新人教版选修六 Unit 1综合技能测试(含答案解析).doc

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1、优质文档优质文档Unit 1 综合测试满分 100 分,考 试时间 90 分钟.单项填空(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)从 A、B、C 、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1He is devoted to his job and is always the last_the office.Aleaving Bto leaveCleft Dleave2Do you think him naughty enough?Im afraid hes_than naughty.Amore clever BclevererCmuch clever Dmuch more clever3Well

2、, lost again!Its not very important.We_forget about it, OK?Acant Bmay so soonCmight as well Dwont soon4Hope Project_helping the poor children in remote areas to receive education.Aaims to Baims atCsets out Dcalls in5_you come here last night,you would have met him.AWould BShouldCHad DCould6Im intere

3、sted in sports_my brother is fond of music.Aas BwhileCwhen Dfor7Two_died of cold in that country last winter.Ahundreds old people Bhundreds of old peopleChundred old people Dhundred of old people8Will you join us in playing cards?Thank you, but_at the moment.AId like to not BIm afraid soCId rather n

4、ot DId better not to9Her grandfather looks much_after a good nights rest.Alive Bliv ing来源:学科网 ZXXKCalive Dlively10I dont want to buy the dictionary._,it is too expensive;_I dont have enough money with me at present.ABecause; andBAt first; thenCOn one hand; on the other handDOn the hand; on o ther ha

5、nd11I wish tha t he_to the movies with me yesterday.Awent Bcould goCwas gone Dcould have gone12Are you through with the work?_, Ive only just begun.AOf course BOn the contraryCOn the other hand DBy the way优质文档优质文档13Simple_the cartoon is, the meaning it conveys is deep.Auntil Bas Cmuch Ddespite14He w

6、ondered if he could slip out of the lecture hall without anyone_.Anoticing BnoticedCto notice Dbeing noticed15Internet, as well as newspapers and magazines,_an important part in our daily life.Ahave played Bare playingCis playing Dhas been played.完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 20 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C 和 D)中,

7、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was at least two months before Christmas when my nineyearold Almie Row told her father and me she wanted a new bicycle._16_Christmas drew near, her desire for a new bicycle seemed to_17_or so, we thought. We bought the latest sage(鼠尾草), Babysitters Club dolls, and a doll house. The

8、n,_18 _, on December 23rd, she said that she_19_wanted a bike more than_20_else. It was just_21_late, what with all the details of preparing Christmas dinner and buying lastminute gifts, to take the time to_22_the“right bike”for our little girl. So, it was Christmas Eve around 900 pm., with Almie an

9、d her sixyearold brother, Dylan nestled snug in their beds. Now we could only_23_the bicycle and the_24_of our daughter.“_25_I make a little bicycle out of clay and write a note that she could trade in(折价换取)the clay_26_for a real bike? ” her dad asked.“Since this is a(n)_27_item and she issuch a big

10、 girl, it would be much better for her to pick it out.” So he spent the next four hours_28_working with clay to make a tiny bike.”On Christmas morning, we were_29_for Almie to open the little heartshaped package with the beautiful red and white clay bike and_30_. Finally, she opened it and read the

11、note aloud. “Does this mean that I_31_this bike that Daddy made me for a_32_one?”“Yes, ” I said.Almie_33_tears in her eyes when she replied, “I could never trade in this beautiful bicycle that Daddy made me. Id_34_keep this than get a real bike.” At the moment, we_35_heaven and earth to buy her ever

12、y bicycle on the planet!文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。在圣 诞节前夕,因 为未能给 心爱的女儿买自行车,作者的丈夫花了四个小时用橡皮泥为她做了一个自行车模型,结果令女儿非常感动。16A.As BWithCHaving DFor17A.disappear BarriveCfade Dlose18A.to our much surprise Bto be much surprisedCmuch to us surprise Dmuch to our surprise19A.specially BreallyCprobably Dmost20A.everything Bsome

13、thingCanything Dnothing21A.quite BratherCvery Dtoo22A.select BchooseCelect Dpick23A.regret Bthink ofCforget Dremember优质文档优质文档24A.disappointment BsadnessCsorrow Dsurprise25A.Only if BIf onlyCWhat if DIf what26A.madal BmottoCmetal Dmodel27A.common BexpensiveCordinary Dregular28A.painstakingly BhardlyC

14、patiently Deffectively29A.expecting BanxietyCexcited Deager30A.the word Bthe parcelCthe message Dthe note31A.trade in BtradeCexchange Duse32A.true BgoodCreal Dvalue33A.carried BhadCcried Dgot34A.better BratherClike to Dhave to35A.will have moved Bcould moveCwould have moved Dmoved.阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 40

15、分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhi le most high school students spend most of their time worrying about who likes who, and different relationships between their classmates, I choose to focus on my school lessons and sports.When I was young, my mother encouraged me to develop and keep friend

16、ship with boys in order to build strong relationships. But she told me not to risk a good friendship with a boy with the title of boyfriend. Its indeed a wise choice to stay friends with those of the opposite sex. In my opinion, even though some high school relationships might continue after graduat

17、ion, the probability of them lasting much longer is so slim that there really is not a point to it.Firstly you have to think about such a questionwhether it is possible to hurt of you, or even hurt both of your future husbands or wives. My second point is that you still can date if you hope marriage

18、 could possibly follow. Except this, there really is not any other reason for dating. Some students desire relationships for a chance to be romanti c. While these are nice to have, there are many more important things at this point in our lives.The titles of boyfriend and girlfriend put too much str

19、ess on a relationship between high school students. Just staying as common friends may be the best choice for us. I strongly recommend we should deal with it in an appropriate way and follow our teachers advice if necessary.文章大意:在很多高中生关注谁喜欢谁及同学之间不同的关系的时候, “我”选择学习和运动。 “我”认为同学间保持普通朋友关系是最好的。36The autho

20、r writes this passage probably for _ to read.优质文档优质文档Ahigh school studentsBschool teachersCparents and teachersDmarried couples37Between sexes, the relationship of being good friends might be _ than that of being boy/girlfriends.Aweaker BsaferCslimmer Dstronger38How does the writer like t he idea of

21、 dating among the students?ADating is a nice chance for students to be romantic.BStudying is far more important than dating in school.CIn high school dating can surely lead to future marriage.DDating in high school is sure to hurt your future family.39The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph m

22、ight refer to _.Athe title of boyfriend or girlfriend at schoolBadvice given by both teachers and parentsCthe pressure from school lessons and sportsDthe relationship between students of opposite sexesB(2010 全国)Along the river banks of the Amazon and the Orinoco there lives a bird that swims before

23、it can fly, flies like a fat chicken, eats green leaves, has the stomach of a cow and has claws (爪) on its wings when young. They build their homes about 4.6m above the river, an important feature (特征) for the safety of the young. It is called the hoatzin.In appearance, the birds of both sexes look

24、very much alike with brown on the back and cream and red on the underside. The head is small, with a large set of feathers on the top, bright red eyes, and blue skin. Its nearest relatives are the common birds, cuckoos. Its most striking feature, though, is only found in the young.Baby hoatzins have

25、 a claw on the leading edge of each wing and another at the end of each wing tip. Using these four claws, together with the beak (喙), they can climb about in the bushes, looking very much like primitive birds must have done. When the young hoatzins have learned to fly, they lose their claws.During t

26、he drier months between December and March hoatzins fly about the forest in groups of 20 to 30 birds, but in April, when the rainy season begins, they collect together in smaller living units of two to seven birds for producing purposes.40What is the text mainly about?AHoatzins in dry and rainy seas

27、ons.BThe relatives and enemies of hoatzins.CPrimitive birds and hoatzins of the Amazon.DThe appearance and living habits of hoatzins.41Young hoatzins are different from their parents in that _.Athey look like young cuckoosBthey have claws on the wingsCthey eat a lot like a cowDthey live on river ban

28、ks42What can we infer about primitive birds from the text?AThey had claws to help them climb.BThey could fly long distances.CThey had four wings like hoatzins.DThey had a head with long feathers on the top.43Why do hoatzins collect together in smaller groups when the rainy season comes?ATo find more

29、 good.优质文档优质文档BTo protect themselves better.CTo keep themselves warm.DTo produce their young.CAlbert Einstein said, “In the middle of every difficult lies opportunity. Once discovered, such opportunities are like valuable diamonds hidden in the sand.”Several years ago I spoke at church about how we

30、are surrounded by“diamonds”, if we could only recognize them. A man stopped by to see me. I remembered him as somebody who had suffered through a painful divorce and was examining his lifes priorities(优先考虑的事情). His outstretched hand contained a small, plastic gem stone.“I stepped on this gem stone w

31、hen I was leaving church last Sunday, ”he explained. “It became lodged in the sole(底 )of my shoe. You had spoken about recognizing opportunitiesdiamonds. I put the plastic stone in my pocket to remind me to look for those diamonds that I need.”“I have been trying to sell my business, ” he continued.

32、“On Monday morning, a man stopped by who seemed interested in purchasing some of my stock. I thought, Heres my diamonddont let it get away! I sold the entire stock to him by noon.”“Now, ” he said through a broad smile, “my next diamond is to find a new job!”Not long afterward, he did find a newand b

33、etterjob. He decided to keep his gem stone with him from then on as a reminder to look for diamonds as he digs through the difficulties of life.Richard DeVos is accurate when he points out, “This is an exciting world. It is crampacked with opportunity. Great moments wait around every corner.”Those m

34、oments are diamonds that, if left unrecognized, will be forever lost.Are you looking for diamonds every day? If not, you may easily pass them by! Perhaps there is a diamond of opportunity hidden in that difficulty youre experiencing now.文章大意:本文是篇记叙文。文章通 过一个在困境中寻找机遇的人的故事以及名人名言说明,机会在我们的生活中无 处不在,关 键在于好

35、好把握。44Which of the following would be the best title for the text?AMy Experience as a Church Speaker.BLooking for Diamonds .CA Small Plastic Gem Stone.DGood Luck Comes after Bad Luck.45What did the author talk about in his speeches at church?ATo have faith in God.BTo do business wisely.CTo recognize

36、 opportunities.DTo find peace of mind in difficult times.46Why did the man keep the plastic stone in his pocket?ABecause it was something quite expensive.BBecause he wanted to return it to the owner.CBecause it would bring him good luck.DBecause it could be used as an important reminder.47What do we

37、 know about the man during the time he listened to the authors speech?AHe was in difficult times.BHe had lost hope in life.CHe was in heavy debt.DHe was looking for chances to sell his business.DNEW YORK(Reters)The treasure that a New York City woman saved from the trasha stolen masterpiece by Mexic

38、an artist Rufino Tamayois expected to go for as much as $1 million at auction next month.Elizabeth Gibson will get a $15 000 reward for returning“Tres Personajes”(“Three 优质文档优质文档People”)to its rightful owners, as well as an undisclosed percentage of the auction price.Nearly four years ago Gibson was

39、 on her way to coffee when she spotted the painting among garbage bags set out for morning collection in her Upper West Side neighborhood.She walked by it at first but said she“immediately_knew_I_had_to_go_back. I knew I had to take it!”“It was huge, powerful and beautiful painting and I said to mys

40、elf, It is wrong to be in the garbage, ”Gibson told Reuters on Tuesday.Gibson, who had hung up the painting after her discovery, said she learned of its worth when research led her to the Website of“Antiques Roadshow FYI, ”a companion program to the PBS show “Antiques Roadshow.”Sothebys expert Augus

41、t Uribe had featured the painting on“Antiques Roadshow FYI”after it was stolen more than 20 years ago.“Tres Personajes”was returned to its owners, who wish to remain anonymous, and is expected to fetch between $750 000 and $1 million when Sothebys auctions it on November 20.If Gibson had not acted s

42、o quickly after spying the painting, it might have been lost forever. A doorman nearby later told her that garbage collectors had come along just 20 minutes after she had left with her new finding.文章大意:本文是篇新闻报道。介 绍了一位美国妇女在早上上班途中从垃圾箱中 发现了一幅 20 年前被盗窃的名画,并把它交给了合法继承人。48What would be the best title for t

43、he passage?AMasterpiece Found in Trash.BA Lucky Woman Got a Reward.CTreasure Returned by Nobleminded Woman.来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.KDGot Rich Overnight.49What do we know about“Tres Personajes”from the passage?AIt was hidden in the trash by the thief.BIt was worth nothing when it was first painted.CIt was sto

44、len from the painter.DIt was a small painting.50The underlined word“feature”in the passage probably means_.Aput up a“Lost ”notice aboutBshow.as something special or importantCreport the loss ofDtrack the trace of51When Gibson said“immediately knew I had to go back.”, she really means that_.Ashe knew

45、 it was a great artistic workBshe knew it would be taken away by the garbage collectors.Cshe wanted to check out what it really wasDshe sensed it was something of valueELatin America and other poor regions of the world will bear the impact of climate change, a top official from the organization that

46、 shared this years Nobel Peace Prize said Thursday.The Intergovernmental Panel(小组)on Climate Change, a UN network of scientists, was awarded the prize along with former US. Vice President Al Gore for their work warning the public of the perils of global warming.“The results of the IPCC show very cle

47、arly the impacts of climate change will be.much more severe for the poorest groups and Latin America is included in that, ”said IPCC vice chairman Mohan Munasinghe of Sri Lanka.He said water management issues were likely to be the most pressing problem caused by global warming in Latin America. Dry areas will become much drier and other areas will face increased floods and associated waterborne diseases like malaria and dengue fever.优质文档优质文档He said despite the problems facing Latin America, the region is very practical in addressing the iss


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