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1、1Unit 8 My Forever ValentineKey to the ExercisesText comprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose of writing.BII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. FIV. Explain in your own words the following sent

2、ences.1. The festival that really delighted him was Valentines Day.2. My first memory of the joy Dad brought to me on Valentines Day goes back to the year when I was six.3. That box and its contents led to a series of memories which were a mixture of the sweet ones and the bitter ones.4. As I was ge

3、tting older, the gifts were replaced by heart-shaped boxes.VocabularyI. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. regarded him as2. brought back to mind a series of experiences, both happy and unhappy, one after another3. aroused your strong emotion and made you cry4. were gr

4、adually replaced by5. to a greater degreeII. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. legible 2. timed3. surpassing4. sensed5. relegated6. signaled7. perfunctory8. generosity9. teasing10. markIII. Choose a word or phrase that best complet

5、es each of the following sentences. 1-4 CDBB 5-8 ABADIV. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in its appropriate form and note the difference in meaning between them.1. a. formed b. shaping c. formed d. shaped2. a. contest b. competition c. competition d. contest3. a. memories

6、 b. memory c. recollection d. recollection4. a. cheap b. cheap c. inexpensive d. inexpensive2V. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. rich (well-prepared, complicated, complex)2. unpleasant (displeasing, disagreeable, bitter, nasty)3. slacken

7、 (decelerate)4. coldly (bitterly, hatefully, spitefully)5. lovely (lovable, attractive)6. shame (disgrace, humiliation) 7. indifferent (half-hearted, thoughtless)8. selfishness (greediness, meanness)VI. Rephrase each of the following sentences with the word given in brackets.1. We insist on having y

8、our answer tonight at the latest.2. My father is going to let me borrow his car tonight.3. We look upon it as a wonderful opportunity.4. You surely dont want a fifth ice cream, do you?5. There is hardly anything in the house to eat tonight.6. This block of flats now belongs to the bank.7. Should we

9、really freeze this sort of food?8. Dont bother to telephone me when you arrive.GrammarII. Match the conditions with the results and make up conditional sentences.1. If you lower the temperature of water to 0, it freezes. 2. If you fly west, you gain time.3. If it rains, I stay at home.4. If water bo

10、ils, it vapourizes. 5. If your documents are in order, you may leave at once. 6. If there is a shortage of any product, the price of that product goes up. 7. If you heat ice, it turns to water. 8. If you are waiting for a bus, youd better join the queue. III. Put the verbs into the correct form.1. p

11、our2. will be 3. will pick4. will/shall go5. is to be done6. had7. is to win 8. rained 9. cries10. wasIV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.1. wouldnt have printed 2. had read 3. will happen4. will fall5. comes6. gets7. wouldnt buy 8. had3V. Highlight the underlined parts in the follo

12、wing sentences using it + be +.+ that1. It is that special place in your heart that makes them beautiful.2. It was on the day my first son was born that I put them into the soil.3. It was by train that we reached Istanbul.4. It was the headmaster who gave us leave to go to the concert.5. It is becau

13、se hes been working too hard that hes feeling unwell.6. It is his grandfathers skills that he has inherited.7. It was in 1960 that he first achieved his fame as a writer. 8. It was at Waterloo that Napoleon was finally defeated. TranslationI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 然而,情人节是

14、爸爸向在他的生活中具有特殊意义的人表达爱的日子。2. 那个盒子以及里面的东西激起一连串既苦涩又甜美的回忆,令我想起自己是如何涉入到在同学中争宠的竞赛中去,以收到的情人卡的数量来表现自己的人气;令我想起男女同学间关于男女朋友的相互调侃以及我对班上最酷的男孩送给我的卡片的钟情。3. 我慢慢长大了,装满我喜欢吃的巧克力的心形盒子取代了那些小礼品,而且总有一张特殊的卡片,上面写着“爱你的爸爸” 。4. 那张卡令我想起当父亲是多么特别,我的父亲以他慷慨大度的精神、善解人意的简朴举止以及对与他一生相关的人们表达幸福的能力延续了关爱的传统,那张卡令我想起自己有这样一位父亲在过去的岁月里对我意味着什么。II.

15、 Translate the following sentences into English.1. At Christmas people enjoy themselves very much; they visit one another and present each other with Christmas cards and presents.2. The walls of her bedroom and living room are all decorated with pictures of pop stars and film stars.3. Sophia teased

16、Tom about his new hat mildly, but Tom teased her about her curly hair unmercifully.4. He had attained remarkable achievements which surpassed the goal he had set for himself.5. He kept crying bitterly, and I tried to persuade him not to give way to grief. 6. I took it for granted that you would like

17、 to see the play, so I bought you a ticket.7. They have relegated these problems somewhere down on the priority list.8. I am going to address the letter to Donna in care of her lawyer.9. I dont know why telling her the news put a lump in my throat.10. Sailors signal with flags by day and with lights

18、 at night.Integrated skillsI. DictationI believe my father is a talented man. / He is decisive and efficient in doing things. / By his own talents and efforts, / he has secured for the family a good social position / and a comparatively rich life. / People of all fields come to my house, / and from

19、them I have gained lots of valuable social experience / and seen a lot of joys and sorrows of the world. 4But at home he is a harsh parent. / He has high expectations of me. / When I am idling away my time, / I can see that it hurts him deeply. / When I am doing something great, / such as writing a

20、book, / he is more than excited. / With such a father, / I always remind myself that I must go on and on, never give up. / II. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.1. love2. sender3. whether4. out 5. letting6. tend7. as8. believed9. which10. allWritingImprove t

21、he following stringy sentences by any method or combination of methods.1. We must accept the facts and our enormous energy requirements, but it is also important not to forget that attempts to economize on safety provisions in such hazardous industries result in increased risks, and these increased

22、risks may result in terrible tragedy, even in disasters whose consequences exceed national boundaries, although it is certainly true that a nuclear power station working safely, without accident, is ecologically one of the cleanest of all industrial plants.2. Whether it is deceiving yourself or dece

23、iving others, deception requires much time and energy and because deception never really achieves anything of value, it is a great waste of your precious life and resources, but instead, youd better put that time and energy into successfully dealing with the truth, because after all, youll have to d

24、eal with it eventually, and the sooner you begin the more youll be able to accomplish.3. Giving is more than merely offering objects and when you give, give your time, your attention, your love, compassion, consideration, patience and respect and give a part of yourself, and you will not ever lose i

25、t, because that part of you takes on greater influence and value as it touches other lives beyond your own.4. Almost every high school student wants to go to college, and tension and anxiety build to a ridiculous point in college candidates, and this spoils their final year in high school. Listening

26、Valentines DayA. Listen to Part A first, and supply the missing information.Date of observance: February 14th“Valentines”: a romantic card decorated with hearts, flowers or birdsa heart-shaped box of chocolate candiesa bouquet of flowers tied with red ribbonMessages: Be My ValentineBe My SweetheartB

27、e My LoverWill you be my valentine?Signatures: Guess whoSymbols: Cupid Roman God of Love5arrow of loveheartB. Now listen to Part B, and fill in the blanks with what you hear.get the stories; come to believe; a Christian priest; around 250 AD; refused to allow; to get married; turned to Christianity; be married secretly; discovered; put in prison; wrote notes; marking on leaves; throwing them out; shaped like a heart


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