新人教版选修六 Unit 3 综合测试(含答案解析).doc

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1、Unit 3 综合技能测试满分 100 分,考 试时间 90 分钟.单项填空(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)从 A、B、C 、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1My name is Jonathan. Shall I spell it for you? _.AIf you dont mind BNot at allCTake it easy DNice to meet you2Could I help you with your case?Thanks. Its heavy, but I can_.Atry BattemptChelp myself Dmanage3We sho

2、uld stick to the principles and be_as well.Arealistic BtypicalCflexible Daggressive4Dont let anyone lead you by the nose, use your own_and do the right thing.Afaith BtechniqueCpattern Djudgement5Have you decided_a date for the wedding?Not yet.Afor BuponCagainst Dbetween6More than one man_me that the

3、 plane crashed.Ahas told Bhave toldCtells Dtell7To tell the truth, Im not accustomed to_like this.Atreat Bbe tr eatedCtreating Dbeing treated8What would you like_?Well,I feel like_a nice cool glass of lemonade.Ato drink ; having Bto drink; to have Cdrinking; having Ddrinking; to have9They quitted_En

4、glish, because they think it is unnessessary for a Chinese to speak English in China.Astudy Bto studyCstudying Dto have studied10He was_to watching the swordsmen films.Adevoted BaddictedCadopted Ddue11The child_when he walked past the old building.Atook a risk Btake risksCat his risk Dran the risk o

5、f12Its time I_home. My mother should be waiting for me for dinner now.Areturn Bmust returnCreturned Dwill return13There were some chairs left over_everyone had sat down.Awhen Buntil Cthat Dwhere14Mary never does any reading in the evening,_.Aso does John BJohn does tooCJohn doesnt too Dnor does John

6、15(2009 江西3)Some people fear that _ air pollution may bring about changes in _ weather around the world.A. /; the B. the; /C. an; the D. the; a.完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 20 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C 和 D)中 ,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。He drove after drinking alcohol, having a severe accident and had to get his arms remov

7、ed. Since then, he has had to rely on his younger brother, who became his_16_, nev er leaving him alone for years. Except for_17_with his toes, he was totally unable to do anything else. As the two brothers grew up together, they had their own problems and would often_18_. Eventually, his younger br

8、other went away and lived separately, leaving him_19_and at a loss what to do._20_a misfortune befell(降临到某人头上)a girl. One night she was preparing dinner when the kerosene light on the stove was overturned, resulting in a fire which took her_21_away. Having decidedly_22_her sisters willingness to hel

9、p her, she determined to be thoroughly_23_. At school, she always studied hard. Most of all she learned to be selfreliant. “I am lucky. Though my_24_are broken, my heart can still fly.” She wrote in her blog.One day, the young man and the girl were both invited to a(n)_25_programme. The boy told the

10、 television hostess about his_26_future, whereas the girl was full of_27_for her life. They were both asked to write something on a piece of paper with their_28_. The boy: My younger brothers arms are my arms. The girl: Broken wings, flying heart.They had both gone through the same ordeal, but their

11、 diff erent_29_determined the nature of their lives. As seems the case,_30_life can make disasters strike at any time. How you handle_31_when faced with it was the true_32_of your character. If you choose to_33_or escape from the ordeal, it will follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be st

12、rong, the_34_will turn out to be a fortune on which new_35_will arise.文章大意:本文是一篇故事类记叙文。男孩因 车祸而失去了双臂,女孩因火灾同样失去了双臂。但他们对待生活的态 度却不同,男孩悲 观,女孩乐观。面对灾难,抱怨甚至逃避,灾难会永远追随你;若是勇敢地对待,灾 难就会转化成一种财 富。16A.assistant BtutorCexample Dshadow17A.walking BwritingCcleaning Dplaying18A.quarrel BshareCcommunicate Ddisagree19A.

13、desperate BembarrassedCinterrupted Dheartbroken20A.Unfortunately BUnexpectedlyCSimilarly DCoincidentally21A.hair BhandsChappiness Dpossessions22A.appreciated BacceptedCturned off Dturned down23A.strongwilled BfreeCindependent Drespected24A.promises BdreamsCarms Dwings25A.interview BhealthCcontest Dd

14、onation26A.uncertain BunfairCunsteady Dunbearable27A.calmness BenthusiasmCpatience Dexcitement28A.wisdom BstrengthCtoes Dmouths29A.characters BattitudesCopinions Dambitions30A.unpredictable BpassiveCrough Dmessy31A.emergency BmisfortuneCdifficulty Ddefeat32A.test BreflectionCdisplay Dchallenge33A.ig

15、nore BresistCcomplain Dsuffer34A.accidents BdisabilitiesCfailures Dhardship35A.solutions BexpectationsChopes Drewards.阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 40 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。A(2010 全国卷)When I was six, Dad brought home a dog one day, who was called“Brownie”. My brothers and I all loved Brownie and d

16、id different things with her. One of us would walk her, another would feed her, then there were baths, playing catch and many other games. Brownie, in return, loved each and every one of us. One thing that most touched my heart was that she would go to whoever was sick and just be with them. We alwa

17、ys felt better when she was around.One day, as I was getting her food, she chewed up(咬破)one of Dads shoes, which had to be thrown away in the end. I knew Dad would be mad and I had to let her know what she did was wrong. When I looked at her and said, “Bad girl, ” she looked down at the ground and t

18、hen went and hid. I saw a tear in her eyes.Brownie turned out to be more than just our family pet. She went everywhere with us. People would stop and ask if they could pet her. Of course shed let anyone pet her. She was just the most lovable dog. There were many times when wed be out walking and a s

19、mall child would come over and pull on her hair. She never barked(吠)or tried to get away. Funny thing is she would smile. This frightened people because they thought she was showing her teeth. Far from the truth, she loved everyone.Now many years have passed since Brownie died of old age. I still mi

20、ss the days when she was with us.短文解析:这是一篇大家比较熟悉的一个话题:“宠物” 。这篇文章文字简单,情 节具有生活化的特点。就总体而言,考生能理解和掌握它的大意:说明了宠物惹人喜欢、可爱。从选材和文字特点方面可以看出,这篇文章通俗易懂,不 “偏”不“怪” 。如果感觉完形难度偏大的学生在做这道试题时,会相 对轻松。36What would Brownie do when someone was ill in the family?ALook at them sadly.BKeep them company.CPlay games with them.DTou

21、ch them gently.37We can infer from Paragraph 2 that Brownie_.Awould eat anything when hungryBfelt sorry for her mistakeCloved playing hideandseekDdisliked the authors dad38Why does the author say that Brownie was more than just a family pet?AShe was treated as a member of the family.BShe played game

22、s with anyone she liked.CShe was loved by everybody she met.DShe went everywhere with the family39Some people got frightened by Brownie when she_.Asmiled BbarkedCrushed to them Dtried to be funnyBYoure late for a job interview when traffic slows to a crawl. At the supermarket, a customer wheeling a

23、full cart cuts ahead of you in the checkout line. You spend months on a makeit or breakit project, and your lazy collegue lands the promotion. Feel that burn? Before you explode with rage or fly into a fury, take a deep breath and remember this: Anger hurts. Study after study has found that high lev

24、els of anger and hostility(故意)are assocaited with greater risk for heart disease, poor immune(免疫)responses, and even a tendency for obesity(肥胖). Men with high anger scores were three times more likely to develop heart disease than their calmer companions, a Harvard School of Public Health study foun

25、d. And in women, arguments with husbands raise hormone levels and lower immunity(免疫力) a real problem, since lower immune response may increase womens risk of can cer.It doesnt seem to matter whether you release the anger or hold it in, exp erts say. The effect on your health are the same. “Anger_is_

26、anger, ”says Redford williams, MD,director of the Behavioral Medicine Research Center at Duke University Medical Center and coauthor of the book Life Skills, “Both are harmful to health.”The good news is, it is possible to control your anger. “By evaluating it and using various techniques, you can t

27、alk yourself out of it, ” Williams says, “Thats whats nice about us humans: We can always do something or not do something to change our behavior.”40From the passage we learn that_.Apeople who easily get angry are more likely to suffer from some diseases than cheerful onesBcalmer people suffer from

28、some diseases easilyCmen suffer more from high levels of anger and hostility than womanDhigh levels of anger and hostility will unavoidably result in heart disease, obesity and cancer41According to Redford Williams, “Anger is anger”means that_.Aanger is harmful to your healthBone should release ange

29、r for the sake of healthCone should hold in anger for the sake of healthDanger is harmful in spite of its different forms of expression42 “Talk yourself out of it”in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_.来源:Zxxk.ComAtalking to yourself helps you control your feelingBtalking helps you hold in

30、your angerCpersuade yourself not to get angryDcontrol your anger by talking to yourself43What is the best title for the passage?AAnger Is Anger.BReleasing Anger or Holding It in.CControlling Anger before It Controls You.DAnger, a big killer.C(2010 浙江卷)When you are little, the whole world feels like

31、a big playground. I was living in Conyers, Georgia the summer it all happened. I was a second grader, but my best friend Stephanie was only in the first grade. Both of our parents were at work and most of the time they let us go our own way.来源:学| 科|网It was a hot afternoon and we decided to have an a

32、dventure in Stephanies basement. As I opened the basement door, before us lay the biggest room, full of amazing things like guns, dolls, and old clothes. I ran downstairs, and spotted a red steel can. It was paint. I looked beyond it and there lay even more paint in bright colors like purple, orange

33、, blue and green.“Stephanie, I just found us a project for the day. Get some paintbrushes. We are fixing to paint.”She screamed with excitement as I told her of my secret plans and immediately we got to work. We gathered all the brushes we could find and moved all of our materials to my yard. There

34、on the road in front of my house, we painted big stripes(条纹 )of colors across the pavement(人行道). Stripe by stripe, our colors turned into a beautiful rainbow. It was fantastic!The sun was starting to sink. I saw a car in the distance and jumped up as I recognized the car. It was my mother. I couldnt

35、 wait to show her my masterpiece. The car pulled slowly into the driveway and from the look on my mothers face, I could tell that I was in deep trouble.My mother shut the car door and walked towards me. Her eyes glaring, she shouted, “What in the world were you thinking? I understood when you made c

36、astles out of leaves, and climbed the neighbors trees, but this! Come inside right now!”I stood there glaring back at her for a minute, angry because she had insulted(侮辱)my art.“Now go clean it up!”Mother and I began cleaning the road. Tears ran down my cheeks as I saw my beautiful rainbow turn into

37、 black cement.Though years have now passed, I still wonder where my rainbow has gone. I wonder if, maybe when I get older, I can find my rainbow and never have to brush it away. I guess we all need sort of rainbow to brighten our lives from time to time and to keep our hopes and dreams colorful.44Wh

38、at did the writer want to do when his mother came home?来源:Zxxk.ComATo introduce Stephanie to her.BTo prevent her from seeing his painting.CTo put the materials back in the yard.DTo show his artwork to her.45In his mothers eyes, the writer_.Awas a born artistBalways caused troubleCwas a problem solve

39、rDworked very hard46The underlined word“rainbow”in the last paragraph refers to_.Athe rainbow in the skyBthe stripes on the pavementCsomething imaginative and funDimportant lessons learned in childhood47It can be learned from the passage that parents should_.Aencourage children to paintBvalue friend

40、ship among childrenCdiscover the hidden talent in childrenDprotect rather than destory childrens dreamsDMillions of people die of hunger in southern Africa every year, but when Zambia was offered thousands of tons of free corn by the US, the government politely said no.“We dont know whether the food

41、 is safe, ”said Zambias Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister Dipak Patel.His worries are shared by counries around the world that are in_two_minds about Americas genetically modified(GM,转基因)crops. Just last week, EU member nations were discussing whether or not to import GM sweet corn from the US.E

42、ver since people started farming they have tried to crossbreed(杂交)plants to make them stronger or better tasting. At one time, only related plants could be crossed with each other.But when GM techniques were developed in the 1970s, scientists were able to put a single gene from a living creature int

43、o an unrelated creature.This means they can make crops more productive and resistant(有抵抗力的)to disease by adding genes from other species. They can also create food with speicial characteristics, such as“golden rice” which is enriched with vitamin A. But many people believe GM foods are a health risk

44、.“If left to me, I would certainly not eat GM foods”, said Scotish scientist Arpad Pusztai. “We are putting new things into food which havent been eaten before. The effects on the immune system(免疫系统)are not easy to predict.”At the moment, the official argument is that GM foods, “are not likely to pr

45、esent risks for human health”. But there are still many questions to be answered as the foods are produced in different ways.Some experts believe the genetic material added to plants can transfer to humans and give damage to our bodies. Further harm could be caused by the genes from GM plants crossb

46、reeding with naturally produced crops.文章大意:每年有数百万非洲人死于饥饿,但是 赞比亚拒 绝了美国无偿赞助的玉米, 这是为什么?原来那是美国生产的转基因食品。世界上有很多人对这种食品持怀疑态度。48We learn from the passage that_.Apeople have discovered that GM foods will do harm to human healthBmillions of Zambia people die of eating too much GM foodsCpeople are still not sur

47、e if GM foods will do harm to human healthDgenetic material added to plants will damage our bodies sooner or later49The underlined words“in two minds” in the third paragraph means“_”Aunsure BworriedClikely Dcareless50Which of the following statements is NOT true about GM foods?AIt is produced from plants with added genes from other species.BGM foods can have special characteristics.CGM foods will affect peoples immune system.DGM techniques have been developed since 1970s.51What the authors attitude towards GM foods?ASup


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