2014届英语词汇剖析 33.doc

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1、优质文档优质文档ask、at、as 用法1、ask ask for 要求,请求ask sb.for sth.向(某人)请求(要求)She a sked for some advice on how to learn English well.2、atat 表示速度、价格、利率来源: 学。科。网 at a high/low price 以高价/;低价;at 40 miles an hour 以每小时 40 英里的速度;at a high/low speed 以高速 /慢速;at an ordinary speed 以普通速度;at full/top speed 以全速 /高速;at a spee

2、d of 以 速度。应用完成句子公司决定以较低的价格将这批电视卖掉。The company decided to sell the TV sets _ _ _ _ _ _ 。火车正以每小时 150 英里的速度前进。The train was running _ _ _ _150 miles an hour .Key:at, a, low, priceat,a, speed,of“at+名词 ”表示“在进行,从事” 来源:学科网at work 在工作;at table 在吃饭;at play 在做游戏;at sea 出海;at university/college 在 上学;at night s

3、chool 在上夜校; at dinner/table 在吃饭;at peace 处于和平状态;at war 在交战,在打仗应用完成句子优质文档优质文档别人在工作,不要吵闹。Dont make any noise while others are _ _.孩子们在游戏,而他们的父母正在吃饭。The children were _ _ while their parents were_ _.Key:at, workat,play,at,dinneras3、asasas many as 和 一样多/多达;as much as 和 一样多/多达(注意:many 指可数的量,much 指不可数词的量)

4、;as high as 和一样高/高达;as thick as 和一样厚/ 厚达; as long as 一样长/长达;as deep as 一样深/深达;as early as 一样早/早在时候,如:来源:Z_xx_k.ComWe have as many books as they.我们的书和他们的一样多。/The great fire burned down as many as twenty buildings.大火烧毁的大楼多达 20 座。应用 汉译英新桥与旧桥一样长。 /这种鱼可长到长达 15 英尺。来源:学#科#网 Z#X#X#K这座山和远处的另一座一样高。/这座山高达 4000

5、 米。Key:The new bridge is as long as the old one./The kind of fish can grow as long as 15 feet.This mountain is as high as another one in the distance./This mountain is as high as 4,000 metres.来源:Zxxk.Comasas possible:asas one can 尽可能地.Ill come back as soon as possible.我尽可能地Get up as early as possible tomorrow morning. 明天早晨尽量早起。优质文档优质文档


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