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1、2015-2016 学年九年级上英语第一次月考卷 姓名 班级 一、单项填空 ( )1. What did Jane say to you last night? She asked me A. will I go to her party B. if I would go to her party C. that I would go to her party D. how would I go to her party( )2. Well have a picnic tomorrow. Do you know we will go for the picnic? How about ridi

2、ng bikes? It must be fun. A. how B. where C. why D. what( )3. My little cousin is a (an) boy and he always asks me all kinds of strange questions.A. creative B. curious C. energetic D. organized( )4. You never know how much difficulty we had the problem. Luckily, we managed to solve it with Ms Zhus

3、help.A. working out B. work out C. worked out D. to work out( )5. Thank you for sharing your ruler with me. Thats what friends are for.A. Never mind. B. It doesnt matter. C. Dont mention it D. All right.( )6.-Would you like some coffee or tea?-_. I prefer a glass of water.A. Neither B. Either C. Non

4、e D. Both ( )7. Wearing blue clothes can make _ easier to feel less stressed. I will wear a blue T-shirt today. A. that B. me C. it D. myself( )8. The teenagers usually have many problems at school, and they dont know _ them, so we should give them some help. A. what should they do with B. how shoul

5、d they do withC. what to deal with D. how to deal with( )9.-I think its impossible for us to work out the plan in just two days. Its too difficult. -Youre right. We cant be _ careful and hard while working on it.A. so B. very C. too D. more( )10. _ your parents strict_ you _ your study?A. Is, with,

6、in B. Are, in, with C. Is, in, with D. Are, with, in( )11.-Mum, I think Im _ to get back to school.- Oh, my dear. Youd better stay at home for another day.A. so well B. so good C. well enough D. good enough( )12. - Do you mind if I sit here?- _.Its for Mr. Brown.A. Not at all B. Never mind C. Better

7、 not D. Of course not( )13.- Id love to go to Hawaii for a holiday.-But I doubt if we could_ something like that.A. allow B. offer C. afford D. cost ( )14.- You dont know what great difficulty I had _ to get the two tickets.- But the film is really worth_ twice.A. managing; seeing B. to manage; seei

8、ngC. managing; being seen D. managed; to be seen( )15.Marry failed the exam yesterday.Give her a phone call. She requires _.A. to cheered up B. to cheer up C. cheering up D. cheered up( ) 16. I am afraid theres _with my bike. Can you come and have a look?A. wrong anything B. anything wrong C. wrong

9、something D. something wrong( ) 17. Mr. Ma prefers _ his dog after supper _ him relaxed every day.A. walking; to making B. walking; than making C. walk; than make D. to walk; to make( ) 18. You can never imagine what great difficulty I have _ your house.A. found B. finding C. to find D. for finding(

10、 ) 19. He would not mind _the windows. _ you agree _me?A. to close; Do; to B. close; Are; with C. close; Are; to D. closing; Do; with( ) 20. I prefer western food. Its delicious and good for us._ ? But western food is said to be high in sugar and fat.A. Is that right B. How do you know that C. Do yo

11、u really think so D. Who told you that二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项, 填涂在答题卡相应位置。Once there was a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. Many artists 1 . The king looked at all the pictures. But there were only two he really liked, and he had to

12、 choose 2 them.One picture was of a 3 lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful high mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with white soft clouds. All that saw this picture 4 it was a perfect picture of peace.The other picture had 5 , too. But these were rugged (崎岖的) and bare (光秃的)

13、. Above was an angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played. Down the side of the mountain was a waterfall This did not look peaceful 6 . But when the king looked closely, he saw behind the waterfall a bush 7 in the crack (裂缝) in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nes

14、t (鸟窝). She sat on her nest, watching the running water.After the king compared the two pictures 8 , he chose the second picture 9 explained, “Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means when facing unhappy situations, you can still be calm in you

15、r 10 . That is the real meaning of peace.“1. A. argued B. invited C. tried D. invented2. A. between B. except C. within D. through3. A. calm B. round C. small D. deep4. A. announced B. thought C. doubted D. promised5. A. lakes B. clouds C. mirrors D. mountains6. A. at all B. at last C. at once D. at

16、 present7. A. lying B. growing C. dying D. moving8. A. actively B. carefully C. angrily D. widely9. A. so B. but C. or D. and10. A. voice B. world C. heart D. view三、阅读理解 (A)Once there was an old farmer, with a horse which was almost as old as himself.He set out one morning with his son to sell the h

17、orse before it died. Fatherand son walked, because the farmer did not want the horse to be too tired.They met two men on the road who said, “Why are you walking, farmer? You havea horse, Its a long way to the market(市场). “The farmer know that this was true,so he rode on the horse, while his son walk

18、ed.Then they met two old women, “What are you doing up there, farmer? Cant yousee how tired your boy is?“ So the farmer got down, and his son rode instead.Next, three old men stopped them, one said, “Why are you walking, farmer?Get up, Its too hot for an old man like you to walk today,“ So the farme

19、r gotup behind his son, and they rode on.Some time later, a young woman passed them, “Why arent you walking?“ sheasked, “It isnt far to the market. Give your poor horse a rest. “So the farmer, and his son, got down once again. It is a fact that you cannot please all the people all the time.( ) 1.The

20、 farmer was .A. very nearly the same age as his horse B. a little younger than his horseC. not as old as his horse D. a rich man( )2. The farmer wanted to sell the horse _.A. before it was dead B. before it become too tiredC. before it market was over D. before it was as old as he was( ) 3. The two

21、men on the road _.A. asked how far it was to the marketB. said they thought the horse looked very tiredC. asked why the farmer was not riding on his horseD. told the farmers son to get off the horse and walk(B)Mary didnt understand such sentences as “She is blue today”, “You are yellow”, “He has a g

22、reen thumb”, “He has told a white lie” and so on. And she went to the teacher Mrs. James for help. Mary: Mrs. James, there is a colour in each of the sentences. What do they mean?Mrs. James: In everyday English, Mary, blue sometimes means sad, yellow afraid. A person with a green thumb grows plants

23、well and a white lie is not a bad one.”Mary: Im afraid I dont understand them all. Would you give me an example for “a white lie”?Mrs. James: Certainly. Now I just give you some cakes. In fact you dont like it, but you dont want to let me know it. Instead you say, “No, thanks. Im not hungry.” Thats

24、a white lie.Mary: It sounds very interesting. Thanks very much. Mrs. James: You are welcome. Colours are meaningful. I think you will meet more sentences like these in the future. Please come to me if you have any questions. ( )4. Blue sometimes means sad in _ English. A. good B. spoken C. usual D.

25、poor( )5. I dont have a green thumb, so all my plants _. A. die off B. grow well C. look nice D. are good( )6. David is yellow and he is _ to climb the tall tree!A. happy B. clever C. brave D. afraid( )7.He didnt like me to know _ of the accident. He told me a white lie at last. A. the reason B. the

26、 true story C. the meaning D. the answer(C)According to scientists research, the month in which babies are born could affect them in some ways. Babies born in spring get sick easily. Children born under Aquarius (Jan. 21stFeb. 19th) may be less clever than those born in other seasons. They may also

27、have shorter lives than those born in autumn. Scientists believe many of the differences can be explained by the mothers exposure to sunlight in pregnancy (怀孕). Sunlight helps lead to the production of vitamin D in the body. The lack (缺乏) of vitamin D in the first months of life may have a bad effec

28、t on health. Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin”. It has a good effect on health. A study showed that people born from April to June had slightly shorter lives than those born in October, November or December. Similar studies in the US showed that people born in autumn lived about 160 days lo

29、nger than those born in spring.Professor Russell Foster said the conclusions were surprising and interesting. He added, “These are small effects but they are very, very clear. I am not giving voice to star signs and they are just for fun. But it is true that we are affected by our season of birth.”(

30、 )8. A childs season of birth can affect all the following things EXCEPT_ according to the first two paragraphs.A. his health B. his height C. his length of life D. his quality of being clever ( )9. What does the underlined word “exposure” mean in Chinese?A. 偏爱 B. 抗拒 C. 过敏 D. 暴露( )10. What can we kn

31、ow about vitamin D according to the passage? A. It comes from sunlight. B. It helps people live longer.C. Sunlight prevents its production. D. It does harm to peoples health. ( )11. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. People can know the length of life by star sign.B. Women should choose to giv

32、e birth to children in spring.C. A childs season of birth has an effect on him or her. D. Vitamin D is very important to peoples health. (D)How often do you change your hairstyle or ask for new clothes? Do you care much about fashion? A recent survey among high school students in China, Japan, South

33、 Korea and the US found that Asian teenagers cared more about their appearance (外表) than teenagers in the US. The survey was made in 156 high schools in the four countries. South Koreans cared most about their appearance. They were followed by the Chinese and Japanese, while US students showed the l

34、east interest in fashion.“The different results show the differences of cultural backgrounds (文化背景),”said Sun Yunxiao from the China Youth and Children Research Centre.He explained that in the US there are many different standards (标准) of beauty, so teens are more likely to be confident about their

35、appearance. About 85% of American teens are happy with themselves. Besides, most US students agree that people should follow their own interests rather than those of others. “According to the survey, Chinese students are happy and disciplined (有纪律的). They have a strong desire to make a difference. B

36、ut Chinese students depend on their parents too much, so they need to be more independent. Besides, they should learn how to relax,” said Sun.( )12. Which country isnt mentioned? A. China. B. Japan.C. England. D. America. ( )13. Most think people should follow their own interests rather than those o

37、f others.A. Chinese students B. American studentsC. Japanese students D. Koreans ( )14. Which of the following is NOT true about Chinese students according to the survey?A. They are happy and disciplined. B. They should learn to relax.C. They ask their parents for too much. D. They show the least in

38、terest in fashion. ( )15. What can we learn from the passage?A. The survey came from four countries.B. Japanese students cared most about their appearance.C. American students werent interested in fashion at all. D. Cultural backgrounds didnt influence students views about fashion.四、词汇运用 A)根据句意,用括号中

39、所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。1. At the very beginning of the new term, each student had to give a short _ (speak) to introduce himself to his new classmates. 2. My cousin likes reading. He is thought to be a boy of _(wise).3. All the teachers in the school are trying to make their lesson_(live) and interesting.

40、4. When were working on our problems, we had better stay _ (wake), especially when we have exams. 5. The students are working in pairs of four to enjoy the natural beauty in _ (silent) now, then theyll talk about how to write about it.B)根据句意,或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空填一词。6.These young people are all the _

41、(先锋) in this new field. 7.The _(决定) you have made dont seem so good. You need to be more thoughtful.8. 11. The scientists have _ (发现) a new way to solve the problem.9. Knowing how to use _ (字典) will be of great help to learning English. 10. He _ (怀疑) if he would learn anything new from Marie when he

42、 was at school.五、任务型阅读 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。As a teenager, youre trying to learn who you are. Youre going through mental and physical changes. Youre dealing with different kinds of stress and trying to succeed in school.The good news is that though the teen years are tough, there are skills y

43、ou can learn to make them a lot easier.If youre a teen and trying to manage your feelings better, here are a few skills for you to deal with your feelings.Name the feeling.What feeling are you experiencing? For example, are you sad, stressed. Angry, joyful or excited?Accept what youre feeling.Many p

44、eople worry that their feelings will increase. So they are not willing to accept them, hoping that theyll just go away. However, thats impossible. Remind yourself that its OK to feel your feelings.Become familiar with your feelings.To better understand your feelings, you should pay attention to your

45、 feelings all over the day. You may record how youre feeling in the morning, afternoon and at night on a piece of paper. Next to your feeling, also write down where you notice it in your body.Express your feelings.Expressing a feeling is a good way to reduce it. For example, you can express your feelings by crying, exercising, writing about them or talking to someone you trust


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