【中学教材全解】(译林牛津版选修7)Unit 1 Living with technology 话题功能集锦.doc

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【中学教材全解】(译林牛津版选修7)Unit 1 Living with technology 话题功能集锦.doc_第1页
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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 1 Living with technology劝告和建 议及应答(Advice and Suggestion)【日常用语】I think you ought to.我想你应该 I f I were you, Id.如果我是你,我会It might be a good idea if you.如果你这倒是个好主意。Have you ever thought of.? 你是否想过要?来源:学。科。网 Z。X 。X。K来源: 学科网 ZXXKI recommend that.我建议I strongly advise you to.我极力主张你You really ough

2、t to.你的确应该Personally, I think youd better.依我看,你最好Why not do.? 为什么不?Why dont you do.? 你为什么不? I suggest that.我建议What about doing.? 怎么样?How about doing.? 怎么样?You need (to).你需要肯定的应答: Good idea. / Thats great. / Sounds grea t. / It sounds great. / Thats fine. /Why not?否定的应答:Id love to,but. / Im afraid. /

3、 Its an idea,but.【典例】1.We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party. Yes, _ ? Ill give them a call right now.A. why not B. what for C. w hy D. what2.It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand ? .A. No, thanks B. Yes, my pleasure 来源:Zxxk.ComC. No, never mind D. Yes , I do答案:1.A 2.A 打电话(Makin

4、g phone calls)【日常用语】常用句型1.请给某人某单位打电话。Wouldcould can you ring up.?请你给打电话好吧?句中ring up意思是“给某人打电话“。除了用ring up外,还可用 call,call up,telephone 等,意思相同。Can you.?用得最普 通;CouldWould you.?用在正式场合,比较礼貌。2.电话拨不通时常说:来源:学|科|网The line is busy . I cant get through.电话占线,我打不通。/ Ill try again later.我过一会儿再打。其中line指电话线路,get th

5、rough 指接通电话。3.电话拨通后相互打招呼:Hello,(name or telephone number)你好, (并通报本人的姓名或单位名称或电话号码)Hello,is that .speaking?你是吗? / Who i s that speakingcalling?你是谁?/ Who is speakingcalling, please?你是谁?应答时常说:Yes,(this is).speaking.是的,我是。/ Yes,its.here. 我是。4.打电话请对方找人或留言:Is.in at home? 某某在家吗?/ Canmay could I speak to.,pl

6、ease?请接电话好吗?/ Willwould you give a message to.,p lease?请给捎个口信好吗? / Would you tell him my telephone number, please? 请你把我的电话号码告诉他好吗?/ Cancould you ask.to ring me back, please?请叫 给我回个电话好吗?应答时常说:Hold onWait a minuteOne moment, please. 请等一等。/ Im sorry.is not in.at home now.对不起,现在不在。/ Can I take a message? 我能给你捎口信好吗?/ Does he have your telephone num ber?他有你的电 话号码吗?/ Ill ask him to call you back. 我叫他给你回电话。【典例】Hello,who is tha t speaking? This is Lily speaking. Could I speak to Mr Zhang please?_He is talking with a guest. AWait a minute. BOnce again. C Sorry? DSo what?答案:A来源:学科网 ZXXK


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