配套中学教材全解工具版—Unit 5 The power of nature 背景知识拓展(人教版选修6).doc

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配套中学教材全解工具版—Unit 5 The power of nature 背景知识拓展(人教版选修6).doc_第1页
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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 5 The power of nature来源:学科网来源:Z+xx+k.ComBeijingA sk the locals when is the best time to visit the Forbidden City, the majority of them will tell you the winter. Covered in snow, the majesty of this grand palace is rather enhanced, a nd becomes more awe-inspiring.来源:学* 科*网 Z*X*X*KBeijing

2、s cold winter, dry and cold of the dry and cold, windy, sitting inside listening to high-rise building, as if serious Guikulanghao general. However, if only so, it is not winter, late autumn is just a continuation of it. Only ushered in the first snow, snow will be Pian Pian hanging branches of leav

3、es completely cleared, will be suspended dust particles in the air pressure buried in the ground, the fall will be all without any idea of impetuous feelings coagulation, Beijings wi nter will come true.来源:学+科+网 Z+X+X+KMt. HuangshanAt one of the most stu nning mountains of China, see the four wonder

4、s anc ient pines, bizarre rocks, seas of clouds, and hot spr ings, and see the sunrise. When the snow settles on all these, the real charm of M t. Huangshan emerges.Harbin来源 :Zxxk.ComThe Harbin International Ice a nd Snow Festival 2009, star ted from 5th January lasting for nearly 3 months, is defin

5、itely the highlight and must-go of a winter tou r to China. Every year, artists fro m around the world will gather in Chinas northern city Harbin to create a fantasy of ice, snow, and fireworks. There will be literally an ice city created for the festival. Tens of thousands tons of ice and snow will

6、 be used to construct buildings and restaurants in life sizes, and thousands of ice and snow sculptur es will be created.来源:Z#xx#k.ComAt the Ice City, see the splendid ice carvings, ice lanterns, ski in ski resort, and join the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival, which is held annually in Ja

7、nuary, lasting around a month.北 京问问当地 人,什么时节最宜参观紫禁城,大部分人会告诉你:在冬季。在皑皑白雪的覆盖下,宏伟的宫殿更显庄严,更令人惊叹。北京的冬季很冷,干 冷干冷的,还刮风,坐在高层建筑内聆听,严重时犹如鬼哭狼嚎一般。但是,倘若只是如此,那也算不得冬季的,那只是深秋的一个延续罢了。只有迎来了第一场雪,片片雪花将枝头吊着的叶片彻底清理干净,将悬浮在空中的灰尘颗粒压埋在地上,将秋的一切毫无头绪的浮躁的心情凝固的时候,北京的冬季 便真正来到了。黄山作为中国最著名的奇山之一,黄山以其四绝“奇松,怪石,云海,温泉” 以及美丽的日落景色吸引了无 数游客的前来。

8、但当皑皑白雪覆盖黄山每一寸土地时,它那美妙的身姿却是前所未有的清新与迷人。哈尔滨2009 年哈尔滨国际冰雪节从一月五日开幕,一直 持续了三个月。而它也毫无疑问成为了“中国冬之旅”的亮点和必行地。每年的这个时候,来自世界各地的艺术家们都会聚集在哈尔滨 这个位于中国北部的,以冰雪著称的城市 给人们带来一场由冰雪、焰火组成的视觉盛宴。这确实是一场名副其实的冰雪盛宴,成千上万吨的冰雪被艺术家们用他们的奇思妙想建造成了各种建筑物。这些同现实生活中的 建筑物尺寸相仿的“冰屋 ”们绝对会让你震撼不已。除此之外,那些栩栩如生的冰雕们也绝对能让你睁大眼球。在“冰城” 哈尔滨,你不仅可以看到各种美妙绝伦的冰雕、冰灯,还可去各种滑雪场滑雪。所以快来加入 哈尔滨国际冰雪节吧!每逢一月开幕,不容错过的一月!


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