新东方在线TOEFL iBT阅读讲义.doc

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1、新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 新托福阅读1TOEFL 阅读讲义主讲:张洪伟1. 句子简化题The Great Red SpotOne distinctive feature of the planet Jupiter is the Great Red Spot, a massive oval of swirling reddish-brown clouds. Were Earth to be juxtaposed with the Great Red Spot, our planet would be dwarfed in comparison, with a diameter less

2、 than half that of the Great Red Spot. The Spots clouds, most likely tinted red as a result of the phosphorus that they contain, circulate in a counterclockwise direction. The outer winds require six Earth days to complete the circumference of the Great Red Spot, a length of time indicative of vastn

3、ess of the Great Red Spot. 1. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A. The density of the Great Red spot is much higher than that the

4、Earth.B. If the diameter of the Great Red Spot were doubled, it would equal that of the Earth.C. By placing the Earth next to the Great Red Spot, one could see the Earth has a much smaller diameter.D. Because the Earth is close to the Great Red Spot, Earth is influenced by its huge size.答案:C2.Which

5、of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A. The Earths outer winds move a distance equal to the circumference of the Great Red Spot. B. The out

6、er winds of the Great Red Spot move more quickly than do those on Earth.C. The Winds moving across the Great Red Spot finally change direction every six Earth days.D. The fact that the winds take so long to move around the Great Red Spot proves how big it is.新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 新托福阅读2答案:DPassage One (

7、Question 1-2)CamouflageCamouflage is one of the most effective ways for animals to avoid attack in the treeless Arctic. However, the summer and winter landscapes there are so diverse that a single protective coloring scheme would, of course, prove ineffective in one season or the other. Thus, many o

8、f the inhabitants of the Arctic tundra change their camouflage twice a year. The arctic fox is a clear-cut example of this phenomenon; it sports a brownish-gray coat in the summer which then turns white as cold weather sets in, and the process reverses itself in the springtime. Its brownish-gray coa

9、t blends in with the barren tundra landscape in the months without snow, and the white coat naturally blends in with the landscape of the frozen wintertime tundra.1. Which of the sentences below expresses the essential information in the first highlighted sentence in the passage?Incorrect choices ch

10、ange the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A. Opposite conditions in summer and in winter necessitate different protective coloration for Arctic animals.B. The coloration of the summer and winter landscapes in the Arctic fails to protect the Arctic tundra.C. In a single se

11、ason, protective coloring scheme are ineffective in the treeless Arctic.D. For many animals, a single protective coloring scheme effectively protects them during summer and winter months.答案:A2. Which of the sentences below expresses the essential information in the second highlighted sentence in the

12、 passage?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A. The arctic fox is unusual in that he color of its coat changes for no reason.B. The arctic fox lives in an environment that is brownish gray in the summer and white in the winter.C. It is a phenomen

13、on that the coat of the arctic fox turns white I the springtime and gray in the fall.D. The arctic fox demonstrates that protective coloration can change during different seasons.答案:DPassage Two (Question 3-6)Post-it NotesPost-it Notes were invented in the 1970s at the 3M company in Minnesota quite

14、by accident, Researchers at 3M were working on developing different types of adhesives, and one particularly weak adhesive, a compound of acrylate copolymer microspheres, was developed. Employees at 3M were asked if they could think of a use for a weak adhesive which, provided it did not get dirty,

15、could be reused. One suggestion was that it could be applied to a piece of paper to use as a 新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 新托福阅读3bookmark that would stay in place in a book. Another use was found when the product was attached to a report that was to be sent to a colleague with a request for comments on the repo

16、rt; the colleague made his comments on the paper attached to the report and returned the report. The idea for Post-it Notes was born. It was decided within the company that there would be a test launch of product in 1977 in four American cities. Sales of this innovative product in test cities were l

17、ess than stellar, most likely because the product, while innovative, was also quite unfamiliar. A final attempt was then made in the city of Boise to introduce the product. In that attempt, 3M salesmen gave demonstrations of the product in offices throughout Boise and gave away free samples of the p

18、roduce. When the salesmen returned a week later to the office workers, having noted how useful the simple little product could be, were interested in purchasing it. Over time, 3M came to understand the huge potential of this new product, and over the next few decades more than 400 varieties of Post-

19、it products - in different colors, shapes, and sizes have been developed.3. Which of the sentences below expresses the essential information in the first highlighted sentence in the passage 1?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A. Of the many adh

20、esives that were being developed at 3M, one was not a particularly strong adhesive.B. Researchers at 3M spent many years trying to develop a really weak adhesive.C. Numerous weak adhesives resulted from a program to develop the strongest adhesive of all.D. Researchers were assigned to develop differ

21、ent types of uses for acrylate copolymer microspheres.答案:A4. Which of the sentences below expresses the essential information in the second highlighted sentence in the passage 1?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A. The 3M company suggested appl

22、ying for a patent on the product in a report prepared by a colleague.B. One unexpectedly-discovered use for the adhesive was in sending and receiving notes attached to documents.C. A note was attached to a report asking for suggestion for uses of one of 3Ms products.D. A colleague who developed the

23、new product kept notes with suggestions by other workers.答案:B5. Which of the sentences below expresses the essential information in the first highlighted sentence in the passage 2?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A. The 3M company was unfamili

24、ar with the process of using test cities to introduce innovative products.B. Sales of the product soared even though the product was quite unfamiliar to most customers.C. The new product did not sell well because potential customers did not understand it.D. After selling the product for a while, the

25、 company understood that the product was not 新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 新托福阅读4innovative enough.答案:C6. Which of the sentences below expresses the essential information in the second highlighted sentence in the passage 2?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information

26、.A. The company immediately understood the potential of the product and began to develop it further.B. The company worked overtime to develop its new product, initially creating numerous varieties to make it successful.C. The company initially introduced 400 varieties of the product and then watched

27、 for decades as sales improved.D. It took some time for the company to understand how important its new product was and how many variation were possible.答案:D2. 排除列举题The geology of the Earths surface is dominated by the particular properties of water.Present on Earth in solid, liquid, and gaseous sta

28、tes, water is exceptionally reactive. Itdissolves, transports, and precipitates many chemical compounds and is constantly Line modifying the face of the Earth.(5) Evaporated from the oceans, water vapor forms clouds, some of which are transportedby wind over the continents. Condensation from the clo

29、uds provides the essential agent ofcontinental erosion: rain. Precipitated onto the ground, the water trickles down to formbrooks, streams, and rivers, constituting what are called the hydrographic network. Thisimmense polarized network channels the water toward a single recepatcle: an ocean.(10) Gr

30、avity dominates this entire step in the cycle because water tends to minimize itspotential energy by running from high altitudes toward the reference point, that is, sealevel.The rate at which a molecule of water passes through the cycle is not random but is ameasure of the relative size of the vari

31、ous reservoirs. If we define residence time as the(15) average time for a water molecule to pass throught one of the three reservoirsatmosphere, continent, and oceanwe see that the times are very different. A watermolecule stays, on average, eleven days in the atmosphere, one hundred years on aconti

32、nent and forty thousand years in the ocean. This last figure shows the importance ofthe ocean as the principal reservoir of the hydrosphere but also the rapidity of water(20) transport on the continents.A vast chemical separation process takes places during the flow of water over thecontinents. Solu

33、ble ions such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and some magnesium aredissolved and transported. Insoluble ions such as aluminum, iron, and silicon stay where 新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 新托福阅读5they are and form the thin, fertile skin of soil on which vegetation can grow. Sometimes (25) soils are destroyed and tr

34、ansported mechanically during flooding. The erosion of thecontinents thus results from two closely linked and interdependent processes, chemicalerosion and mechanical erosion. Their respective interactions and efficiency depend ondifferent factors.8. All of the following are example of soluble ions

35、EXCEPT(A) magnesium(B) iron(C) potassium(D) calcium答案:BThe canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds a plethora of climbingmammals of moderately large size, which may include monkeys, cats, civets, andporcupines. Smaller species, including such rodents as mice and small squirrel

36、s, are notLine as prevalent overall in high tropical canopies as they are in most habitats globally.(5) Small mammals, being warm blooded, suffer hardship in the exposed and turbulentenvironment of the uppermost trees. Because a small body has more surface area perunit of weight than a large one of

37、similar shape, it gains or loses heat more swiftly.Thus, in the trees, where shelter from heat and cold may be scarce and conditions mayfluctuate, a small mammal may have trouble maintaining its body temperature.(10) Small size makes it easy to scramble among twigs and branches in the canopy forinse

38、cts, flowers, or fruit, but small mammals are surpassed, in the competition forfood, by large ones that have their own tactics for browsing among food-rich twigs.The weight of a gibbon (a small ape) hanging below a branch arches the terminalleaves down so that fruit-bearing foliage drops toward the

39、gibbons face. Walking or(15) leaping species of a similar or even larger size access the outer twigs either by snapping offand retrieving the whole branch or by clutching stiff branches with the feet or tail andplucking food with their hands.Small climbing animals may reach twigs readily, but it is

40、harder for them than forlarge climbing animals to cross the wide gaps from on tree crown to the next that(20) typify the high canopy. A macaque or gibbon can hurl itself farther than a mouse can: itcan achieve a running start, and it can more effectively use a branch as a springboard,even bouncing o

41、n a limb several times before jumping. The forward movement of a smallanimal is seriously reduced by the air friction against the relatively large surfacearea of its body. Finally, for the many small mammals that supplement their insect(25) diet with fruits or seeds, an inability to span open gaps b

42、etween tree crowns may beproblematic, since trees that yield these foods can be sparse.2. Which of the following animals is less common in the upper canopy than in other environments?(A) Monkeys新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 新托福阅读6(B) Cats(C) Porcupines(D) Mice答案:DDuring the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,

43、 almost nothing was written about thecontributions of women during the colonial period and the early history of the newlyformed United States. Lacking the right to vote and absent from the seats of power,Line women were not considered an important force in history. Anne Bradstreet wrote some(5) sign

44、ificant poetry in the seventeenth century, Mercy Otis Warren produced the bestcontemporary history of the American Revolution, and Abigail Adams penned importantletters showing she exercised great political influence over her husband, John, the secondPresident of the United States. But little or no

45、notice was taken of these contributions.During these centuries, women remained invisible in history books.(10) Throughout the nineteenth century, this lack of visibility continued, despite the effortsof female authors writing about women. These writers, like most of their male counterparts, were ama

46、teur historians. Their writings were celebratory in nature, andthey were uncritical in their selection and use of sources.During the nineteenth century, however, certain feminists showed a keen sense of(15) history by keeping records of activities in which women were engaged. National,regional, and

47、local womens organizations compiled accounts of their doings. Personalcorrespondence, newspaper clippings, and souvenirs were saved and stored. These sourcesform the core of the two greatest collections of womens history in the United States; one at the Elizabeth and Arthur Schlesinger Library at Ra

48、dcliffe College, and the other the (20) Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College. Such sources have provided valuablematerials for later generations of historians.Despite the gathering of more information about ordinary women during the nineteenth century, most of the writing about women conformed to the “great women“theory of history, just as much of mainstream American history concentrated on “great(25) men.“ To demonstrate that women were making significant contributions to Americanlife, female authors singled out women leaders and wrote biographies. or else importantwo


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