【中学教材全解】(译林牛津版选修7)Unit 4 Public transport话题功能集锦.doc

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【中学教材全解】(译林牛津版选修7)Unit 4 Public transport话题功能集锦.doc_第1页
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【中学教材全解】(译林牛津版选修7)Unit 4 Public transport话题功能集锦.doc_第2页
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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 4 Public transport乘车交际用语【日常用语】当我们外出乘坐交通工具时,我们会用到哪些交际用语呢?请看以下询问及应答:1. A: Am I on the right bus to.?/Is this the right busfor.?我乘这路公共汽车去对吗?B:No. You should take.instead.不,你应该坐2.A:Will this bus take me to.?/Can I get to.on thisbus?我乘这路公共汽车能到吗?B:No.Youre going in the wrong way./Youve goton

2、the wrong bus.不,你乘错方向/车了。3. A: Can you tell me where to get off?/Could youplease tell me where I should get off?你能不能告诉我在哪儿下车?B :You have to get off at.你得在下车。4. A:How much is it to.?到需要多少钱?B:. ,please.请付5. A:Where can I change buses?我在哪儿转车?来源: 学科网B:Change at.and get on.到转乘6. A:Which bus should I take

3、?我应该乘哪路公共汽车?B:You can take.right here.你可以直接从这儿乘坐7. A:Where is the nearest bus stop?最近的公共汽车站在哪儿?来源:Zxxk.ComB:There is a bus stop just around the corner.在拐角处就有个公共汽车站。【情景会话】A:Do you have trains that go from Nanjing to Beijing and trains that go from Beijing to Dalian?你们有从南京到北京和从北京到大连的列车吗?B:Yes,we do.是的

4、,我们有。A:Is the train from Beijin g to Dalian a fast train?We want to get to Dalian as quickly as possible.是从北京到大连的快速列车吗?我们想尽快到大连。B:Let me see.There are two trains from Beijing to Dalian.Train T225 leaves Beijing at 18:16 and arrives in Dalian a t 5:42 the next morning.Train K681 leaves at 20:06 and a

5、rrives at 8:08.让我看看。有两列从北京到大连的列车。T225次列车 18:16 离开北京,第二天早上 5:42到大连。K681 次列车 20:06 离开 8:08 到。A:Em.,its better to arrive earlier.So Ill choose T225.How much does a hard sle eper cost?嗯,早点到好。那就 T225 次吧。一张硬卧多少钱?B:Its 248 yuan per ticket.每张票 248 元。【典例剖析】从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话A. Thats great! Here you are. Thank y

6、ou very much.B. Oh, thats quite expensive. I can only spend 2,300 yuan on all the tickets. What about the other trains?C. How long does it take to get to Beijing on that train?D. Thats 2,283 yuan altogether.A: What about the trains from Nanjing to Beijing? We should have enough time to change trains

7、 there. Which is the fastest one?B: There are five trains to go from Nanjing to Beijing. The fastest one is G32.A: 1 B: About 4 hours. Thats 4 hours and 8 minutes.The cost of per hard seat ticket is 445 yuan .A: 2 B: I think you can choose T66. Its departure time is 23:51 ,and arrives in Beijing at

8、10:27 the next mor ning. The hard sleeper tickets are 265 yuan each. It will be comfortable t o sleep the whole night on the train, and also convenient for you to catch T225 to Dalian.A: Thats right. Let me see. Three hard sleeper tickets for T66 from Nanjing to Beijing, and six hard sleeper tickets

9、 from Beijing to Dalian How much should I pay altogether? Is 2, 300 yuan enough to buy all the tickets?来源:Z.xx.k.ComB: 3 来源:Z.xx.k.ComA: 4 剖析:通读全文可知,这是一篇有关外出乘坐交通工具的情景交际短文。由后面的答语可知第一空询问乘坐某交通工具从一地到另一地需要多长时间,故选 C 项;由后面的答语可知第二空问其他的车次的情况,故选 B 项;由前面的问句可知优质文档优质文档第三空选 D 项;显然剩下一项要填在第四空了。 来源:学科网 ZXXK答案:1.C 2.B 3.D4.A


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