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1、11. Do you think that making music and art compulsory subjects in schools would reduce some childrens enjoyment of them?2. Bobs one of those people who relish risk and danger-hed be bored in a safe ,steady job.3. Elizabeth is certainly talented enough to succeed in her career; she just doesnt have e

2、nough confidence in her own abilities.4. Im sorry youre in trouble, but as you made your decision on your own youll just have to face the consequence.5. Many educators would be delighted to abolish exams, but they also worry that without them there would be too little incentive for students to work

3、hard.6. The teacher accidentally hit the boys hand with an eraser and was hence force known as “Dead-Eye Bean.”7. If I had money ,Id invest it all in internet companies.8. Psychologist say that our behavior is influenced by many factors too subtle for us to consciously perceive.9. Hes always had a p

4、assion for books. If he could work in a library, it would be a dream comes true.10. Look at those three whispering in the corner again-theyre scheming something, I just dont know what!11. In a healthy relationship,the partners strengths and abilities complement each other,rather than being identical

5、.12. Millions of dollars and lots of famous actors are not indispensable to the production of a successful film,but they help!13. I never felt i had a right to expect any special privileges because of my university education.14. The markeing strategy that Edward proposed would be brilliant if only h

6、e hadnt forgotten about good business ethics.15. Its true that not having a car imposes some constraints,but owning one also complicates life in many ways.16. According to Chinese law,every child is entitled to nine years of free edu.17. Life should consist of more than juse a stuggle for surrival.1

7、8. The sight of the helpless child aroused her maternal instinct .19. The winners of the contest were chosen randomly ,no consideration was given to age,gender or income.20. He has lost the use of his limbs but he is still in possession of all his faculties.21. Please give the highest priority to th

8、is very urgent.22. She enjoy parts of her trip to India,but said she she found the poverty she saw there rather depressing .23. When every student imagines that every other student is working harder and doing better, stress is the inevitable result.24. It is my firm conviction that violence is never

9、 a reasonable solution to conflict.25. Everyone jumped up when a piercing scream suddenly broke the silence,26. In many cultures a memorial service is a joyful celebration, not a solemn event.27. The recession has put increasing pressure on the job market, so employment prospects for this years grad

10、uates are unfortunately rather grim.28. If you keep too firm a grip on your children,229. I dont know what induced Altered to read your letter. Presumably he thought it was addressed to him,30. What are you thinking fo!?this medicine is much too potent for a small child!31. A large segment of the po

11、pulation reckoned at about 20%32. Before going on a camping trip, its wise to make sure youre well equipped for a wide range for emergencies.33. As soon as the director left the room, Sam commenced entertaining us with his wild stories.34. I talked to Alice last week incidentally, has she returned t

12、he book you lent her?35. My hobbies are watercolor painting and stamp collecting.36. Lisa has always had a peculiar sense of humor-she finds the strangest things amusing37. I wonder how she squeezes herself into such tight clothes-and why!38. I thought gadgets like microwaves and computers were mean

13、t to give us more leisure time,39. He wouldve won the race, but he stumbled and nearly fell just before he reached the finish line40. You shouldnt get discouraged just because you dont succeed the first time you try something new.41. Sorry, but I couldnt help overhearing your conversation.42. Comput

14、er games are fine for recreation, but some kids get completely obsessed with them and neglect all their other activities43. Families in which the woman is the sole wage earner have to cope with many social and financial pressures44. I had an accident last week and my bicycle got wrecked. Could I bor

15、row yours?45. He is under the illusion that it will be easy to find a job but hell soon discover how wrong he is.46. The coat was a real bargain; I got it for only $20!47. Its wasteful the way you throw so much food away!48. We need to cut down on our fuel consumption by having fewer cars in the roa

16、d49. Youd better simplify the instructions so that children can understand them50. It rained all afternoon, so we had to stay indoors.51. There is a large variety of good inexpensive restaurants around our campus.52. Since the US market has now been saturated; the drug dealers are looking to Europe5

17、3. I know I shouldnt eat chocolate cake when Im dieting, but I find it hard to resist temptation.54. Hed been working at the local hospital for the handicapped on a voluntary basis.55. I found a lot of the violence in the film totally unnecessary56. His house is furnished with things hes collected o

18、n his travels round the world.替换句子中的短语1. Lily has been.dating Richard regularly and exclusively 换 going steady with Richard.2. Fred and Jim didnt.eventually换 in time3. By leading .gave his enemy the advantage换 Played into his enemys hands.4. It was much more than she could have expected换 beyond her

19、wildest dream.5. Did you notice how Ann listened attentively to Michael.换 hung on Michaels work6. The photos he took .blurred换 out of focus 7. What do albatrosses eat .换 feed on 8. That car means everything to Chris.换 the apple of Chriss eye9. The prisoners entered the courtroom one by one.换 filed i

20、nto the courtroom10. She used to be .studying their collection in detail换 poring over their collection.311. The practice of taking a .catching on.12. It isnt always wise to take it for granted.13. The workers .on the grounds that it 改错,解释或同义词1.This report is based on a survey of one thousand readers

21、 by random/at random.(without any plan or criteria for selection)2.The titannic hit an iceberg and went under/went down(sank)3.Before we start our .hand aroud/hand out(distribute)4.The explosion was.in a distance from ten miles./at a distance of ten miles(ten miles away)5.As soon as.fend to themselv

22、es/fend for themselves(take care of themselves)6.The whole.gunned at/gunned down(fastened to)7.I cant.attached with/attached to(fastened to)8.Everyone is entitled by /is entitled(has a right to)9.The professor.at deep night/in the dead of night(very late at night)10.In a crowded.considerate for/be c

23、onsiderate of(care about)11.The end .all away/all along(from the first)12.After her fearsome for/fearful of(anxious about)13.Please excuse.around too many pressures/under too much pressure(stressed by too many worries)14.None of Lucys.were work for/worked on(affected)15.Its hard conceiving in/to con

24、ceive of(to imagine)16If he.bug it up/bug out(go crazy)WORD BUILDING1. The water here has to be purified before you can drink it.2. Im so familiar with the student that I can identify them by their footsteps.3. As the pressures on students continue to intensify, more and more of them are suffering f

25、rom problem with their health.4. The bystanders were horrified as they watched the car spin out if control and crash into a school tus.5. There are still arguments about whether bacteria should be classified as animals or plants.6. The story of Linda and Barbara exemplifies the way peer pressure and

26、 7. Merely putting up posters of movie stars in the dormitory and cafeteria is not what the campaign to beautify our campus is about.8. The government is planning to simplify the tax laws so that .9. The level.is proportionate10. His relationship.affectionate11. Her passionate speech on.12. Not ever

27、yone.collegiate 13. A good manager.irate14. Mpassionate填写句子1.if only to attract more readers即使仅仅为了吸引更多的读者。2.If only to get his two teeth filled即使只为了做一次简短的体检3.If only to make a good impression on his girlfriend即使只为给他女朋友留下一个好印象44.If only to warn others about how dangerous it is to be so careless即使只为了警

28、告别人粗枝大叶有多么危险5.If only to stop yourself getting so bored at home.j即使为了不再让自己在家中感到如此厌烦6.As far as your mother and i are concerned就我和你母亲而言7.As far as im concerned在我看来8.As far as the new development plan is concerned就新的发展计划而言完型一、 When you fall in love for .romantic future. CDDCA BBACC BCBBD BCC 二、real fe

29、minists can tell.from the cradle.BBDDD ABBBC CCCDD DCB四、the term liberal arts.exist_. CADBA ABDCB ACBDD AAD 七、last year i read a.own incompetent ways.CDADB CDCCD ADBDA ACBAD翻译句子Unit 1l、 汤姆去年转来我校,他全神贯注地听杨小姐上课并很快成了她最喜欢的学生。Tom (was) transferred to our school last year. He hung no Miss Youngs every word

30、 in class and soon became the apple of her eye.3、 当李先生去年开始涉足股市时,他做梦也没想到会变成百万富翁。Last year when Mr. Li first began his venture into the stock market, becoming a millionaire was beyond his wildest dreams.5、王子跟那位女演员保持确定的情侣关系已三年。没有任何东西能改变他们在下周结婚的决定。The prince has been going steady with the actress for th

31、ree years and nothing can alter their plan to get married next week.7、 大卫所有的同班同学都困惑不解 没有人想得出他怎么突然变成了优等生。All of Davids classmates are completely stumpedno one can work out how he became a top student overnight.Unit 2l、 独立生活的能力对于任何一个成年人来说都是必不可少的,但真正的成熟远远不只是一整套的生存策略。The ability to fend for oneself is i

32、ndispensable to any adult, but real maturity is more than just a set of survival strategies.3、你更注重个人的生活而不是学习,难怪你的成绩下降了。Youre giving more priority to your personal life than to your studies. No wonder your grades are suffering.5、美国的不少百万富翁都至少拥有两座房子和一架私人飞机。Quite a number of American millionaires own at

33、 least two houses and a private plane.7、没有任何实际理由要保留为女性开门的那种习俗,更不用说保留“妇女和儿童优先”的传统了。Theres no practical reason to perpetuate the custom of opening doors for women, let alone the tradition of “women and children first.”Unit 4l、我们想提醒亲爱的观众,敬请体谅他人,在晚上十点以后调低你的电视机音量。Wed like to remind our viewers to be cons

34、iderate to your neighbors and keep your TVs turned down after 10 p.m.3、顺便说一句,琳达是个腼腆的人,在那么多的生人面前讲话,她会感到不自然。5Incidentally / By the way, Linda is a shy person who might feel uneasy about speaking in the presence of so many strangers.5、现在的年轻人变得老成,他们确信成就是以拥有多少财产来衡量的。Young people nowadays are growing up o

35、ld, with the conviction that achievement is measured by how many possessions one owns.7、你现在必须马上做的是填好在你来时给你的表格。What you need to do right now is to fill in the forms you were given when you arrived.Unit 7l、只要你喜欢你的业余爱好,那么你不必因为你自己水平一般而感到羞愧。别人怎么看你无关紧要。As long as you enjoy your hobby, you dont have to fee

36、l ashamed of being mediocre at it. It doesnt matter what others think of you.3、我们都需要不时地进行某种锻炼来使自己保持身体健康。We all need some form of exercise every now and then to keep ourselves in good shape.5、 一两年前他才开始学画画,所以技法还未达到专业水准。你能给他指点指点吗?He only took up painting a couple of years ago, so his technique isnt up to professional standards. Can you gibe him some instruction?7、敬业当然是好的,但你不能让工作蚕食了你的全部休闲时间。Being committed to your job is fine, of course, but you shouldnt let work eat up all your leisure time.


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