九年级英语全册《Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees!》练习题(2) 人教新目标版.doc

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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!练习题(2)1 那天人们吃什么特别的食物? What _ _ do people _ _ that day?2 他们正在赏月。Theyre _ the moon.3 人们正忙于准备美味的食物。People are _ _ _ food.4 There were tired because they _ _ (熬夜)last night.5 They went there to _ the national flag _ _(看.升起).6 请把这图片挂在墙上。Please _ _the pictu

2、re _ _ _.7 Please _ _ (敲门) the door before you enter.8 全家人欢聚一堂,共享大餐。_ _ _ _ together _ a big dinner.9 They _ _ _(开始读书) at once.10 祝你新年快乐!I _ you a happy new year.11 Spring Festival is _ _ _ _ (最重要的节日) in China.12 请代我问候你的父母亲。Please _ my love _ your _.13 别用白纸包压岁钱。Dont _ lucky money _ white.14 他总是开着门睡觉

3、。He always sleeps _ the door _.15 That sounds _(有趣的).16 You can call me _ (任何时候).17 我正忙于做作业。I am _ _ my homework.18 To our surprise, he _ _ _ _ (起死回生).19 Please _ _ _ (记得要关)the door when you go out.20 天气挺暖和的。Its _ and _.21 He _ _ _ (许愿) a moment ago.22 We made cards _ _(亲手).23 Each of us _(有) an Eng

4、lish book.优质文档优质文档24 直到妈妈回来了,我才睡觉。I _ go to bed _ my mother came back home.25 _ _ (让我们去)to the movie.26 I could sing songs _ _ _ _ _(八岁时).27 Jane 的吉他弹得很好。Jane can play _ _ _ _.28 Ill give him _ _ (一个惊喜).29 _ _ _(使我惊喜的是), he can speak Japanese well.30 你的礼物什么形状?_ _ is your present? _ the _ _ your pres

5、ent?31 We use them _ _ _ (来学英语).32 There are _ _ _(8百个学生) in our school.33 There are _ _ (数百)workers in the factory. 34 _ _ _ _ the street(在街道的拐弯处),theres a bookshop.35 Ill call you _ _ _ _ (当我回家时).36 You should _ _(到达) school _ _(按时).37 _ _ (多远) is your home _ the school?38 他是新来的。He is _ _.39 禁止左转。

6、 No _ _.40 我的电话坏了。My phone _ _. Or Theres _ _ _ my phone.41 我看见他正在看书。I saw him _ a book.42 我们从 Mr Green 处租用了一个房间。 We _ a room _ Mr Green.43 长得怎么样?她眼睛大大的。_ _ she _ _? She _ big eyes.44 昨天我收到朋友的来信。 I _ a letter _ my friends yesterday. I _ _ my friends yesterday.45 请把它收拾好。Please _ _ it _.46 请把你的书本收拾好。P

7、lease _ _ your books! Please _ your books _!47 我能从电视上学习英语。I can _ English _ TV.48 谢谢你帮助我。Thank you _ _ me.优质文档优质文档49 灯亮着,他肯定在家。The light is on. He _ _ at home.50 这件大衣多少钱? _ _ _ the coat?51 我希望有一天成为一位医生。I hope _ _ a doctor _ _.52 他也想去公园。He _ wants _ _ to the park.53 这是他们学校的平面图。This is a _ _ their sch

8、ool.54 他能呆多久?十天。_ _ can he _ there? Ten days.55 _ _ _ (此刻) ,we are _and _ _ (唱和跳).56 我没有撒谎。我说真话。I didnt _ _ _. I said _ _.57 春天天气怎样?_ the weather _ _ spring?58 昨天下大雨。It rained _ yesterday.59 太阳猛烈地照着。The sun shines _.60 前天刮大风。The day before yesterday it _ _.61 你最好带把伞出去。Youd better _ _ _ when you go o

9、ut.62 天气会很快变好。It will _ _ soon.63 很多树叶从树上掉下来。Lots of _ _ _ _ the trees.64 天气变得越来越暖了。The weather is _ _ warmer and warmer.65 今天的温度是多少?_ the _ today?66 I visited lots of _ _ _ (名胜) in China.67 Jane _ _ _(计划去) to Beijing _ _ _(渡假).68 去那儿最好的时间是什么?Whats the _ _ _ _ there?69 不同国家有不同的习俗。Different countries

10、 _ _ _.70 请将你的鞋脱下。Please _ _ your shoes.71 你一定不能用你的脚指向任何东西。You mustnt _ _ anything _ your foot.72 The weather here _ _ _ ( 有区别于) that in Japan.73 你还要些什么?_ _ would you like?74 他正在做家务。He _ _ his _.75 学习必须放在首位。_ must come _.76 你多长时间回一次家啊?一个月两次。_ _ do you go home? _ a month.77 过桥你将会看见一间银行在左边。_ _ the bri

11、dge, and youll see a bank _ _ _.优质文档优质文档78 银行与医院中间有个公园。Theres a park _ the bank _ the hospital.79 你不应该错过长城,当你参观北京时。You _ _ the Great Wall when you _Beijing.80 许多人在这场战争中失去生命。Many people _ _ _ in the war.81 别在街上玩,很危险的。_ _ in the street, its very _.82 帮助孩子过马路是好样的。Its _ _ _children cross the road.83 我们必

12、须遵守学校纪律。We must _ the school _.84 上学别迟到!_ _ _ _ school.85 堂上请保持安静。Please _ _ in class.86 你是计划怎样庆祝你的生日的?How do you _ _ _ your birthday?87 他出生于 1994年。He _ _ _ 1994.88 我能看一看你的新手表吗?Can I _ _ _ _ your new watch?89 他看起来好像他的爸爸。He _ _ his father.90 对于他来说,真是个惊喜。That would be a _ _ him91 你会弹钢琴,还是会表演芭蕾舞?Can yo

13、u _ _ piano or _ _?92 你能从零数到一百吗?Can you _ _ zero _ one hundred?93 你是一个精明的女孩。You are a _ girl.94 他在公园里拍照。He _ _ in the park.95 她为什么没有来上学呢?因为她伤了右脚。_ _ she go to school? _ she _ her _ foot.96 在老师的帮助下,我考试合格了。_ _ _ _ , I passed the exam._ _ _of the teacher, I passed the exam.97 生活对他来说非常困难。Life was _ _ fo

14、r him.98 我和父母一起住。I _ _ _ my parents.99 我们住在中国。I _ _ China.100 中国人对外国人都很友好。All Chinese people _ _ _ _ the foreigners. 优质文档优质文档101 我出生于一个炎热的下午。I _ _ _ a hot afternoon.102 Im _ (确实) sorry about it.103 My father will come back home _ _ _ _ (在末端) this month.104 Every year many people _ _(受伤) in the traff

15、ic accident.105 Dont _(错过) the early bus, or you will _ _ _(迟到) school.106 _ _(还有谁) do you know here?107 Can you draw? _ _ (当然), I can.108 We all _ _ _ _(过得愉快) at that day.109 He can swim now, but he couldnt swim _ _ _ (三年前).110 I couldnt _ (写) in Japanese when I was seven and I _ (仍然) cant now.111

16、_ _ (别担心), theres nothing wrong with you.112 The bad boy didnt_ _ _ _(告诉我真相).113 Why did you _ _ (回来) so late last night?114 The farmers are _ _ (忙于收获) in the field.115 Please _ _(脱下) your shoes before entering the room.116 Please _ _ _ _ (代我问候) your parents.117 They arrived in Shanghai _ _ _ _(前天).

17、118 We are only students. We cant _ _ (挣钱).119 The weather in China _ _ _ (不同于) that in Australia.120 People often _ _(放风筝) in spring.121 Yesterday it was cold, but it got warm _ _ (后来). 122 I will go to Beijing _ _ _ _ (后天).参考答案1 special food eat on 2 watching 3 perparing for delicious 4 stayed up

18、5 see going up 6 put up on the wall 7 knock on 8 the whole family get for 9 begin to read 10 wish 11 the most important festival 12 regard to parents 13 wrap in 14 with open 15 interesting 16 anytime 17 busy doing 18 came back to life19 remember to close 20 warmer and warmer 21 made a promise 22 by

19、hand 23 has 24 didnt until 25 lets go 26 at the age of eight 27 play the guitar very well 28 a surprise 29 To my surprise 30 What shape Whats the shape of 31 to learn 32 eight hundred students 33 hundreds of 34 At the corner 优质文档优质文档of 35 When I get home 36 reach to on time 37 How far from 38 new he

20、re 39 left turn 40 is broken something wrong with 41 reading 42 rent from 43 How does look like 44 got from heard from 45 put away 46 put away put away 47 read on 48 to help 49 must be 50 How much is 51 to be one day 52 also to go 53 picture of 54 How long stay 55 At the moment 56 tell a lie a truth

21、 57 Whats like in 58 heavily 59 heavily 60 blew heavily 61 take an umbrella 62 be fine 63 leaves fell down from 64 getting 65 Whats temperature 66 places of interest 67 planed to go for her holidays 68 best time to go 69 have different customs 70 take off 71 point to with 72 is different from 73 wha

22、t else 74 is doing housework 75 study first 76 How often twice 77 go across 78 between and 79 shouldnt miss visit 80 lost their lives 81 Dont play dangerous 82 good to help 83 obey rules 84 Dont be late for 85 keep/be quiet 86 plan to celebrate 87 was born in 88 take a look at 89 looks like 90 surpr

23、ise to 91 play the perform ballet 92 count from to 93 smart 94 took pictures 95 Why didnt Because hurt right 96 With the teachers help With the help 97 very hard 98 live with 99 live in 100 are very friendly to 101 was born on 102 really 103 at the end of 104 were hurt 105 miss be late for 106 Who else 107 Off course 108 had a good time 109 three years ago 110 write still 111 Dont worry 112 tell me 113 come back 114 busy harvesting 115 take off 116 give my best regards 117 the day before yesterday 118 make money 119 is different from 120 fly kites 121 later on 122 the day after tomorrow


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