“作者回忆在 20 世纪 60年代,来自不同种族和宗教的孩子在一起玩耍和学习的情景 ”。故选 A 项。答案:A5.A.drop B.throwC.move D.roll提示:a stones throw 是一句英国俚语,含义是“一箭之遥,很短的距离 ”,此处表示我的家和伊斯梅尔的家距离很近。答案:B6.A.refused B.madeC.sought D.accepted提示:refuse“拒绝”;make“ 制作 ”;seek“寻求,探索,追求”;accept“接受”。作者和伊斯梅尔分属不同的种族,但是他们并没有因此

12、而受到影响,仍一块和谐地学习和 玩耍,因此他们应是接受彼此的不同。故选 D 项。答案:D7.A.paid B.meantC.preserved D.treated提示:pay“付款”;mean“ 意思,意味着 ”;preserve“保存,维持”;treat“对待” 。well meant 意为“出自善意的”。句意:也许 ,我们长辈没有给我们灌输没有必要的建议,或者出自善意的建议。答案:B8.A.explore B.sear chC.discover D.desert来源:学#科#网提示:explore“探索”;search“搜查”;discover“发现”;desert“抛弃,遗弃”。此处用

13、explore 表示“ 在学校的假期里,我们总是骑着自行车到乡村探险”。故选 A 项。 来源:学科网 ZXXK答案:A9.A.get through B.deal withC.come across D.take away提示:get through“通过,打通电话”;deal with“处理,对付”;come across“偶然遇见”;take away“带走”;由于作者和朋友们是在探险,所以他们希望遇到一些出乎意料的东西。故选 C 项。答案:C10.A.arrival B.choice来源: 学| 科|网 Z|X|X|K优质文档优质文档C.effort D.company提示:上句中的 a

14、ccompany(陪伴)可知,此处应用 company(做伴 ,陪伴) 表示“我们总是很高兴有他做伴”。故选 D 项。答案:D11.A.lost B.gainedC.developed D.missed提示:由上文的“ 我的家搬到柔佛(Johor),而伊斯梅尔的家搬回到他们的村庄” 可知,此处应用 lost表示“我与他失去了联系” 。词组 lose touch with sb.的含义是“与某人失去联系”。答案:A12.A.stated B.orderedC.decided D.chose提示:state“陈述”;order“命令”;decide“决心”;choose“选择” 。此处应用 sta

15、te 表示“我说明了我的目的地”。故选 A 项。答案:A13.A.attemptsB.instructionsC.opinions D.arrangements提示:attempt“尝试”;instruction“ 说明,指示,吩咐”;opinion“看法 ”;arrangement“安排”。作者是因为乘客,出租车司机应该遵循乘客的吩咐。此处用 instructions 表示“司机明白了我的吩咐,但是没有开车”。故选 B 项。答案:B14.A.anxiously B.carelesslyC.disappointedlyD.fixedly提示:anxiously“ 焦急地”;carelessly

16、“粗心地”;disappointedly“失望地”;fixedly“固定地” 。根据句意“相反,他盯着我看 ”可知此处应用 fixedly。故选 D 项。答案:D15.A.familiarly B.strangelyC.fully D.coldly提示:familiarly“熟悉地”;strangely“奇怪地”;fully“满地,充分地”;coldly“冷冷地” 。由于 Raddar 是作者小时候的绰号,所以作者听起来特别熟悉。故选 A 项。答案:A16.A.departures B.monthsC.years D.decades提示:departure“ 分别”;month“月份”;yea

17、r“ 年”;decade“十年”。作者小时候和伊斯梅尔玩耍是 20世纪 60 年代的事情,本句 的时间是 1983 年,所以此处应用 decades 表示“即使 20 年之后,我们仍能认出彼此”。故选 D 项。优质文档优质文档答案:D17.A.possible B.funnyC.hard D.clear提示:possible“可能的 ”;funny“有趣的 ,滑稽可笑的”;hard“ 艰难的”;clear“清楚的,清晰的”。此处用hard 表示 “抓住他的肩膀,我感受到了一种真正的爱,一种难以描述的爱。 ”故选 C 项。答案:C18.A.them B.themselvesC.us D.ours

18、elves提示:由句子中的 children 可知此处应用其反身代词 themselves。答案:B19.A.from B.byC.with D.against提示:by ones side 的含义是“在某人身旁,支持某人”。句意 :无论是什么种族或宗教信仰,他们都将会建立起风雨同舟的友谊。故选 B 项。答案:B20.A.still B.otherwiseC.then D.instead提示:still“仍旧”;otherwise“否则”;then“接着”,与 and 连在一起表示“ 那么”;instead“代替”。On such friendships are societies built 是一个倒装句,正常的句式为 :Societies are built on such friendships。此处用 then 表示承接上下文。故选 C 项。答案:C


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