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1、优质文档优质文档阶段测试四本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择 题)两部分。满分 150 分。考试时间 120 分钟。第卷( 三部分,共 115 分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节:(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A,B ,C 三个答案中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is David going to do? A. Catch a home train. B. Do his homework

2、.C. Go to the park. 2. Where are the two speakers? A. In a restaurant. B. On a farm.C. At the mans home.3. How much a pound are the oranges? A. 6 cents. B. 16 cents.C. 60 cents.4. What is the man going to do? A. Run to the airport. B. Wait for another bus.C. Hurry to get on the next bus. 5. What are

3、 the two speakers doing? A. Walking down a hill B. Wait for another busC. Discussing a trip.第二节:(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B, C 三个答案中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间来阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。6. What will the man do in the

4、evening? A. Go to London. B. Meet somebody.C. See the woman again. 7. Where are the speakers? A. In the street. B. In a hotel.C. In a taxi. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 11 题。8. Why does the man make the telephone? A. He wants to know more about the club. B. He hopes to find a job in Washington. C. He plans to g

5、o to evening classes. 9. What do the members do on Thursday evening?A. They have sports. 优质文档优质文档B. They have language classes.C. They have dinner together. 10. What language does the man speak besides English? A. Spanish. B. French.C. Italian.来源:学科网11. Why does the woman ask the man for her name an

6、d address? A. She wants to send him a form.B. She intends to visit him. C. She would like to know more about him. 听第 8 段材料, 回答第 12 至 13 题。12. What are the speakers talking about? A. A flight timetable. B. The way to Union Street.C. Hiring a taxi. 13. Where is the woman going on Saturday? A. Garden H

7、otel. B. The airport.C. The taxi company. 听第 9 段材料, 回答第 14 至 16 题。14. What will Marys mother receive for her birthday? A. A shirt. B. A skirt.C. A plane.15. Who will cook the special dinner?A. Mary. B. Marys friend.C. Marys mother. 16. Who will do the shopping? A.Marys father and mother. B. Mary and

8、 her mother.C.Mary and her father. 听第 10 段材料, 回答第 17 至 20 题。17. Where did the fire probably start? A. On the first floor. B. On the second floor.C. On the third floor. 18. When was the building built? A. In 1718. B. In 1782. C. In 1930. 19. What was the building used at the time of the fire? A. A ho

9、tel. B. An old peoples home.C. A history museum. 20. Who is Andrew Barnes? A. A newspaper reporter. B. The owner of the building.C. The head of the fire department. 听力答案15 BACCA 610 BACCB 1115 ACBBA 1620 CCABC 听力材料Text 1 优质文档优质文档W: David, are you coming with us to the park? M: No, Im sorry, but I ha

10、ve to catch up with my homework. Text 2 W: What would you like to have, sir? M: Well, Id like to have an apple juice and a chicken sandwich. Text 3 W: Those oranges look nice. How much are they? M: They are sixty cents a pound. Text 4 M: Excuse me, can you tell me when the next bus leaves for the ai

11、rport? W: It leaves in three minutes. If you run, you might catch it. W: Thank you. Ill try. Text 5 W: Oh, dear. I wish we had taken the lift. M: If I had known it was so far up, I wouldnt have suggested walking. Text 6 W: Excuse me, what did you say you would like to do, Mr. Green? M: I said Id bet

12、ter go back to the hotel. Im meeting someone this evening. W: OK. How are you going back, by bus or taxi? M: I think Ill take a taxi. Do you know where I can get one? W: Oh, just wait by the roadside. Ill wait with you. M: OK. Thanks. Are the taxis in London all black? W: Well, some of them are. Is

13、this your first time in London? M: Yes, it is. Do you give extra money to the taxi drivers here? W: You mean a tip? Oh, yes. They usually expect about ten percent. M: Thats the same as in my country. W: Oh, look! Heres one. Taxi! M: Thanks. See you tomorrow. Text 7 W: Hello, International Fans club.

14、 Can I help you? M: Oh, hello. I read about your club in the paper today and I thought Id phone to find out a bit more. W: Yes, certainly. Well, we are a sort of social club for people in different countries. Its a quite new club. We have about fifty members at the moment, but we are rowing all the

15、time. M: That sounds interesting. Im British actually and I came to Washington about three months ago. Im looking for ways to meet people. Ah, what kind of events do you organize? W: Well, we have social get-togethers and sports events, and we also have language evenings. M: Could you tell me someth

16、ing about the language evenings? W: Yes. Every day except Tuesday we have a language evening. People can come and practise their languages, you know, over a drink or something. We have different 优质文档优质文档languages on different evenings. Monday, Spanish, Tuesday, Italian, Wednesday, German and Friday,

17、 French. On Thursday, we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come. M: That sounds great. I really need to practise my French. W: OK. Well, if you just give me your name and address, Ill send you the form and some more information. If you join now, you can have the first month

18、 free. Text 8 M: Good morning! City Taxi. W: Good morning, Id like to book a taxi to the airport for Saturday morning, please.M: Where from? W: Im at Garden Hotel in Union Street. There will be three of us sharing. How much would it be? M: About sixty dollars. W: Sixty dollars? Each or between us? M

19、: No, thats all together. What time do you want to leave? W: Seven in the morning. M: Right. Well pick you up at your hotel at seven then. Thank you very much. Good -bye. Text 9 M: Mary, tomorrow is your mothers fiftieth birthday, do you know? W: Of course I do. How shall we celebrate it? M: Fist of

20、 all, a birthday present. What about buying her a beautiful skirt? W: Thats a good idea. Itll make her look younger. And a big birthday cake, with fifty candles. M: Thats right. Shall we have a special dinner? W: How about a Chinese dinner? M: Err, fine. Where shall we have it? W: We can have it at

21、home. Ive learnt to cook a few Chin ese dishes from a Chinese friend. Im sure Mum will like them. M: All right. Are you going to do the shopping as well? W: Why dont we go together, Dad? M: OK. When? W: How about this afternoon? Text 10 Now about the news. An early morning fire damaged the Historic

22、Geller House today. It destroyed the third floor of the building, but fire-fighters saved the first and the second floor. There were a few elderly people living in the building at the time, and they were carried out to safety. The Geller House was built in 1718, and was used as a hotel for over 150

23、years. George Washington stayed here in 1782. The Geller Family owned the house until 1930s. Then they sold it to the Mills family. Five years ago, it was 优质文档优质文档made into a building for the elderly. Several fire departments were called to the scene. When we asked Fire Chief Andrew Barnes how the f

24、ire started, he answered that most likely a burning cigarette caused it. Chief Barnes promised a further exam into the cause. 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Im sorry Ive spilt some coffee on your skirt. _. It will wash out.A. Never mind B.

25、 Come onC. All right D. Of course not答案 A解析 根据答语中的 “It will wash out ”可知,此处表示”没关系” 。常用于回答道歉的句子有:Never mind It doesnt matter. Thats OKIts nothing Thats all rightForget it 等。22. A cover girl is an attractive woman _ photograph appears on the front of a magazine.A. where B. whoseC. which D. that答案 B解析

26、句意:封面女郎就是一位有吸引力的女士,她的照片出现在杂志的封面上。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词 woman,且 woman 与photograph 之间是所属关系,故用 whose 来引导。23. Last week I went to _ cinema, and on the way I met _ strange beggar.A. a; a B. the; aC. the; the D. a; the答案 B解析 句意:上周我去看电影,在路上遇到了一个奇怪的乞丐。go to the cinema为习惯用法,表示“看电影” 。第二空泛指“一个奇怪的乞丐” ,故用不定冠词。

27、24. No words can adequately express our sadness _ Luo Yangs death.来源:学科网来源:学科网A. at B. inC. on D. by答案 A解析 句意:对于罗阳的逝世,没有任何言语足以表达我们的悲伤。at 在此处表示”对于” 。25. It is reported that Chinas global satellite navigation system, _ in 2000 and _ in 2020 will be made up of more than 30 satellites.A. started; to be

28、completed B. starting; completingC. to start; to complete D. started; completed优质文档优质文档答案 A解析 句意:据报道,中国全球卫星导航系统将由 30 多颗卫星组成,该系统始于 2000 年,将于 2020 年完成。分析句子可知,Chinas global satellite navigation system 与 start 之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,且动作已完成,故第一空要用过去分词表示被动;第二空不定式的被动式表示将来的动作。故答案为A 项。26. We _ to find the boy, or he w

29、ouldnt have survived on such a cold day.A. attempted B. managedC. struggled D. offered答案 B解析 句意:我们设法找到了这个男孩,不然他在这么冷的天儿无法幸存下来。manage to do sth “设法做成了某事” ,符合句意。attempt to do sth “尝试做某事”; struggle to do sth “努力做某事”; offer to do sth “主动提出做某事” 。27. Everyone is different and that is _ makes our world much

30、 better.A. that B. whichC. who D. what答案 D解析 句意:每个人都是不同的,这使我们的世界更加美好。分析句子结构可知,此处应用 what 引导表语从句,且在从句中作主语。28. Miss Smith is waiting outside. _ she come in to see you, sir? Yes, please show her in. I have got something important to tell her.A. Shall B. WillC. Would D. Must答案 A解析 句意:先生,史密斯小姐正在外等候,她进来见你好

31、吗?好的,让她进来吧。我有些重要的事情要告诉她。shall 用于第一、第三人称作主语的问句时,表示征求对方的意见。29. Some people try to knock me down, only _ me more determined to do things better.A. having made B. makeC. to make D. making答案 C解析 句意:有些人试图把我击倒,结果却使我更加坚定地去把事情做得更好。only 与不定式连用,用来表示意想不到的结果。30. There are no instant solutions to the problem of h

32、eavy metal pollution, _ I believe what we have done will work.A. so B. orC. yet D. for答案 C解析 句意:虽然没有即时解决重金属污染问题的方法,但我相信我们所做的一切会有成效的。根据句意可知,空处前后为转折关系,故用 yet“然而;但是” 。31. What about going to the movies tonight?优质文档优质文档 _, but Ive other plans.A. Thats right B. Sounds greatC. My pleasure D. Go ahead答案 B解

33、析 根据答语中的“但是我有其他的计划”可知,前后为转折关系,前面应该为赞同“看电影”这个提议。故选 B。32. Undoubtedly, it is the quality of the food rather than the quantity _ matters much.A. which B. thatC. what D. how答案 B解析 句意:毫无疑问,重要的是食品的质量而不是数量。分析句子结构可知,这里是一个强调句,故用 that。33. Id like to buy a camera online, but I cant find a reliable online shop.

34、 I know _. Let me show you.A. it B. thatC. one D. this答案 C解析 it 指代上文中出现的同一人或物;one 指代同类中的一个;that 指上文提到的事物,相当于 the+名词; this 指后文要提到的事物。又因这里表示泛指,所以用 one。34. To be on time for school, I _ up at 6:00 every morning when I was at high school.A. get B. have gotC. was getting D. got答案 D解析 句意:上高中时为了按时到校,我每天早晨六

35、点起床。此处为陈述过去的情况,应用一般过去时。35. Festivals and celebrations of all kinds _ everywhere since ancient times.A. have held B. were heldC. had been held D. have been held答案 D解析 由“since ancient times”可知,句子要用现在完成时;又因“各种各样的节日和庆典”应该是“被举行” ,所以要用现在完成时的被动语态。第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、

36、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。As a 50th birthday present to herself, Belva Davis bought her first home, a brick Cape Cod, in a friendly neighborhood ten miles east of downtown Detroit. “It felt like a community, like where I was growing up,” says Davis, who _36_ there from a rental apartment in inner city

37、Detroit. “I didnt hear gunshots. I didnt hear people cursing. It was _37_.”优质文档优质文档Two years after moving in, the 52-year-old lost her job and _38_ 18 000 behind with her mortgage(按揭). Even after she found full-time work again, her mortgage lender refused to _39_.“I told them, I have a job. I can ma

38、ke _40_.” says Davis. “But nobody was willing to _41_ with me.” In 2008, the foreclosure (抵押品赎回权的取消) notice arrived in the mail.It wouldnt be the neighborhoods first foreclosure. Detroits economic _42_ had hit East English Village hard; month in and month out, 5 to 10 percent of the homes there sat

39、_43_. Usually people were too _44_ to say theyd lost their home until the moving van pulled into their driveway. Not Davis. At the next neighborhood association meeting, she grabbed the microphone. “I want to stay in my _45_, but the mortgage company didnt listen to me,” she said. “Would you be will

40、ing to _46_?”For many long-time _47_, it was what they had been waiting for. “We were just so glad someone was willing to _48_ to what was happening to our neighborhood,” says neighbor Nancy Brigham. She and a handful of other residents helped Davis _49_ a series of protests against her eviction (赶出

41、). They _50_ convinced the local newspaper and television station to cover the events.In fall 2009, she made a final push, _51_ neighbors to flood the bank president with e-mails and phone calls. On a sunny September Saturday, a few dozen of Daviss supporters _52_ in front of a local branch, chantin

42、g, “Let Belva _53_! Shes not going away !” At last, Davis got a phone call. The _54_ would modify her mortgage loan. She would get to keep her home. “Im just glad I live in the type of neighborhood where people _55_ each other,” says Davis.36. A. traded B. playedC. toured D. moved37. A. strange B. f

43、arawayC. peaceful D. convenient38. A. fell B. lostC. won D. hope d39. A. argue B. returnC. share D. negotiate40. A. decisions B. differencesC. payments D. contributions41. A. live B. workC. sing D. study42. A. policy B. recovery优质文档优质文档C. prosperity D. crisis43. A. empty B. silentC. open D. noisy44.

44、 A. relaxed B. amusedC. ashamed D. exhausted45. A. home B. officeC. factory D. school46. A. provide B. prohibit来源:学报道” ; concern“涉及; 使心烦” ; possess“拥有;具有” ,都不符合语境。50答案 B解析 他们还说服了当地的报纸和电视台报道这些事件。51答案 A解析 2009 年秋天,她做了最后的努力,请求邻居们向银行行长发送大量的电子邮件,打大量的电话。ask“请求” ,符合语境。52答案 B解析 在九月的一个阳光明媚的周六,几十个贝尔娃戴维斯的支持者在当地一个银行分支机构前示威游行。march“示威游行” ,符合语境。53答案 C解析 根据下句“Shes not going away!”可知,支持者是让她留下来。54答案 D解析 最后,贝尔娃戴维斯接到一个电话。银行将修改她的抵押贷款。结合上下文可知,贝尔娃戴维斯是在和银行作斗争,这里指银行终于有了回应。55答案 C解析 根据文章最后两段可知,贝尔娃戴维斯是在邻居的帮助下才能继续待在


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